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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. There may be some in the instructions Craig I like doing stuff for eye appeal now I was thinking that the silver stars may mean something in production line series?Theirs been one guy and his name eludes me now who served WWII,Korea and Vietnam was a colonel of a FG that I would like to do a plane from each conflict he flew in his markings.Boles? Robin Olds
  2. They do OC and appreciate you looking in already started the P-51 engine bay is ready for paint tomorrow.
  3. Some pics with the decals added.I have added another 3/4 coats of future over the decals for I now have to add silver stars over the white ones and when I tried that last night the silver would not slide hint let them slide on the future.
  4. I have got some paint and she has been glossed.The color of the blue was a bit to conjure up not many manufactures make it and the chip was darker than RLM78 but this dark? I for the second time used blue tac and did not care for the results it came out light in some areas and fine in others and then it left a grease line in some of the light grey.So,I had to go back and freehand every dk grey line and then retouch the lt.grey lines were the grease mark remained so then I just free-handed the blue.I should of just free-handed the whole plane like usual would of saved me about and hour the Badger Renegade airbrush is quite capable and up to the job.The freehand was done @25psi and the mixture consistency of whole milk.
  5. Like'n that new flashhider from Eduard Niceee Nice as to the gaps"it is what it is" "Trumpter" but I still like building their kits and your attack was the right approach.Never done a Mig but you got me think'in but a Mig 3 first though.
  6. I like to use silver or white Dan in this case was left over can see imperfections easily.
  7. Well got some white on the spinner as a backdrop for the red and went on the hunt for seams found some in the tail ,behind the pit and the left wing all quick.I am thinking of going closed canopy on this something about the shape lends itself to that direction? That's all for a couple day methinks back to the treadmill tomorrow bright and early.
  8. Craig is that an Emily on the back if so that was no small ship?Nice Build!!
  9. Thks Craig.I have a couple of the Russkies in the stash in 1/48 but like you mentioned have been adding those other Nationalities but the "American Beauty" will be coming such a pretty P-51D.
  10. Belts and footstraps are in and I have got to say the Quinta in this area is a Treat! The cage is glued in non need to afix the rear rad screen glue the fuse to the wings and then the last two panels for the pit are last.I will then be off to tracking down pics of the LG.
  11. I figured it's time for an update.The kit presents it's problems like most limited run kit first off the tail-planes have a terrible step on top on one side and the bottom of the other.I put .010 round styrene in the grove and filled outward about 1/4" and commenced to sanding had to make two passes after the silver showed the line still present at the edge about 20 mins a side.The next was the top cowl the moulding is either thick on the l/side or the male part of the fuselage is fat I worked both got some relief just not 100% maybe 85/90%.The wheel wells may I say were a "B" are made of 6 pieces all together to which you have to line them up to the bottom half of the wing and hope it lines up with the upper moulding I was close but no cigar but it happened with choice words and coercion.The fit between the fuse is OK should work but some wood clamps from the other side will probably come into play.Do I hate the kit by no means not it will be presentable as a nice build just not a shake n bake that's all.Now some pics of the good bad and ugly. Kevin PS: went to Covington LA yesterday for a model contest a first for me in 15/20 years about a 1 1/4 hr drive not far had a great time Wife was in Alexandria LA with some friends.So Kevin walked out for $210 Trumpters 1/32 P-47N,P-51D,P-40B,Me 262w/extras and a 1/72 Hase Emily bigger than most of the 1/32 minus the jug.When I walk out of a hobby store like I did in Mobile and do not buy anything because I have more in the stash than they have on the shelf me says time start shopping elsewhere.
  12. I read two books by the same author just know his last name began with an F(ferguson?) ATTM but were "The battle of Fredericksburg" and "The battle of Chancellorsville" very well written with lots of Maps the battlefield was easy to see.I think the two main contributing factors for Lee at GB was 1) loss of Stonewall at Chancellorsville 2) his eyes Jeb Stuart was out gallivanting around.The point Ed made is all to true but if SWJ was there the push would of happened easily.
  13. Thanks Dan they Quinta slides like anything have there good and bad points. The big slides Denis from Quinta are a great improvement it's the small handles and T-handles can break easily the dial already have the clear lens applied I p/u mine from these guys https://www.hobbynutmodels.com/collections/3d-print-detail
  14. I am not the best photographer maybe some outdoor pics later.........now others it seems have a steadier hand than I but were the wires feed in the back I cut off the stubbs ,drilled .020",inserted hollow rod and then the wire.I like the Quinta kit for the big slides but had a nob break while fiddling with the IP the thin pieces break fairly easy or maybe just fat fingers
  15. If you never mentioned it Dmitri I wouldn't of known any better doing some Nice upgrades.I built this one a couple years ago but not as many upgrades still came out quite nice though.
  16. Mike be very careful when rigging on the stress you impart on those little arms coming off the SS I think 3/4 lines on each side one of mine came loose.
  17. I started this build last night not much Russkie in the collection either this will be my 2nd SH kit to which I have a few limited run kits in the collection waiting to be built.I will be using for the first time the Quinta Studios copit it adds some nice details.I may play with the wheel wells have seen some Nice enhancements done by on builder.The Qunita people say to paint first then overlay the decal that started last night with the grey to which the instructions say to use a light gull grey I opted for neutral grey a tad darker.
  18. Thks Lou and for those that looked in just some works to keep those idle hands busy.
  19. I started these awhile back when the Mossie's engines started bogging me down.The Hurri with the pods is 1970's Revell,Hurri with 20's HobbyCraft 1990's (got both for $10) and the Blue Hurri is Malta Italeri Nice Kit! I hardly had any Hurri's built in the collection so it was like WTH.I can't tell you how many times I wanted to ditch that Revell was doing the build because I did it as a youth.The decals were old and very thin and the glue was coming off white as slide them in place hence I do not think any on the fuse are really straight!!They will look the part in the cabinet no contest winners that's for sure.
  20. Going to use the EZ line for the rigging makes it easy used it on my last two ships.
  21. You know Guys just a little tidbit I have noticed from the newsreels of the times when you watch the factory workers clocking in they are not heavy set!The diet back then was so much better than today's methinks a small observation.
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