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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. Not 100% on that Chris but having been in the auto industry for 40 years it's a pretty educated guess lots of air in that area.
  2. Well I am just about complete on the engine you will see how much the oil cooler hides the engine but it's better.
  3. Dare you Not you are coming along just fine brother
  4. Now that definitely is one motor that never came through the machine shop lots of talk about it even that one was still sat in a crate at Big Daddy's in FL but again it was 1985 20 years after the beast inception.Now you know why I do not do cars after 40 years in the industry but I still luv upgrades just hate repair.Lets see what you can do to that 427cid beast Craig will be looking in.
  5. Very Nice work Dan like the effect on the overall grey scheme I have this one in the stash Kevin
  6. Were I am at thus far I think my push rods look much better than the kits on the back of the engine painting coming shortly.
  7. That was the answer I see guys use lead pencil for the effect.
  8. Thks Chris it is enamel from Testors makes sense I have no issue removing enamels over silver might just be easier he found with the future in play give it a shot.
  9. So that looks real for the Japanese their paint just did not stick I take he using enamel over the future to help in the lift? I used acrylic over the enamel and that stuff was just to hard to chip.
  10. Nice job Dan just the right touch on the weathering pencils on the panels?
  11. I have started the next build and cannot leave will enough alone.....I have already started cutting the for the rockers because none of them made it to the top of the cylinder head.I will be replacing with .030" plastic rod to weras I drill the crankcase slip the new rod(long) into the crankcase and slide it up to the rocker and glue.I think I will be adding ignition wires while I am at it just to hide it all behind the oil cooler behind the prop so goes it.I want a slightly different scheme than what the box depicts something from the 50th Sentai or the 59th Sentai with the blue which I have to paint no biggee.The old build of the Oscar is the same kit maybe 25yrs ago maybe longer! Kevin
  12. I do not know if this plane was in on that but the box art says she carried a torpedo and a different paint scheme to which I did not believe.I forsaked the torpedo because she would not fit under the plane with the wheels on Tailfins!so I went with the bomb.The next plane to hit the table is an easy one(old tooling) KI-43 Oscar Hasegawa 1/32 already started and will update later tonight/tomorrow.Thanks for looking in fellas. Kevin
  13. Hey hey those would of been normal by the time we got the car in 1979 Craig but do carry on...........
  14. I was the same way Mike in the beginning but alot of the ships and planes they built the lines are just to nice.
  15. well calling this one finished ......The torpedo would not fit so I went with the 800kg bomb.The acrylic is a hard paint was giving me problems with scraping just left a few marks on the L/wing.I like Nichimo even for an old kit they have some nice details on there engravings the interior on this was so-so they have done better. I really was looking to do the box art in triple colors but seeing every other plane except one maybe a flight leader all had this scheme only seemed right to follow suit.What next? I am going to have to look around maybe something out of cache#2 WWI quick builds when I want soething more it's 1/32.
  16. Now this is semi-gloss black Testors on the nose,IJA Grey on the bottom(MMasters) and IJA Green Tamy XF12 upstairs acrylic chipping.......??it would only be a minimum being fresh paint.
  17. I read that if still in grey they were blotched over but what I found if to be believed was the A/C of Zuikaku carrier. Pearl Harbor Attack, On 7th December 1941 were the standard Army Green over Grey according to Wings Pallete http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww2/b/1035/65/7.. Now could EII-308 of not got a repaint possible but I highly doubt would not be my first encounter with a false paint scheme happened on the Trump Spit "Lima Challenger" with my first scheme that's how I arrived to Lima.Thanks for the input though thought I was alone in here Kevin
  18. I laid down black Alclad primer which is flat and then some Polished Aluminum which it does look like for the reason of the flat black that's all okay.I am about to paint the IJn Light Grey on the bottom and start the camo upstairs.The camo states small blotches of green and brown but not over what? was it silver or grey? any ideas out there?
  19. The wings and tailplanes are attached I had to use some .020 plastic strip on the right wing for the gap filler for both wings.The idea situation would of been two .010 strips but I figure nobody will see a .010 offset of the fuselage all looks good.The bottom were the lower wing meets the fuse I built steps under the fuse so the wing does not sink to much came out better than the Tamy Zero.She is on the fast track and the foil needs to come off the bird.Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
  20. Thks Denis been working the seams of the fuse this morning and got the tailplanes on all before the turkey hit the oven.The families alternate on were TG and Christmas are held each year TG at my house and it is full 16 for dinner and whoever follows like nephews mainly with there GF and families visit afterwards full day bird hits the oven in 1hr.
  21. Were I am tonight I was going to put some left over belts but you just do not see that much through that small opening.I think in hindsight and future builds I will use a silver or white pencil for the wiring when its molded in like this over painting.I will be more concerned with the outward aesthetic qualities of the build over the interior that one can barely see.Thks for looking
  22. So I asked Wayne if I could post some pics of his work for his painting technique now if I remember he works acrylics @50psi making dots all over the plane.I like the effect when complete it looks weathered in a way that is more natural the guy has won a few competitions.The kit is a Revell 1/32 Me-262 I am not going to kill you on pics but just showing a different way to paint it does take hours to accomplish
  23. I thought I document this build a little 1/48 does not usually lend me to this but it does have some bits inside and being a Nichimo kit.I have already started quite aggressively this evening with the paint and placement of some parts Lots to pic out on the sidewalls.I find Nichimo AC kits in between Hase and Tamy with more pit detail than Hase but not quite fit overall of Hase/Tamy but they build up quite well.I have like four schemes and ordnance's (3) layout to choose from leaning torpedo.
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