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Bill Hime

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    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    So true Bill Hime.  Gonna take a long time for our community infrastructure to be repaired.  Some communities manage to come back better and stronger, while some never recover.  Not sure which way my community will go from here.
    Thanks all again for your continued thoughts and prayers.
  2. Like
    Bill Hime got a reaction from Canute in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    My wife and I send prayers of recovery and healing. Even with your home safe, there is a wounding that comes with surviving. The lose of a friend and the injury to your community are your lose as well. Sometimes people think all is well for those who's homes still stand. But your community is your home. God bless you and yours.
    Bill & Sateash Hime
  3. Like
    Bill Hime got a reaction from Omega1234 in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    My wife and I send prayers of recovery and healing. Even with your home safe, there is a wounding that comes with surviving. The lose of a friend and the injury to your community are your lose as well. Sometimes people think all is well for those who's homes still stand. But your community is your home. God bless you and yours.
    Bill & Sateash Hime
  4. Like
    Bill Hime got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    My wife and I send prayers of recovery and healing. Even with your home safe, there is a wounding that comes with surviving. The lose of a friend and the injury to your community are your lose as well. Sometimes people think all is well for those who's homes still stand. But your community is your home. God bless you and yours.
    Bill & Sateash Hime
  5. Like
    Bill Hime got a reaction from Canute in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    The best laid plans of mice and men... an Admiralty meeting.  We discussed progress and plans then "if I can't see it, why do it?  You'll save a couple of months, right?".   "Err.. yes.  But I want to do it because it's there.  I'll know it."  Well, so much for argument.  It's her ship and I'll do it.  
    Lol, boy are we cut from the same cloth! She's right, they usually are . Beautiful work Mark!
    Question; How tight does the framework sit in that jig and at what point do you to remove it?
    (Hmmm, didn't "quote that right..)
  6. Like
    Bill Hime got a reaction from JesseLee in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    My wife and I send prayers of recovery and healing. Even with your home safe, there is a wounding that comes with surviving. The lose of a friend and the injury to your community are your lose as well. Sometimes people think all is well for those who's homes still stand. But your community is your home. God bless you and yours.
    Bill & Sateash Hime
  7. Like
    Bill Hime got a reaction from Elijah in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    The best laid plans of mice and men... an Admiralty meeting.  We discussed progress and plans then "if I can't see it, why do it?  You'll save a couple of months, right?".   "Err.. yes.  But I want to do it because it's there.  I'll know it."  Well, so much for argument.  It's her ship and I'll do it.  
    Lol, boy are we cut from the same cloth! She's right, they usually are . Beautiful work Mark!
    Question; How tight does the framework sit in that jig and at what point do you to remove it?
    (Hmmm, didn't "quote that right..)
  8. Like
    Bill Hime got a reaction from src in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    The best laid plans of mice and men... an Admiralty meeting.  We discussed progress and plans then "if I can't see it, why do it?  You'll save a couple of months, right?".   "Err.. yes.  But I want to do it because it's there.  I'll know it."  Well, so much for argument.  It's her ship and I'll do it.  
    Lol, boy are we cut from the same cloth! She's right, they usually are . Beautiful work Mark!
    Question; How tight does the framework sit in that jig and at what point do you to remove it?
    (Hmmm, didn't "quote that right..)
  9. Like
    Bill Hime got a reaction from marktiedens in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    My wife and I send prayers of recovery and healing. Even with your home safe, there is a wounding that comes with surviving. The lose of a friend and the injury to your community are your lose as well. Sometimes people think all is well for those who's homes still stand. But your community is your home. God bless you and yours.
    Bill & Sateash Hime
  10. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Thanks for the comments and the "likes".  
    The best laid plans of mice and men... an Admiralty meeting.  We discussed progress and plans then "if I can't see it, why do it?  You'll save a couple of months, right?".   "Err.. yes.  But I want to do it because it's there.  I'll know it."  Well, so much for argument.  It's her ship and I'll do it.  
    So,.. I scraped the planking, added the oven and mizzen mast step and applied a coat of Wipe on Poly.   And then moved to the gundeck.  
    Beams are in and the furniture on deck was salvaged from Version 1.  It's all destined for the scrapbox except for the riding bitts.  I just decided I can do better.   There's a dummy bowspit in place.  Carlings need to be added at various hatchways.
    So... 4" of deck planking (except the center area which is 8") and 4" for the coamings.  4" thick coamings for the hatches on top of the 8" center area.  What else... planking will follow the French style of following the hull lines.  And the ceiling.   
    Sorry for thinking out loud...   There's a pantry around the mizzen mast and rudder lines, a "cabinet" around the rudder, a step/storage at the transom along with all the other furniture on the gundeck.  The partition for the wardroom/Great Room is on the table as far as possible.  It was removable as was the captain's and executive officer's bedplace.   I won't get into all the politics and issues with the wardroom not being the Captain's cabin, roundhouses (Captain's bedplace and dayroom), etc.  
    I'm done babbling.... I have my work cut out for me so here's pics.....



  11. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Thanks for looking in and either "liking" or commenting.  
    Just a bit of an update.  Forgive me if I get longwinded as I'm thinking outloud here... and open to suggestion.
    We're still slogging away at planking the lower (orlop) deck.  Thankfully, I have a Proxxon Belt Sander which makes tapering the planks go quickly and accurately.  I do finish fitting using sanding sticks though as a few times, things have got away from me ended up chewed up and across the room.  Fumble fingers I am.
    The deck will still need serious sanding but that's on hold until after it's planked and the ceiling has been put it.  My thinking is why clean up two messes when I can do the whole thing once and clean up once.   
    The mizzen mast step is in for location only and not glued.
    This whole process has me thinking   further ahead than normal.. like the next two decks worth.  I should install two beams/carlings at each hatchway first then fully plank and cut out the hatchways after planking. The center planks do need to be tapered also (the raised planking) The hatches need to sit on top of the deck planks.  <facepalm>  I've also discovered that not all the hatches on this deck and the gundeck have grates.  Many have planks over the hatchways instead of grates.  
    I'm also fiddling with plans and seeing if I can copy the Belle Poule planking scheme onto them.  This will let (hopefully) me cut the deck planks from a sheet of wood using the Deathstar.  The Great Cabin is still being researched.  The Belle Poule had a lozenge type parquet deck there.  Some other 8 pdr and 12 pdr frigates, just had straight planks...  so  I may end up flipping a coin.  Nah... I'm leaning towards the parquet and again, running the pattern up in Corel and lasercutting it.   I find I'm getting lazy in my old age.
    Then there's the partitions on this deck and the gundeck (only 1 there) plus the cabins and storerooms.  I'm working on drawings to make templates for these.   It appears that the partition on the gundeck for the Great Cabin wasn't removable.  I'm still looking for info on this.  As a sidenote, the Great Cabin was a wardroom and not the Captains cabin.  There was a removable canvas partition in the center area for his bedplace which was taken down every morning.  The cabin itself and the quarter galleries was used by all the officers as a common room for meetings, rest, and meals.  There was a lot of complaining about this by the officers and even more after the edict was passed that roundhouses for the officers on the aft castle were not allowed.  They were allowed (unofficially) for awhile but had to be temporary in nature.  At the time of her capture, Licorne had quite a few which probably affected her handling.  I'm not putting those on as to my eye, they detract from her lines and appearance. 
    I don't have the problem on this deck, but on the next up, using the Deathstar will let me mark accurately where all the eyebolts go around the main mast.
    Anyway, enough out me.  Any thoughts or insights are, as always, appreciated.

  12. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to NenadM in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    My deepest symphaty to all of you. Two years ago, Obrenovac, town 9km from my place was covered with 2m of wather and mud, so I can imagine this kind of hell. Water system in whole Belgrade was unstabile and unsafe, and there were long periods without water. Terrible. Be strong and safe!
  13. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to edmay in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hello Dave, Many prayers for your family friends and township .Edwin
  14. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Thanks Ed....
    Update - Worst is over, except for water pressure. As of this morning, the official word was that it will be at least two weeks before the city water system will be repaired and back in service.
    Meantime tractor trailer loads of bottled water keep coming in.... distribution centers are set up at several parking lots around town.
    I am using my neighbors swimming pool water to flush our toilets.
    Heating water in pots in order to bath, shave, wash hair, etc....
    Could be much worse. Some of our friends have lost everything.
  15. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Thanks for the excellent photo's Mark. A visit to the museum is on my bucket list for sure.
    Final comment.... Forget the awards thing guys. Seriously.... Still had a great time, met a lot of very nice new modeling friends from all parts of the country.
    And, ABOVE ALL....I learned how to put on a world class event!
    Which brings me to the next topic....
    I will probably start a new thread for anyone interested in participating in another fund raising event next spring.
    Last year's event raising money for "Wounded Warriors" was well worth a re-do. All participating modelers gave us excellent feedback.
    Our next venue will be in Raleigh, N.C. and the beneficiary organization will be "Hope For Warriors".
    Plans are to do a Friday / Saturday event .... Including a Sat. Evening Awards Dinner.
    IPMS Modelers will be invited BUT..... There will be NO IPMS JUDGES!
  16. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    First day at the IPMS Nationals....
    I can count the number of modeler's events attended on one hand. I'll say the IPMS Nationals is very impressive indeed.
    Not just BIG....The organization of this massive event is absolutely world class!
    These folks have really got their act together.
    In addition to the SOS, entered three more of my models (all I could get in my truck).... Frigate Confederacy, Mayflower, and the 180th scale Vic.
    Appears the Confederacy has caught the eye of the IPMS freelance photographer.... came back with special lenses for a third shoot.
    Must say, I wish the organization just had more tall ship builders. Their roots are deeply into military .... Planes, tanks, artillery and such.
    Sorprisingly, the mini-Vic seems to be drawing almost as much attention as the SOS.


  17. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to RedDawg in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Hi Dave this is RedDawg. Quite a few years ago when I was into plastic, before I got converted to wood, I was a member of IPMS. When I entered my builds in the competition during the closed door judging I won a couple of awards. But when one of the judges found out that I was a long haired bearded biker, he pulled my awards and told me I didn't really win. It was just a mistake in where the awards were placed. Two of them. When one of the other judges caught on to what was going on he corrected things. And then told me it was my being a biker that caused the problem. I told them that it was just a part of the lifestyle I chose, and did not bother me any. Just another day of life. Michael By the way I am building the Sovereign myself and you scratch builds have changed the way I am going to do my build. So thanks to you scratch builders my skill level is growing.
  18. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Repairs of the Confederacy DONE!

    Back to work on the SOS....FINALLY
  19. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Good question Vic.  I'm surprised I didn't address this way back when I created those little shingles.
    Best pic I have found to explain is of the belfry top seen below....

    Rather than cut each shingle individually, each row is cut and shaped as a single narrow strip of black vinyl, shaped with the individual tabs along the bottom edge.  The tips of each shingle is painted with gold metallic enamel prior to gluing in place, staggering the shaped edges to give the illusion of individual shingles. 

    Hope this helps.
  20. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Back to work....
    Starboard side.... Gun ports cut in, framed, and painted red....

    Bamboo skin planks added up to top wale, and planking above the wale painted black.
    Still must complete the second planking below the main wale. Since those planks will be painted white, I will not be using bamboo for that area.

    Sideboards have been added above the decks to form the bulwarks....will be planked and painted red.
    The rough framing for the starboard galleries is temporarily tacked on, but will be removed to add the arched windows and extremely heavy ornamentation.

  21. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Completed the first planking this morning, and began with several strakes of outer planking

    And here's a dry fitting of the bulkhead I've been working on.... Not done with this yet....

    Back to outer planking.... Note the use of Bondo (auto repair filler) to level and smooth out the surface of the first planking layer.

  22. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Next, before planking the next level of the aft decks.... The plans I used to cut out this deck were drawn with two large gratings, which I will now reconfigure to allow one smaller grating and an opening for an open passage way with rails (as seen in the inset photo of AVBiker's build)....

  23. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Side note....
    The bamboo strips being used for the first planking of the hull are taken from an old roll-up patio shade left over from when we had a screened in patio years ago in previous home. Never throw anything away mates....

  24. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    While still working on the first bulkhead module, I have managed to complete the deck planking of the waste area, and begin building the bulwarks with gun port frames.
    The gun port frames, shown in the previous posting are created as seen here by simply using a perfectly shaped block to glue up the four sides. The block form assures the frames are very precisely the same size and perfectly squared up.... This assembly creates two frame units.

    Each frame, made of bamboo strips, is just over twice the width needed, so I am able to split them with my mini table saw, and get two frames from each unit.
    Here are the gun port frames glued in place with custom fit panels glued between each...

    And here are the five frames in place with all the custom fit panels....

  25. Like
    Bill Hime reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Whilst plodding steadily along fitting deck planks to the waist area and building the first bulk head module, I have a couple of off-ship projects going on.
    Because of the number that will eventually be required, I am building gun port frames along with the task of trying to come up with a quality mold that will give me consistent parts for the little crowned wreath.
    I had to go to "Smooth-On" Rubber Mold Compound to get a good repeatable mold.

    Not at all happy with the first attempt posted earlier.... but think I may have come up with something more acceptable....had to invest in new Alumilite casting plastic compound, since, after five years of sitting around, my old stuff just would not mix and set properly.

    It takes about twenty minutes to pour a new piece and remove it from the mold.
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