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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. Nice Build!! It's a shame that Guillows could not get a better canopy form but it was intended to fly.looking forward to the finished product Kevin
  2. I had a question about the attachment of the harness for the radio ops guy got this in response from the guy in Canada working on one one could enhance that seat quite abit ,,,,,,,,,,,,
  3. EG Yellow Zinc is the color I am going with the L/side cables.I got some paint laid and being that the pilot sat on his parachute I cut the seat up removed the unwanted cushions and made her bar.I still need to hit the the fire ext with a little more copper the right color and add cushions to the arm rest and green. kevin
  4. I got that report from a fella in Canada working on the restoration of a crate up there.thks for the input guys! Kevin Also EG he mentioned the pale yellow which I see represented on the right side of the fuse so another color on my part in that area is coming.He also mentioned the transmitter stand was a possibility.
  5. I have been working on it OC but it has been like 1hr clips any idea on the wiring colors? Kevin
  6. First of all the Nationality of the crate will be Brit the radio compartment and some of the IP are totally different I will have pics of the crate I intend to do at a later date it's colorful red/white striped tail .OC and EG I do not know if you fellas have any ideas on the cable/wire in these crates?I have four books now and it's all black/white I am thinking white and yellow just a guess.I have a bit more to do on the stand for the transmitter and some more wires coming out of the side of the transmitter behind the seat and PRU seats were cut in half.I added a switch panel down the lower L/side of the seat with two PE toggles and some punch stock which the PE came from the B-25 kit looks the part.I figures out the that piece on the side of the IP leg it goes flat no map shoot had to look at Kermit Weeks PRU video same riveting and all. Kevin
  7. Encountered something like that with water which technically so is air.I was sailing a 17' cat with a buddy had one pontoon started to rise but not out were moving a good clip channel marker coming up heading right for it the tiller would not move it took both of us. No No No!The fumes make the experience lets say more levitated You are doing great work on the build and research stuck on research on mine now but have a guy on another forum who is actually part of the team rebuilding a PRU in Canada to get me some help.The guys and you have stared a great conversation on the wing folds Lou,EG and Dan great work! Kevin
  8. Thank You Gentleman!I use that term loosely with some you. Kevin
  9. Calling this one done gave up on the wash since most of the kit is raised about 95% leave well enough alone she still looks good.Thks for looking in and following along guys. Kevin
  10. The IP continues to move forward this is the last of the work till Tuesday get some more done then.Cheers Kevin Still crappy pics my hands just not steady enough
  11. I see the pad on the floor in that area makes alot of sense.
  12. So Interior green would be the guess?
  13. OC it's not on that IP but you can see the area were it would go on the R/side I took another pic a little blurry not even 18' away .
  14. It's going to be the circled area.I find when the company goes through the process of changing the texture of the metal it usually represent canvas or leather and not shown in the pic is a line of rivets that attach the material to the leg of the IP.I have a new book coming might have a pic and description kinda reminds me of a map log possibly storage can?Would be about 2' tall 8" at the mouth could be for that umbrella you guys need certain times of the year Kevin
  15. This is the piece in question I have a new book coming next week from Osprey to help out on some details. Kevin
  16. Well I cut off the pedals once I built the PE ones not to bad don't play with the PE like I use too.I have also started black basing the interior with some semi-gloss black enamel.I have a couple things I am looking to add to the pit area thing that are readily seen around the radio equipment a pic of what I will try to replicate from another build which HK did not do the tower. Kevin OC:the shroud for the pedals is that a leather/canvas bag on the right side of the IP? Looks like some kind of storage unit?
  17. This front is coming together I now have some of my belts today arrived the Eduards belts still expecting the Radu's belts later this week.I also received the canopy mask the other day.I am thinking one of the next things on the list is the IP. Kevin
  18. Not much to report the plane has received another cote of clear actually a few added the headrest and LG are glued in place with hydraulics lines installed.The only thing left is the antenna ,pitot tube,gun sight,canopy and whether to panel line her?I started chipping and it was just not happening same issue on the Kate?I finally realized it was my base black it's not glossy giving the grainy texture so the paint sticks to good to the silver.I then started using MM Metalizer Silver did not like it under the canopy on the L/side was going to repaint but remembered hey I have a gloss barrier q-tip and turpentine took care of it just had to touch up the original chips. Kevin I messed up the decal on the tail the lower front kill marking came off out came the Waldron punch set it will pass muster.
  19. These decals on the new sheet are thick and Walthers is having a tough time(red) with them but I am getting there.The LG are not glued in and neither is the canopy just representations for now.
  20. I like cooking Lou when in the mood it's another creative process.I grew up in a family of seven kids me next to the end and Mom was getting tired so she started teaching me and my younger brother how to cook when I was fourteen.I had an old girlfriend and a couple other couples all hanging out and we needed gravy for something I was like 18/19 I whipped it up from scratch on the spot(milk gravy) the girls were impressed.Red Snapper is my favorite fish pan fry with a coating make a sauce of sauteed onions,celery [Worcestershire/lemon juice],bay leaf,parsley,basil,dill weed[white wine/horseradish].The bracketed items work against each other if to lemony add the W if to much H wine then you throw in the sauteed shrimp serve over the fish with rice on the side over that also.This is another in house favorite a recipe I started from scratch some 25yrs ago it takes longer to make the sauce than frying the fish. Now back to our regularly scheduled program I also have another set of belts(5)ordered from Sprue Brothers of the RB production line some for the Japanese AC also.I have the old Revell Mosssie I started some mods at one point and put away. Kevin
  21. I have done two trays of Brownies,dozen PB cookies,2 dozen Peanut Blossoms,5 dozen chocolate chip and now working a chocolate roll and the yearly pumpkin roll then I am through Cooking!Last night the Sister-in-Law made it into town made "Chicken Christopher" one of the favorites over angel hair pasta with garlic bread and a salad it was good! Kevin
  22. The Bird EG has posted I hope should be an easy scheme but like EG British Crates with US insignia just have a different look! Kevin
  23. Thks OC just order canopy mask and HGW's belts but the guy I like use sold out was RB productions that's the belts I used for the P-51 "Flying Dutchman" easy to build. Kevin
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