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  1. Hi Chuck Thanks, the Mary Rose is my favorite build. Your rope has always been the first thing 90% of people coment on when looking at me ships. Along with your blocks. I could not have had the success at shows without all of your advice and products. That is why you always sell out. And is why I keep a well stocked warehouse of your rope,blocks and other detail supplies. Thanks my dear freind. Keitha nd Boris
  2. Ahoy Chuck I have been a Loyal Customer of yours since the first year. I relied upon your advie when I statrted building the Gun Boat Philladelphia, tried out your minature rope and have been hooked ver since. The only down paoint was when you had to go to blened rope instead of 100% cotton. All my builds have been award winners thanks to your rope,blocks and other fittings. May you be in bussiness another 20 years. I am 72 now,so that should supply my building until I pass on to the Shipyard in the sky. Thanks my Freind. Keith from Troutdale.
  3. Ahoy Jeff Yes I am building the Argo Almost done with it after just 3 weeks. Just have to finish the sail and rigging now. I have a kit for sale if you are interested. email me at keithebear@aol.com . I bought 3 kits from Igor and will be building two. One now and one later. Falconet kits are great,but only for the very experienced builders.
  4. I do not know,but have you thought that there might be some poly in the rope which causes it to have a memory of its own? Just asking.not saying they do or not.
  5. Ahoy mates,looking for a source for wooden ferrules for rigging. Who sells them? Thanks Keith
  6. Ahoy Mates I am building the new Argo kit from Falconet and have questions on how the rigging of these anceint greek warships had their sails rigged. Most important are the sail control and furling lines. How do the brail lines work, and are there any books that show these details. Thanks Keith
  7. Thanks for the Slavic Boat build log.I had not seen it before I built my kit. I made my sail out of tissue paper- two layers of just regular gift wraping tissue white paper,Glued the layers together with Uhu stick glue then sparyed the combined sheets with Testors Dulcote, After that I cut the panels,then glued them together with a .030 overlap using diluted Titebond. Glued the rope around the sail using Titebond and then sprayed the sail again with Dullcote. I used Dullcote for the finish on my boat. I have built Falconets 1763 Boat and have in stock 90% of Igor kits now. Lucky I have a way to get them from Russia now. Working on his Argo ship now. Keith
  8. Ahoy Mates I have heard conflicting views on the red that was used for the bulwarks of the gun decks on British ships. From bright red to a almost hull red. Which is the real color that was used? Thanks Keith from Troutdale.
  9. Ahoy Mate I have learned that if the wood is hardwood I can stain it without a sealing coat of somekind. The stain will not end up bloychy,but even. If it is softwood like basswood or other kinds of open grain I will need to seal it so that it will not end up very dark or uneven due to the stain soaking into the grain. I use Testors Dullcote a flat lacqure to seal the open grain. Especialy the end grain! If I am doing decks I use a light brown paint pen to color the edge of the plank,I seal the end grain with either the Dullcote or a PVA glue before using the paint pen. I do not stain my decks because most decks are naturaly light,unless you want a dirty and unkept look. In that case a grey would be correct since wood oxidizes fron the salt and sunlight. Look up photos of real ships and their decks. Remeber test out your finsihes on scrap wood of the same kind BEFORE you do it on YOUR MODEL. That goes for caulking between planks too and treenails. And test out all the finshes you will use,be they a color coat or clear final finish. A clear final finsh might darken what you have underneth this final coat, and ruin what you wanted to end up with. Keith from Troutdale,Oregon
  10. Ahoy Ian Boris always wantsto be right in front of me,most of the time he lays down before I can even get started to work at the desk. Then he is mad when I try to push him back. My late cat Pickels who was older would move out of the way,but stay right next and watch,not trying to play at all,even when I was rigging and had loose rope around. Boris loves to go after strips that move,especialy in the air. He is only 5 years old now, with still acting like a kitten. I am a widower,we live together in the house,he is my buddy and shadow with a loud voice. A Russian Blue with an attitude. What is your cat? Now back to working on the Confederacy's bulhead doors. Keith from Troutdale,Oregon
  11. Ahoy Mates Just had to ask this simple question. Is the Capstan taking the place of a windless? Back wirking on the Confederacy after years away from the Modelshipways kit. Thanks Keith from Troutdale,Oregon
  12. Hello All Igor made this set for my Confederacy and you can be sure of his quality and prompt service. I am working on my Confederacy now. I am working hard to get to the point where I can mount the wonderfull set of his carvings to my hull. Keith in Troutdale with Boris
  13. Welcome to the MSW. I see you are from Oregon. I am from Troutdale and we have a wooden ship model group from the Portlans area. You are more than welcome to join us.


    Keith Glueck

  14. Ahoy Check out Modelers Workshop for Ricks custom made display cases. I have bought from Rick for over a decade, his cases are made to order and reasonably priced. Keith
  15. bear

    Hi Eduard  We are all doing just fine. Healthy and well. Arlene is well as is her horse Wyatt and her two cats JD and Gulliver. Boris is doing great. Running around this morning, jumping up playing with me and then biting me and running off!  I am working on a couple Russian tanks . T100 and SMK from 1939 and the USS Oregons stand.  We have high gas prices and inflation here now. I am doing ok. Just happy I do not have to drive any real distance each day. No problems around where we live. Weather has been record rain fall amounts, just happy to have it since we are still in drought conditions in other parts of Oregon. Today is cloudy, this weekend we will warm up to 75 deg. F.  How are you and Seema doing?





    1. Edi


      Приятно с вами снова пообщаться. Главное берегите вы себя Covid не исчез ! Ваша сестра так и ходит на лошади ... молодец ! Борис выглядит счастливым котом . Повзрослел  Боря стал крупнее . А вы без работы не сидите молодец! Отличные наборы танков   . И корабль красивый у вас получается. У нас тоже дожди идут и холодно..раньше в это время года тепло уже было. Если можно было я бы вам этого бензина тонну отправил .. его у нас много литр 50 центов .  У нас  одна проблема некоторые сайты заблокированы .. а в основном всё по-прежнему. Я тут зарегистрировался недавно ..ещё не знаю как тут разобраться .. тут всё на английском и перевода иногда нету. По этому вам я свой адрес электронный почты    написал . Ещё раз рад что всё у вас хорошо .. большой горячий привет сестре вашей Арлен и самому прекрасному коту Борису ! С уважением ваш друг Эдуард   .  

    2. Edi
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