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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. Then all of a suddenly somewhere through the course of the year a new rifle gets added to the collection they can't tell one from the next.I almost bidded on had it highlighted 5 Japanese rifle three with mums a couple of those with mums 75/85% RIA expected at auction 1100/1600 for all five.This was well within the trigger but just to many doctor bills of late.I see a possibility for next year just depends how the winds blow I do not have a single Japanese rifle in the collection.
  2. I remember Pacific Aces on a disc from UbiSoft and it seem MicroSoft got into the act for little while but UbiSoft still even today through Steam with there Cliffs of Dover and many since are the leaders.The computer I am on now is still W7 duel processor(?) but not enough speed for Cliffs of Dover.My Son built one before he went to Japan Quad processors and Duel video cards in the closet I just hate W10 and having to transfer the info.
  3. Looks good Dan and really it's unlimited and what you want. Kevin It seems with silver a shallower coat of paint makes it come forward.The term BB I think really came about more for interiors than exterior letting the black hang recessed in the crevasses adding a shadow effect I did it on the B-25 in the bombardier section and the copit.
  4. Yea Mike it was totally unexpected but on the Kate going light on the coats presents the variations to whatever the base is.The Kate I used Black primer from SNJ while not rough it's grainy so the silver was grainy/ugly not an issue but I laid the grey so lightly the panel lines just naturally popped without me having to do a thing.The Oscar got a coat of Semi-Gloss and being an older kit no recessed panel lines the same effect did not occur not to the extent of the Kate.I think a Flat black base,thin coat of SNJ AL then your colors it might work?Better yet maybe try it on and old wing with recessed panel lines and see if it's to your liking. Kevin
  5. Denis Son and I were discussing this the other night some of the old games made for FAT32 files that even with the right codecs do not seem to play that will with the newer windows.He mentioned going to Steam buy the game for $10 and it's already formatted for your computer Hasbro's B-17 Flying Fortress was great you could play any position on the plane or a fighter Allied or Axis!I was flying a P-51 one time on a quick mission came up a couple 262's cruising home they never saw me when I took the one I flew through the fireball with part of the fuselage going above the canopy.If you let the game run in normal time if you went deep into Germany it might take 8 hrs getting there. Kevin
  6. Denis I don't poke my head around enough in here but you did a fine job on this one Kevin
  7. KG 200 been years since I read up on them but remember the book as quite interesting Thks Patrick I was about to ask the question and saw the answer in your post I have one of those Brit Tripoli tanks(1/72) could not get it stay together will glue directly to the tracks.These came out real Nice Patrick will be looking forward to more. Kevin
  8. You got some Nice work going on here Mike I use to play like that some now just save for the occasional 1/32 subject just to many kits and not enough time. Kevin Oh by the way I started black basing doing NM finishes just morphed from there and EG is right unless it was an Island hopper it would be pretty clean but those colors you mentioned would bring out panels if you just BB the panel lines?
  9. Thanks Sir!I have the gloss laid tonight been at it all day for the most part lights,canopy and some more touch-ups have been completed. Kevin Also Egilman that's one camo I have not tackled yet. PS: This one will be puckered up for a few days went out this morning to look at the decal sheet NO decals for this crate even though it's in the instructions.Hase had put an addendum decal sheet at the bottom of the box that the plane you get to build yea OK! So I ordered a whole other kit with the right decals from Sprue Brothers.
  10. Yeah Dan just kept hitting it here and there I got a an actual still shot of the side but it seems the camera/computer are at odds tonight it is an old 2004 Sony 5.1 might be time for that replacement?Memory stick kaput!! Thks Ken going to be light years ahead of the build I showed from maybe 30yrs ago! It looking real close to the profiles Hase had the just the green blotches here and there and I have pulled that off on a KI-45 but I hand painted it and when you start to paint one of these you do it in one sitting.You see when do half of the plane and come back the next day something about your mood has changed and so does your artwork at least from my experiences. Kevin
  11. Thks after the post I went and laid down a little more paint filled in some areas looks better to me atleast I think once the decals happen and possibly some weathering it will be close to the profile.
  12. I have my Badger Renegade set up with a fine tip up close I say 1/16" line it's my primary gun.I have two others I bought as a kit (Badgers) one gravity feed and the other siphon with medium on the gravity big areas.
  13. Just a bridge in the head Phil or a resemblance to a another? Kevin
  14. Got the camo laid pictures show me I need to creep a little more to the yellow ID band area.I almost thought I would have to repaint the r/wing but all came out methinks I would make irregular dots all over then go back and connect them with the gun running the whole time till I felt it looked pretty much like the profile. Kevin Tomorrow the yellow bands,anti-glare and the wheel wells with tomorrow night I start the future.
  15. Got it Dan I have used just it just been a while and thought clean up was turpentine thks again.You can see now which plane is going to be the finished product.I started with a semi-gloss black base,SnJ AL,Japanese Sky Grey and I am now on the Pale Green a very thin coat as the grey.The camo folds under on the outer wing edges will tape off and respray the grey when I do the yellow ID wing bands.I say acrylic's are a PIA going through my Badger Renegade after the PG I ran Tamy acrylic thinner,ammonia,alcohol and two doses of turpentine.The cleaning may seem excessive but I lost one Badger a few years back after acrylics having forgot to clean it all together and came back 24hrs later lock up tighter than a drum.If I had thought about it would of soaked it in ammonia would of done the trick But that's one reason I use alot of enamels I have done that 24hr deal and it sprayed and I cleaned it.
  16. Thks Dan got a question can never remember when using Tamy wash is that over acrylic?
  17. The fuse is drying as I type their was no decals for the IP so a light coat of silver and four drops of future on on each dial for the lens.The seat belts are Brit and 1/48 scale and the satchel on the right side is PE 1/48 also looks the part typical Hase copit a little sparse.The wings and tailplanes have already been glued and sanded as well as the wheels kind of boring stuff so no pics but she should really start moving now. Kevin
  18. Not 100% on that Chris but having been in the auto industry for 40 years it's a pretty educated guess lots of air in that area.
  19. Well I am just about complete on the engine you will see how much the oil cooler hides the engine but it's better.
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