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Mike 41

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Everything posted by Mike 41

  1. Hi Grant, That is a fine looking timber package good luck with the build. Mike
  2. The Warrior will keep you busy for several years’ good luck with her.
  3. That is surprising the Warrior was a much larger ship with 74 guns.
  4. Thanks Brian, I am looking forward to the carvings I have some very nice boxwood for them but I still have a lot to do before beginning on them. I will start with the rings around the gunports they appear to be the easiest to do. Mike
  5. This set of photos shows the bow barricade installed. I still need to turn the ships bell it sets in the middle of the barricade.
  6. This set of photos shows the main rails to the quarterdeck.
  7. The bow barricade actually sits on top of the rail. This set of photos shows the installation details.
  8. This set of photos shows the poop deck breakfront and hand rails.
  9. This set of photos shows the poop deck breakfront installation. It has a nice covered stairway down to the great room and Gene’s practicum shows an easy way to do the door frame that worked very well. I added a staircase that was not on the drawings from the quarterdeck to the poop deck and things was looking good until I noticed the door to the great room opened into the forward poop deck beam. I checked the drawing but it did not show any box framing for the stairwell. There are a couple of photos that show how I handled the problem. My next post will show the hand rails.
  10. Thanks Michael, The little details are fun to build. Mike
  11. This set of photos shows the quarterdeck breakfront it is made from boxwood and bloodwood.
  12. This set of photos shows the planking on the quarter and poop decks.
  13. This set of photos shows the staircase from the main deck to the quarterdeck.
  14. Thanks Brian, I am working on the poop deck break and have an issue with access to the poop deck. The door into the dome opens to a stair to the great cabin and Romero’s photos show windows all across the break. There are no stairs shown on the inboard profile or opening shown on the poop deck plan. Am I missing something? I am thinking about removing the outside windows and adding stairs similar to the ones from main deck to the quarterdeck. What do you think? Mike
  15. Thanks Nils, With all this framing she was a very strong ship. Mike
  16. This set of photos shows the installation of the poop deck framing.
  17. This set of photos shows the installation of the quarterdeck framing.
  18. Hi Nils, Thank you for your kind words. The Fubbs is an interesting ship to model and has been a lot of fun to build. Mike
  19. Hi Mario, I be in Florida in Florida on vacation will return home on Saturday. I am glad you like the Fubbs I will working on the quarter deck next week. Have you started any new projects lately? I haven’t seen any posts from you in a while. Mike
  20. This is a couple of photos of the grating over the forecastle. There will be a bulkhead with some bitts added later. I will be working on the quarterdeck next.
  21. This set of photos shows the installation of the catheads, bowsprit step and paws for the windless.
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