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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hello, thanks for the nice comments. Another small detail has been made ​​for the French corvette. It is a roller on the Main deck . This is fixed in front of the main mast on the open Main deck . The making of this steering roller (height approx. 8 mm) was performed in three parts, which I turned on my little lathe. The roller was made of brass. For what purpose this roller was used precisely, is what I can only guess. Because it is in the context with the guide rollers (tourniquet), I see a connection there with the messenger. I also hope on the expertise of one or the other on the forum that explain this more detailed To be continued ...
  2. Hello colleagues, thank you for your encouragement. Lately, I was not very productive. To this end, my scanty results: Various works: boarding ladders port side, eye bolts with rings for the deck and inboard. On the port side still had to be mounted the boarding ladders. This I had made ​​some time ago and given to appropriate explanations. For the open battery deck I made still eye bolts with rings, as well inboard of the gun ports, a total of 60 pieces. Also here is to note again that these differ in the size of the eye bolt on the outboard side. To be continued ...
  3. Hello, the image has edited a well-known model-builder for me on the computer. It looks like a photograph from the 19th century, right?
  4. Hello Friends, today I show some news of my little naval shipyards. In the quarter galleries were still glued the window. The tiny windows were made ​​of acrylic glass. I have fixed this with Micro Kristal Klear. As a consequence I had to install wooden strips on the quarter galleries yet. These are just decoration. Soon it continues here again.
  5. Hello Nils, thanks for your nice comment. There are ordinary micro brass rivets. These were soldered and sanded down. This has the following reason: For mounting two bolts are completely sufficient. Otherwise the installation would be too problematic.
  6. Hello, your positive comments are always pleased me. With other fittings on the outboard walls I want to continue my report. In addition to various eye bolts with rings were also fittings to customize for the fore-channels. One of these fittings is used to hook the lower-studding-sail-boom. The other is for the mooring of the flying-jib-guys. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
  7. Hello Karl, the handrails look very realistic. This is a top performance. The idea with the rings you have to remember.
  8. Hello Nigel, this is an outstanding model. A really very precise work. I hope it goes on here soon.
  9. Hello, many thanks für the nice comments. In between, I will still show you how the portholes of the ventilation hatches are constructed. The glass body with a diameter of 1.3 mm were punched out with a specially prepared punch pliers from an acrylic glass plate. Then they were glued with Micro Kristal Klear in a brass tube piece. The brass tube piece has an outside diameter of 2.5 mm. See you soon ..
  10. Hello, I will continue at the French corvette with the installation of the anchor supports on the larboard side. The anchor was initially placed only temporarily, to see if it fits. Here I show you two photos:
  11. Hi Mark, thanks for your kind words. Here is a little update, with other metal fittings for the outboard walls of the French corvette. I hope you enjoy the pictures. This can happen sometimes. Here's a look into my sorting box with various fittings. In this case also the support for the anchor and the boat davits are seen. Here you can see a scupper valves. The eye bolts to mount outboard. Drilling the bolt holes with a diameter of 0.3 mm drill is a very delicate affair. For one of these fittings 8 holes are to be performed. Finally, an overview.
  12. Hello Doris, the standing rigging looks very realistic. You build amazingly exact. Simply fantastic! I admire your work.
  13. Hello Jürgen, the hull will be a dream. A completely clean work.
  14. Hallo Klaus, your woodwork is excellent, also your rope making.
  15. Hello, today I want to show you how I have made the fittings for the ventilation hatches with portholes. These vents are located on the lower deck, as can be seen in the following pictures. The other images show step by step the process.
  16. Hi Karl, I can not repeat often enough myself, but your section model of the BRH is just fantastic. This precision and attention to detail is extraordinary. Here I can learn a lot about professional modeling.
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