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    md1400cs got a reaction from dafi in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    High everyone,
    A small, again retro, update, It seems that I still do not have enough nails in the hull, I knew that (:-). Marktiedens you're certainly laughing....
    But, I did not want to add many new brass nails. The only black nails that are available are too large. JanV with his brilliant idea using Brass Black on his build log (Big Thanks to You Jan) was able to chemically blacken metal parts, especially brass with this product. Perfect solution for my build as well.
    I ordered a bottle. Amazing stuff. In less than a minute much smaller, and much more within scale brass nails were turned black.  So I've been adding these to the larger longitudinal timbers along the hull. I might now remove some of the larger ones, and replace them with a bit smaller ones as an attempt to properly re-scale this effort. The larger nails are a bit out of scale, as had been pointed out to me way back when. I know that many of the "holes" are treenails, but for this build that detail is much too late. Hmmm.
    Here are a few pics of the Lanström drawing, the 1:1, the 1/10th, and a few of mine, a work still in progress, again thanks for dropping by my shipyard.

  2. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi everyone,
    Well it took about forty years, but I finally took some pics of my first build. Here are a couple of pics. I will put some together and post them in the completed ships section in the next couple of days. I was in my early 20s and it was the Mantua Santa Maria. She has been untouched in all of these years. She held up fairly well. 

  3. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Here are a few updated pics. The stern is coming along. As I've mentioned before, I regret not painting the red portions of the hull +. But as we a all know looking in retrospect all is very clear. The brown wood was my compromise.Mmmm lots of work here. The Vasa must have been a beautiful site, for an hour or so
    Having all of these museum sources makes it much easier to assist in the colors
    It's hard to tell here, but I actually added a flat clear to the lions. The pics don't really show that too well
    I added a small strip of wood to the gallery edges. The same will be added to the upper ones

  4. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    FYI  here's a close up of the nails

  5. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Update on painting the figures
    I think that this will look ok. close up it’s easy to see flaws, but with the naked eye, sorta works. So only 65 more to go (:-)
    I'm glad that I followed your trends, deciding to paint these. Though, for my next build I will look for a ship that doesn’t require all of this painted art. I would LOVE to do the SOS...but that is such an intimidating project. The two that I'm following here are really spectacular.
    OK time for more painting. Ruff on the old eyes; two hours and I'm cooked for the session.
    PS: the figures on the ship are not attached, just placed in approx. locations

  6. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Here is the update for the stern windows. I think that these shapes are more closely inline with the original. I prefer this look rather than from those that came with the kit. No need for redundant notes along with each pic, as they are self-explanatory. 
    However, the grid that I used was purchased at a fabric store; nylon web which is embedded in a soft plastic. When I saw it, I thought that it might work ok. PS: I had to buy enough for 1000+ Wasa windows....The glass panes were created using "window Maker" Something that I learned about on MSW. Excellent idea.
    Parts of the wood framing went "south" because I got way too enthusiastic with the sandpaper, while trying to thin down the face of the frames. So, what were straight inside framing lines lost some of their inside straight edges - Mmmm. But I did not want to start all over again. Also, I rationalized that the soldiers standing by the windows will partially hide the poor craftsmanship. I will install four soldiers who will be crowding the sides of the windows.
     You may also note that the gallery figures have been removed from the bobbinets from previous pics. I decided to remove the cartoonish colors that I did not like. I think that these will have to have the "aged" look. There is just not enough detail with which to paint on. I know, the ship had no age. (:-) Though my wife suggested that I leave it in the bathtub for the next 300 years to get the "right look".
    That aside, I have also decided to follow in some of your footsteps, and paint the 40 or so soldiers that decorate the ship. I started with the two large figures that stand aside each window. Those will be easy by comparison to the majority of the smaller figures.
    I'm looking at the 1:10th to help with colors and details. The 1:10th window soldiers seem to have dark purple clothing. I was out of that so black suited they became. The 1:10th is a very intimidating reference (granted its a huge model) oh and so stunning!!
    Having really looked at the figures, I note that for all-intense-and-purposes many of the Corel supplied figures are close approximations to the 1/1. So I stand corrected from my previous remarks regarding some of the gilded pieces as being "not correct".
    So, next up will be painting the other stern, and gallery figures. Then build the upper galleries, and their respective bobbinets. From there, on to finishing some deck details that have been omitted from the out-of-the-box kit. As usual thanks for looking.

  7. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    I have been working on the stern windows, the stern gilded figures (I decided to try painting them). I took a side trip and installed the stern canon doors. Here are some pics.
    The photos are self-explanatory. However FYI the nails and the bending tool were acquired through Micromark.com
    You may also note that that the port side door (the pic in which I drilled the rope inlet, well that door was sprung too low. Darn thing would not close, so I will re-do that sucker...Nonetheless it gives you the idea.
    I will post pics of the revised and re-designed stern windows next.
    PS: I learned about watering down the glue to secure the rope wrappings on MSW  Such a treasure chest of great ideas. Thanks to all of you, my sages.

  8. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Andre Thanks, appreciate your comment.
    OUCH accident the other day. i was working on the re-install of the stern windows, and the bow was vertically down on the carpet, with the ship between my knees. I moved a bit to quickly and heard a loud snap. Broke the tip of the bow. Here are so me pics of my fix.
    I was initially going to use a wood dowel, and then thought the better of it, and inserted a brass tube. Pics are self explanatory. This week I will change the windows. I thought of a solution to the dilema from a previous post. Regards to all
    Michael D 

  9. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    This set kinda brings some of the previous work up to date. In retrospect I see errors, but I'm my own worse critic. For example the toilets are very wrongly placed. The anchor rope outlets are not correct. Lastly the lower supporting longitudinal bowsprit braces need to be re-worked. The tips cracked, and look rough.So my repair list keeps growing.
    However I'm seeing such fabulous work on this site; such a pleasure to see; I am learning so much. For example rigging Mmmm there are so many experts here. Thanks to all of you who post your updates, lov em.

  10. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Decided to try again with the stern windows. The kit offerings were too wide, incorrectly framed, and just didn't look right. No solution has come to mind. But I need to make them thinner, and the framing has to be thought out again. Here are two pics. One of which is my original install and the other, of course, is the gutted out "to be fixed" pending solution.
    I also made a mistake with the gallery hight. Too late Mmmm. If anyone has any suggestions they would be surely appreciated (:-)

  11. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    I'm posting in retrospect. Close to catching up to the effort so far. Please note that the plain cannons are the
    ones that come with the kit. I will be replacing the deck cannons  with the one in the pic. Not Swedish, but closer to the actual ones. I will also alter the carriages to more closely represent those from the ship. 
    This, only my second build, has been really helped by all of the available data. Data that are so helpful. I am also learning a lot from seeing some of your projects. Oh my some of you are astonishing artists.





  12. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from archjofo in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Here are some modifications that I have made to the stern of the Corel Wasa. It was woefully incorrect. It is still not "right" but I think that this is an improvement over the "out of the box" build.
    I had initially been prepared to build, right from the instructions, and I did so. But as I proceeded I became dissatisfied and re-did certain sections. The stern was my first change, as this part did not effect other already assembled areas. 
    I am alson now removing the rear windows, as they are too wide, don't have enough inner frames and, they dont allow for the correct amount od soldiers standing along side. Though I think that this won't change. The problem lies within Corel's too narrow stern sizing. This was unavoidable, even before the start, because it would have been impossible to see this outcome before construction.
    Also the gilded pieces that I used are not correct, but (:-) so it goes.I don't know how to add comments with each photo, but this progresses from the original kit through my mods.
    PS: The chain is hanging because it will be replaced with a black one. Though I think that in the 16th cent. they might have used rope? Does anyone know (:-)

  13. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from archjofo in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Here are some of the details that I decided to incorporate on my Corel Wasa. The bobinettes from the kit were incorrect. I used photos of the original as reference. Also, the Corel gilded pieces are also incorrect as additions to the Galeries. Here are pics of my attempt. Again, thanks for looking

  14. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from archjofo in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    here are a few more pics. Thank you for looking

  15. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from archjofo in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hello everyone. I am posting 2 pics of my Corel. I want to get it right and then I will add more pics. This is my second build. I completed a Mantua Santa Maria many year ago. 
    This Wasa has been a lot of fun. I have torn sections out and rebuilt them as I have been able to view so many photos of the real ship. The stern, for example is wrong in the Corel kit. OK let's see if my first pics posts.

  16. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from marktiedens in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Thanks, no she has resided within her own protected home for many years. Though she has travelled across the Atlantic twice. A small pea within a huge container ship.
    Please note (for our U.K. members) that small painting on the staircase wall (the yellow building). We had a flat in this building located in Saint John's Wood (NW8). Apparently Bonaparte II slept there at one time, so the building got "listed". It took us almost two months to get approved to have a TV cable hooked up to the flat. This was back in the mid 90's much has changed in NW8 from what I understand. A wonderful elderly gentleman did the painting for us. I so loved living in London, a great moment in my family's lives. The building is called Eagle House.

  17. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from WackoWolf in HMS Unicorn by ZyXuz - Corel - Scale 1:75   
    Very nice update. Very creative idea. Looks brilliant.
  18. Like
    md1400cs reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Here we went on in the lower deck, getting tighter ...
    ...first table dummies ...

    ... followed by some real model making ...

    ... first sitting trials ...

    ... and tight we go.



    bom apetite! 
  19. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from riverboat in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Thanks, no she has resided within her own protected home for many years. Though she has travelled across the Atlantic twice. A small pea within a huge container ship.
    Please note (for our U.K. members) that small painting on the staircase wall (the yellow building). We had a flat in this building located in Saint John's Wood (NW8). Apparently Bonaparte II slept there at one time, so the building got "listed". It took us almost two months to get approved to have a TV cable hooked up to the flat. This was back in the mid 90's much has changed in NW8 from what I understand. A wonderful elderly gentleman did the painting for us. I so loved living in London, a great moment in my family's lives. The building is called Eagle House.

  20. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from Jeronimo in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Beautiful work, as always.
  21. Like
    md1400cs reacted to Michiel in Prins Willem 1650 by Michiel - 1:50 - POB Zeeland ship from own plans   
    Some weeks ago I started working on the guns for the main deck. Here's short impression of the progress and methods.



    As for the wheels, I have been trying for a while to find a satisfactory way to have them both round, centered, and 'ringed'. Here's what I came up with after some experimenting:
    I guess the images speak for themselves, If not please feel free to ask any question.
    They are made of pear, 3mm axis, 6mm ring, 8mm total diameter







  22. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from kier in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi everyone,
    Thanks for the nice words about my first attempt.
    I just posted several pics in the completed ships section, if you care to visit that would be very kind.
    Nigel she looks as she did forty years ago. I attempted, then to "age" her a bit. The stairs for example. I also used an air brush to highlight certain areas with stain, then Watco oil to preserve the wood.The oil was rag applied.
    Then finished the rigging. My nineteen year old girlfriend did the sewing for the sails (She's still by my side). The only changes are with some of the rigging which has lost some of its original color and "relaxed a bit. I hesitate to go in and adjust things.
    Here are a couple more pics. Thanks for dropping in. Its been almost a time capsule looking ship, hard to believe that it was such a long time ago. A couple for footnotes; I paid $70.00 USD, and I only had sandpaper, a basic Dremel and rarzor blades. Whoa how our hobby has improved with helpful machines. I note that this ship is still being produced today with full color booklet instructions (:-)
    OK now back to the Vasa.

  23. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from Salty Sea Dog in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi everyone,
    Well it took about forty years, but I finally took some pics of my first build. Here are a couple of pics. I will put some together and post them in the completed ships section in the next couple of days. I was in my early 20s and it was the Mantua Santa Maria. She has been untouched in all of these years. She held up fairly well. 

  24. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from Salty Sea Dog in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi everyone,
    Thanks for the nice words about my first attempt.
    I just posted several pics in the completed ships section, if you care to visit that would be very kind.
    Nigel she looks as she did forty years ago. I attempted, then to "age" her a bit. The stairs for example. I also used an air brush to highlight certain areas with stain, then Watco oil to preserve the wood.The oil was rag applied.
    Then finished the rigging. My nineteen year old girlfriend did the sewing for the sails (She's still by my side). The only changes are with some of the rigging which has lost some of its original color and "relaxed a bit. I hesitate to go in and adjust things.
    Here are a couple more pics. Thanks for dropping in. Its been almost a time capsule looking ship, hard to believe that it was such a long time ago. A couple for footnotes; I paid $70.00 USD, and I only had sandpaper, a basic Dremel and rarzor blades. Whoa how our hobby has improved with helpful machines. I note that this ship is still being produced today with full color booklet instructions (:-)
    OK now back to the Vasa.

  25. Like
    md1400cs got a reaction from WackoWolf in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi everyone,
    Thanks for the nice words about my first attempt.
    I just posted several pics in the completed ships section, if you care to visit that would be very kind.
    Nigel she looks as she did forty years ago. I attempted, then to "age" her a bit. The stairs for example. I also used an air brush to highlight certain areas with stain, then Watco oil to preserve the wood.The oil was rag applied.
    Then finished the rigging. My nineteen year old girlfriend did the sewing for the sails (She's still by my side). The only changes are with some of the rigging which has lost some of its original color and "relaxed a bit. I hesitate to go in and adjust things.
    Here are a couple more pics. Thanks for dropping in. Its been almost a time capsule looking ship, hard to believe that it was such a long time ago. A couple for footnotes; I paid $70.00 USD, and I only had sandpaper, a basic Dremel and rarzor blades. Whoa how our hobby has improved with helpful machines. I note that this ship is still being produced today with full color booklet instructions (:-)
    OK now back to the Vasa.

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