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Shipyard sid

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Everything posted by Shipyard sid

  1. Hello Paul Absolutely agree with maturin . Your work is so clean and tidy. Keep it up and really enjoy it. It's hard to believe that this is your first ship.. Well done. DAVID..
  2. Greeting all Working my way down the port side now. I have fitted the davits which only need to be rigged, and the sea cutter fitted once I complete it. The boat on the davits is the barge which will be on the starboard side with the sea cutter on the port side, which is the larger boat and should look a lot better. I had a look at grants brilliant small boats which he suggested I might scratch build, but alas it is all to clever for me. But thanks for the suggestion grant. So with the davits more or less completed I headed for the anchors. I have as you can see fitted both the bowers anchor now, but not the sheet anchors as I have lost three parts, so I need to make those. Anyway that's me for now. Here are a few photos of my progress. Thanks to you all for viewing and your comments and suggestions. DAVID
  3. Hello Derek Good that you are feeling a lot better now. Two boats on the davits and the other two off the ship, that's the way for me. There should be two 25 foot cutters on the davits as Grant says, but alas as I said earlier they are not provided by jotika with their £710 kit. Any way I have just finished the second lot of Davits and starting to tidy up the port side and the final two anchors. Catch you later today DAVID
  4. Hello Rich Trim the underside of the bulwark pattern until the outer hull and inner bulwark cills are level, then trim the top until the bulwark pattern fit in with the gun ports level. Don't worry about the bulwark patterns being a bit slack if you overdo it , It all gets planked and hidden. It's a good idea to make up a gun carriage and use the barrel as a gauge if you follow, but remember you need some planking strip under the wheels as your deck is not yet planked. Once you get the deck and bulwark patterns both planked fit a thin trim as an edging if you follow. I have added a photo to help you understand, but will delete if you tell me. Sorry to be long winded. Give me a shout if any of this does not make sense DAVID
  5. Hello Rich Work is looking excellent so far. Ok inner bulwarks are out of line. I surmise they are out of line height wise. Is that correct ?? If so I will come back to you on the prob..DAVID
  6. Hello Glenn , Well one side near completion , and no prob after the false start. Remember to start the plates from the same position on the port side to aide in matching up at the bow and stern. Do you have any idea were we can purchase a flag set for the ship, which is not included with the kit as you know. Well done Glenn .DAVID
  7. Greetings Jerry Well it gets better every post. Excellent progress, and cracking pictures. Look what I got off AMAZON for £2. 80p.!!!!! I bought it because you mentioned it lo Lawrence . Looked it up and could not believe the price. DAVID photos of sample pages
  8. Greetings all Thanks Nick and Jerry. I think we are agreed there will not be any boats on the skid beams. It's two on Davits and the other two off the ship for me. One could easily be fitted at the stern on Davits, but would be hiding the stern facia. Anyway Jerry have a cracking holiday touring Europe. DAVID.
  9. Greetings Jerry Well the photos look excellent, as per usual, good luck with your snobby nosed bowsprit on your return from holiday. Have a cracking time and make sure the admiral does not spot the PVA and rigging thread in your suite case. DAVID
  10. Greeting all Thanks a lot Lawrence, Nick and Grant. Grant there is no need to doubt your word about the boat positions. Alas we caldercraft builders have not got any 25' cutters to hang on our davits, we have empty Davits, there are no other boats supplied with the kit. The other four boats are supplied and as you say mounted on the skid beams. DAVID
  11. Greeting All Well at last I have made the barge. It's not brilliant but will do me. The colours are incorrect but ok. I could not see any gold on jotikas, but it may have been the photos. I have posted a few but the boat is way out of position, and as you can see it does not look right at all, and needs to be lifted at least another inch or so. I will take it off and do some adjustment and fit them all at the end stage. Thanks for viewing and your comments. Here's the photos. DAVID
  12. Hello Rich Yep no probs with this. Exellent planking. It's a bit of a shame you are going to hide it with copper plates. Good luck with the upward continuation of your planking . Keep enjoying it. DAVID
  13. Hello Jerry At least you knew the difference between the buntlines and the leech lines, sadly I messed up once again. In this instance I don't think the belaying plan layout did a lot to help. Well that's my excuse. But once again you have cracked it. Well done , you will soon be back down to the nose in the air pointy end. Cracking stuff Jerry DAVID ...... I am still building a little barge, but would rather not talk about it.
  14. Greetings Glenn Well this is looking good, and you have only spent five days on it. There must be at least a third of the first side completed. I think you will start to find things get a bit more awkward from now on in, but you are really doing well. No complacency and fill the gaps... Well done DAVID
  15. Hello Jerry again Yes we got an electric scooter sorted, it just arrived. Yes page 236, I was going to mention it last night. The display case???? It's going to be Autumnish now the way things are going, but I have got it sorted and it's no prob. I will tell you later. Enjoy the spritsail yard.... DAVID
  16. Hello Glenn Well done with your coppering so far. Yep it's going well. Keep it going and don't get complacent. Build a small stool so you can view your ship in its case. You ordered 500 more plates ??? Are you coppering the small boats ????n DAVID
  17. Hello Jerry Well done with your rigging on the spritsail topsail yard, and for sorting the halyard which I had missed , it shows how sometimes working out of sequence can go wrong. Yep also the parral beads although I did spot those. Good luck with the spritsail yard, and hopefully I haven't missed anything there. DAVID
  18. Greetings Jerry's Well what have we got here!!!! ?? It's a cracking photo , and doesn't it look smart. Wonderful work and in such a short time. Keep enjoying it Jerry. You have nearly caught me up. I am making a barge for the starboard davits. Well done!! DAVID
  19. Hello Keith Thanks for your posts on my log. Your build is coming along fine, and your planking is excellent. I don't think you should regret not buying the jotika victory. I just have to look at your build and your mate Boyd's build log , Were there is something special going on. Keep enjoying your build along side Boyd's and you will have something to be proud of. DAVID.......Take your time
  20. Hello everyone Thanks a lot for viewing . Well what to do about the boats. Grant , alas I have only one cutter and it's only 3inches long and the gap between the davits is three and a half inches so it would look really silly. The barge and launch are both about five and a half inches long, and the pinnace is just over four and a half inches, so I will make up one of the longer ones and fit it. I can then decide which size will look best to fit on the port side which will be the visible side of the ship. I don't know we're the other two are going to be fitted. DAVID
  21. Greeting all Well I have backtracked on myself. I found two davits I did not know I had made so decided to fit them. As I said I had messed up on my first attempt . I decided to paint them yellow ochre, as I thought there was to much black about and they looked a lot better. Thanks for viewing and your comments. Here's some photos. DAVID
  22. Hello Keith Well two builds on the go at the same time. I have just been looking at your victory, and it's looking excellent. Yes I got the billing bounty in the late seventies, and as you say no laser cut outs. All the cutting out of the bulkheads etc with a fret saw. The kit was about £25 , and the fittings kit was about the same price. I did not finish the build, but gave it to my father as I could not be chewed with the rigging. Anyway enjoy the build as much as you appearing to enjoy your victory. DAVID
  23. Greetings glen. Well once again glen is buzzing along, and things are looking very good. Fill in the small gaps as you go, you don't want to finish with loads of small pieces to fit in. And it makes them easier to fit, as the surrounding tiles are not secured if you follow. Keep enjoying it and don't get complacent. DAVID
  24. Hello aves The flourishes ( scrolls) are etched brass which come with the kit. There are six sheets of etched brass parts with the kit. I knew they were upside down. Someone had mentioned it earlier. For some reason I could not make them fit the correct way around, but wasn't much bothered. Thanks a lot .DAVID
  25. Greetings glen Good luck with your coppering. Got to agree with Jerry on the ammount of time it will take to do your coppering. I was fitting up to five at a time using evostic, it's just getting the hang of using it. Others like Jerry found using CA was ideal. The £1 shop sell evostic if you want to see how it goes with that. DAVID
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