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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. She came out looking good Carl but what's the story behind the 1/48? Kevin
  2. Finally I got some motivation to move on this one ...all the right gizmos I Hope!I started the day by liquid masking all the lights and finishing up the copit.The canopy is the clear supplied with the kit #802 is smoked and it's tacked in with SG.The whole plane got a coat of black lacquer primer by Alclad including the wheel wells.The wheel wells will get painted white and it should make for some nice shading in the recesses.The other thing that finally came in took a while was the Avionics F-86 copit kit. Kevin
  3. That was my impression also. Very Nice Work Joe !! Kevin
  4. I agree Craig it would of found the shelf of doom for me Great Work OC Kevin
  5. No HTS but I have two 28's and could maybe make the kit 28 with some hacking be close?
  6. I have been trying to Skye and message my son in Japan but I heard last he was on 4/12's then 3 days off probably tired.So Joe seeing the layout of the their planes it appears the 28 is not utilized unless another group(3X) of missiles on one pod are used?If that is correct build the Sniper pod and the HTS pod? It's happening all this week it's summer nothing happened in the shop this week three days off and three days of fishing day one I caught some Nice ones!Spotted Sea Trout and hoping to get some Red Fish
  7. Joe I am glad you intervened but what is the glass box on R/side?I seen that in the kit also and it's on #802 #808 Kevin
  8. Harley that's the kit part the only thing I ordered for this one has been the pod. Kevin
  9. I have received the Wolf kit and I am still working on a correct pylon so it will have to scratched.I started one the other night out of 3X .015 stock and thought I had the wrong position on AN/AAQ-28 to were the rear box was to be pointed outward so I ripped the pylon OFF.The next day started again/about something was not right looked at the pics again Oh when it's on the L/side the box goes inwards on a Block 50.I also figure the pylon is about 16" long going by the steps.I am just about at my burnout not for the model but work/life I am tired dog tired of late.So,I have made arrangements with a couple of my sis's to visit for week in and around Gainesville FL in a couple of weeks.I have been looking at some other builds here and there but having to work through this BS for the last 11wks sick at times has taken it's toll on this 60yr ole frame that's been my absence.Hope everyone out there is doing well and take care. kevin
  10. I feel your pain OC after four attempts(paint) on that night fighter 110 it went in the box for later have to find some different decals or something.
  11. I agree with Mark if you do respray go a light coat from a distance just to kinda blend it. Kevin
  12. Really Nice Work!! each building gets better and better Kevin
  13. Thks Joe for the prod and I found the pod be here the 21st. Wolfpack 1/48 scale AN/AAQ-28 LITENING II/III for F-16 - WP48078
  14. I use to watch these fly out at KAFB all the time when a kid in the 60/70's had a park right across from the flightline.
  15. I had do a restart also started in 2015 I think got sick shelved it but it really has been one of my funner builds of late.
  16. Yea and another year that we may have an early tropical system probably won't amount to much but an omen and predictions look tough so far.The word a cut-off low enters the GOM viva Texas in a few days another thing to watch.
  17. Nice build Craig see you have moved on to a tank busy...busy.
  18. Thks Joe for the info the only thing I could at this point with the exhaust is hack it off if an AM is available?The only thing about that is the delay in the paint but shoot could glue with SG afterwards.You can see that modern A/C is not my gig. That pod would work the only issue is it hangs way lower than the what the Block 32 does decisions decisions Kevin
  19. The plane builds easy peasy not complicated at all disregard the paint for now she is getting a coat of gloss black lacquer over everything then wheel wells go white mask then the camo.I think the only thing I lack for a correct part possibly is the Litening Pod under the fuse by the air intake what I have is for a Block 32(2007) and 35FW are block 50.I built all the ordnance and fuel tanks last night just need to attach the pylons before the paint gets laid. Kevin
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