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dan evans

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About dan evans

  • Birthday 03/05/1950

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  • Location
    Portland Oregon
  • Interests
    Aviation, History ,Science, automobiles

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  1. great job i am building the Robert E lee but it is an Amati kit. Thousands of tiny planks.
  2. I have not added to this blog in weeks . Recently I came up with a way to create the panels in a faster way. the strips are very small and are hard to line up on the boxes. So what I do is glue the strips to paper in two and three strip bundles. then i use a cutting jig to cut as many pieces that I need to go around the windows. This keeps the strips in line and looks better. I hope this helps anyone taking on this model.
  3. its a glencoe kit . I built it in three days for a friend. Added the chains for anchors otherwise its out ogf the box. good eye
  4. The next section is the construction of the various decks in the stern. These section are built up boxes. They are very solid . They will later be planked with beuatiful windows added.
  5. I started the kit with the building of the hull. It is a solid hull. with three sections of the first deck. The bottom is painted black and top half white. The rudder is attached with brass hinges.
  6. After finishing the side wheeler Portland i decided to build a smaller model of the Robert E Lee by Amati. The kit is very detailed with great metal parts and good plans. There is a english and Italian plan set. The drawing are in Italian but you can cross reference from the english to Italian. The different decks are built as individual boxes. The bluejackect model had slab sides which made it rather difficult at times. This is my 8th wooden ship . I woould recommend this kit to anyone wishing to build a paddle wheelr.
  7. hi Norm just got back from Lake Tahoe. As to the walking beam engine. I think it is one of the most interesting aspects of the ship. The opening looking down is rather narrow. If you leave that way it will limit the veiw of the engine. on my building I cut away some of that to allow the veiwer a clearer picutre of the engine and the room. I used a lot of wire and scrap peices from erector sets and old ships. I also used evergreen plastci to form the crank levers. the only thing i used from the kit was the brass walking beam which I thicken with plastci strip. You can go as crazy as you like Good luck
  8. very nice pics of the naval museum those are some asmazing models. The walking beam engine shows a lot of detail as far as the bolts and rivets. Also i like the control levers. great share. The Poprtland is almost done should have pictures soon. Dan
  9. Grampa phil this is Dan the Portland ship builder. nice work on your scratch building I m impressed with what you have taken on
  10. i started rigging the upper deck. I use a technique for making seizing that might save time for other builders. What i do is measure the thickness of the line i am going to use. Then i find a drill bit that is 2x or more the size of the line. I put this bit in a vice and then drill a hole in some scrap wood and slide it over the shaft. This will be used to pull the siezing tube off the the shaft. Next i wax the shaft so the glue doesn't stick to the shaft. Then i wrap some thin thread around the shaft until its completely covered. I also use small clamps for weight to keep the line from unraveling. Next i put some thinCA glue on the tthread . This stifffens the tube. In about a minute I pull it off. You can the tube with its ends . These are trimmed off . The tube is then cut into what lenght i want. The line is coated at then ends to stiffen it and then is threaded into the tube making a loop. this is put into an eye blot and adjusted as needed . The finsihed tube is secured with a small amount of CA.
  11. I started rigging and placing the life boats last night. One thing i did not like was the metal single pulleys I replaced them with scale size wooden pulleys i had from some other build. There is a line that support the davits and the pulleys also pass through that same hole in the davits. To attach the pulleys i used a thin black wire. the top pulley is attached to the davit and ring is at the bottom. You can make these by twisting wire. the bottom pulley on the boats has a hook attaching it to the boat. I also made cleats for the davit to tie the rope coils to. these were made from wire filled with glue and painted . Hope you like the effect.
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