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Everything posted by shipaholic

  1. Edward Maybe you should contact Caldercraft (Jokita) and get the barrels replaced. Check the gun carriage parts also to make sure they are the correct size. Steve
  2. Hello Edward Welcome to the Endeavour club, I look forward to watching your progress. Yes those gun barrels are way too big, the actual 4 pounder guns on Endeavour were 1.82 meters long, so they should be about 30mm long, not 45mm. Cheers Steve
  3. These gun tackles are hard to get right, I thought I would try expending the rope between the blocks, might look neater, dunno. Some pics
  4. Hi Mick Thanks for the nice words. Yes I have to agree about the wood, its not very good, and does look a bit rough on the small parts like cannon carriages and bitts. Steve
  5. Hi Slog, Yeah its hard enough at 1:51 but yours at 1:60 scale is harder!! I had to make really small eyebolts from copper wire, and the hooks are really small. I've been practicing some more hook making today, trying to get them smaller. Steve
  6. Yes Alistair I will definately get some. Then I will be able to see my cannon tackles like this
  7. Hi Alistair I have one of those small stands with the crocodile clips and a crappy magnifying glass, and I needed to use the magnifying glass for the first time ever when I was trying to thread the rope through those 3mm blocks. So yeah I am thinking of getting a pair of those magnifying glasses. Steve
  8. Thanks Pierre, don't be disheartened it is a hobby not a contest. I too look at other builds on here and I am amazed at the workmanship but it also inspires me to do better. Steve
  9. I got my 3mm blocks from Chuck today, so tonight I set up one of the gun tackles, I think the size looks right. Very fiddly work though, not looking forward to doing 11 more, I might need to buy a magnifying glass.
  10. Hi Mick No they're not meant to be rounded. I only used a flat file for mine, here is some pics showing what shape mine are. Steve
  11. Hi Mick Yes there are instructions in the partwork magazines but I am not following them or any other instructions. I am basing my rigging on contemporary sources, books such as "The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War", "The Young Sea Officers Sheet Anchor" as well as referring a bit to Marquardt's "Anatomy of the Ship" and Parkin's "HMB Endeavour". Steve
  12. I managed to spend a bit of time on the ship today. I finished off the inner bobstay. I also redid the gammoning using rope made on my ropewalk, and it looks much better I think. I have decided not to use any black rope on my model, I will use the tan rope and blacken it with thinned black paint, I reckon it gives a more realistic look. Steve
  13. Hi Mike I got the copper wire by stripping some electric cable, you know the white cables that run though the walls of your house, don't know what guage it is but it is 0.65 mm thick.
  14. Hi Mick The thicker rope looped around the butt of the barrel is a recoil rope. The tackles either side are for hauling the gun out after loading, there is also another tackle to be fixed to the back of the gun carriage for hauling it inboard for loading. Yeah the OcCre/Eaglemoss instructions only include the recoil ropes. Steve
  15. Yes Alistair, those blocks I used are 4mm, I have some of Chucks 2mm blocks that I bought for the gun tackles but I think they look too small, I will buy some 3mm ones and see how they go. Cheers Steve
  16. Thanks Mick, Chuck Chuck, those single blocks on the tackle are yours, the doubles are mine (only because yours havent arrived yet). Those hooks are so hard to get right cos they're so small. Mick, yes I am intending to fit all guns with tackles, gonna be a lot of work!! Steve
  17. Thanks Mike, yeah those gun barrels are real good, I got them from Chuck at Syren. Steve
  18. I'm still working on the guns, today I made 12 hooks using copper wire and blackened them. I made up the first tackle using 4mm blocks, I think I might need to use slightly smaller blocks they look too big.
  19. I had a go at makiing some hooks today, had to make 12 for the gun tackles. I used copper wire I stripped out of an electical cable. I used round nose pliers to shape the hook and ring and flat nose pliers to bend to shape, after a bit of practice I got the hang of it, but still really tricky because they are so small.
  20. I finished all the woodwork on the gun carriages, they look a bit rough in the close up pics, I have started painting them. Next job after painting is to fit all the eyebolts, rings, bolts and then the tackle. A lot of work these guns.
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