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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hello, currently I am preparing the planking of the long-boat. The planks are already cut.
  2. Hi Christian, a very precise work.
  3. Hi Karl, I wish you good luck for the new project.
  4. Hello JP, thank you for the kind words. And here is a short update of the report. The first two strakes are tightly glued.
  5. Hello Carl, thanks for the nice comment. We continue the construction of the long-boat with the planking. First, the profiled planks must be made. This is the first strake. By heating with a soldering iron, the soaked planks can be brought into the required form.
  6. Hello Alex, very nice pictures of an excellent model ship. Wherever it travels? In a museum ...?
  7. Hello Mike, the scale is 1:48, of course, like the Corvette. The model of the longboat is accordingly 18.4 cm long.
  8. Here are two pictures before the last critical frames are installed.
  9. Hi Dan, that's a good way to build a cutter. Amazingly precise construction. Currently I'm building the longboat for my French corvette. Here is the link to my report LINK.
  10. Many thanks, and here goes on with the construction of the long boat. The keel with transom stern was installed.
  11. Hello Alex, I admire your ability to model building. Your models are the best I've ever seen. Therefore, thank you for your recognition.
  12. Hello, thanks for the nice compliments. Here is the continuation from boat building:
  13. Hello Nils, thank you for your positive response. Currently I build the long boat for the French corvette. This is the largest boat of La Creole, with a length of 8.5 m. The following pictures show the first work steps:
  14. Hello, here LINK I got the plans. Thank´s for the nice comment!
  15. Hello, dear friends! Thank you for your kind words and support. I appreciate your comments very much. The five "Baille à Drisse" I have finished in the meantime. To get an idea, I have placed the five container on the deck.
  16. Hi Thomas, hi Remco, in addition to your previous postings I show here again the whole artillery of the Corvette. As can be seen, there are a total of four 18-pounder guns and twenty 30 pound carronades.
  17. Hello, many thanks for your nice comments. By the way, that's not a 18 pounder, but a 30 pound carronade. After burnishing is the "Baille à Drisse" completed. Equipped with a coil of rope, it looks like this:
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