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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. Thks Mike ! I got the Mossie today and Hannah approves.I want to do her in the American scheme methinks. The aircraft on display is a British-built B. Mk. 35 manufactured in 1946 (later converted for towing targets) and is similar to the P.R. Mk. XVIs used by the USAAF. It was flown to the museum in February 1985. This Mosquito, serial RS709, has been restored to a Mk. XVI configuration and painted as NS519, a weather reconnaissance aircraft of the 653rd Bombardment Squadron based in England in 1944-1945.
  2. Yeah hand paint then use the toothpich around the frame to cleanup the paint outside of the lines scraping to say the wood is softer than the plastic so no damage to the canopy.I usually give the paint about 30-60 minutes of dry time and while the paint is still soft and start scraping or get mask.
  3. I finally did also must of been the following of Versailles Treaty(the only country to) everybody esp Japan were cheating like crazy by the mid-30's.
  4. RA I hand painted two of the planes canopies I am finishing now the Hurri and the 205 use a toothpick around the frames to get straight lines.
  5. Thks Ed it's a quick way to feel accomplishment ATTM my nose wants to drain eyes feel pressure keep the work lite and easy get ready to fill the new cabinet.I am about as excited a boy on Christmas waiting for my glass to be finished I have one piece of tempered glass that had to be ordered in for the top.
  6. Lou we have been open for the most part since late May we peaked like the rest of the states in mid-July but we stayed open we are now down to 750 cases per day from 1800 in July and today was 381 w/4deaths.The beaches have been packed,casinos and DINE in restaurants I see cars from LA,AL and FL on the W/E's we are open for business.I honestly think this hit the MS Gulf Coast from 11/19 onwards(casinos) and the reason why so few are showing symptoms now we called it the crud back then.The company I work for every store (15/40 employees) along the coast had people with pneumonia and flu like symptoms from Nov to March hence we have yet to have a store close and we are deemed essential business.
  7. Thks for the likes and interest cooking up some sausage for a seafood gumbo for Momma and MIL this afternoon meds and nap finish the D-9 tonite.
  8. Yep still puffy and dark around those eyes
  9. It's already on the table 1/24 Fw-190 D-9
  10. This one will be finished today the Tauro kit 1/48 Mc-205 to which the 1/2 of the kit I discarded esp the copit so much flash and just rubbish.I started this kit some 4/5 years ago for a GB on another site fit issues and such it became a dust collector till now.She may actually be a nice kit when finished.I will have the appropriate finish pic later this afternoon.
  11. Next up you guys are familiar with they were all close but lacking now done 1/32 B-25,1/48 F-16(with Capt Javlin Morgan on canopy ) and the 1/72 F-84.
  12. First up is a very old kit I p/u at Hobbytown Mobile for $10 a Revell 1/32 Hurricane this kit is an OOB I did not take a beforehand pic of this one all that was left was paint the canopy(hand),pitot tube,antenna,tail wheel,exhaust,prop and the aerial.I think for an old kit simple build it looks the part.
  13. I have had a little time on my hands and instead of starting in on the F-86 I looked at those unfinished kits some 90% complete!Why do we walk away from some and leave them collecting dust?So,I thought what a perfect opportunity to finish these guys off while I a wait the glass for the new cabinet and a 1/32 HK Mosquito Mk IX/XVI coming tomorrow .
  14. I had seen Greg this one was out and she has some Nice lines in her.The work as usual is superb Sir a question though her main guns look kinda small by the pics maybe 12"? Kevin Oh by the way luv the new layout of forum breaking down by era
  15. I am taking pictures before and after Denis thinking of starting a thread "The Unfinished to Finished" something to that intent. I hope so Mark it's been a pain/pressure in the eyes,face is still swollen and you cannot blow or sneeze and it's full of blood and mucus.The issue of sleep is tough right now upright I was wondering why so many pain pills it's for the pressure behind the eyes I figure.
  16. I have a 1/72 of these I quit on when I got to the glass yours is looking good Denis.
  17. I have not been totally idle guys I decided to have an OP procedure done was under about 3 hrs last Tuesday Rhinoplasty and one side of the nose was about 70/80% useless so said lets do it all,it sucks not being able to breathe.So,I wait on the glass for the cabinet but I decided before I progress Further with the F-86 I wanted to finish those kits that are 60/70/80% complete.Thus I have finished the F-16 1/48,HK B-25 1/32,F-84 1/72 and a old 1/32 Revell Hurricane next to hit the table is 1/48 MC-205 and 1/48 dorsal fin P-47 Revell.I have four other planes that need to be finished 1/24 FW-190 D-9,1/24 Spit Mk-V,1/32 P-47 and last may hit the trash a Revell 1/48 Mosquito. I have HK's 1/32 Mosquito Mk-IX/XVI coming in Monday.Some interesting builds out there guys. Kevin
  18. I like this one alot Greg but then it could be those Italian lines and curves like Sophia Loren. Kevin
  19. Guys I appreciate all the looks and interest but this build will be slowed not for lack of interest on my part but Life says other things first!I have officially run out of storage room I started a box some time back and I need to build another also for the office/model room it measures 48"LX22"D"X34"H plus I have a table restoration gig for fella graying included.So when I get an hour or two to work on the 86 I will but the F-16 gots to come first. Kevin
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