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Ulises Victoria

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Everything posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Update and an example of how Murphy's law works I posted before that I could not post photos because my camera's battery depleted and with the house moving and stuff I couldn't find the charger. Well, the very day I received my charger replacement, I found my old charger... hahaha this is soooo funny! 🤬 Ok, after the crash described before, I made some repairs, and started working on my ship again. As of today Aug. 15-18 I finished placing all the gunport covers. I placed them randomly open, closed or semi-closed to break monotony. Not sure how that worked haha. With this I finish with the hull work and as of today I start with the masting and rigging process. Can't wait to start this area which is the one I enjoy yhe most!!! FINALLY!!! I am posting some photos of the ship's present state and of my workshop which finally starts looking a bit more organized. Thank you all for watching and as usual, comments are welcome.
  2. Hello all. Any news on the development/release of Amati 1/64 Victory by Chris Watton? Thanks in advance.
  3. Sjors... One thing I've learned in this hobby is that if there is something you really really don't like, then undoit and redoit. The sense of satisfaction you get is great! Best regards.
  4. Thanks to all for your words of encouragement. Repairs are done!!! I'm actually amazed at the amount of damage (minimal) the ship sustained after that crash against the hard floor. 5 hull cannons broke form their supports and that was easily fixed with 2 ton epoxy. A crack in the upper rear bulwark. This was filled with putty but never really dissapeared even after painting. An unglued handrail and that was it. What really impressed me was that not a single one of the already placed gunport covers came off. Unfortunately, patches show, so this ship is not going to win any contest, not that I plan to take it to a contest anyhow after this event. So this ship's destiny is to serve as one more adornment in my living room, where most of the visitors know nothing of shipbuilding and their comments are most likely like: Oh what a nice ship. ....You built it, really? ....Wow you must have a lot of patience... ok now what do you have to drink? So I am already working on the ship where I left. Almost done with starboard side gunport covers. 4 left to do as of this moment. Then 33 on the other side, and I'm done with hull work. RIGGING NEXT!!! Sorry no photos yet. To top it off my camera's battery depleted and for the life of me, can't find the battery charger. Understandable after a house moving! Cheers all. Promise photos as soon as new charger arrives.
  5. Thank you Pat. Some of you will cringe when reading this. 😬 The worst nightmare that a ship modeler can have, just happen to me! Yesterday I was very excited working on my ship, finishing placing all those gunport covers, with their little hinges and the ropes used for lifting/lowering them... I stand up and turn the other way to grab some tool and hear a loud crash. My heart stopped. I turn around and my ship was not at the table. It was on the floor.🤯 I stood there open mouthed for about half minute, not believing what just happened. I finally was able to take the hull and place it on my table, and silently went to my bedroom. I cried. 😢 My first reaction was to bag the damn thing and start a new project already. What the heck.🤬 Later, when I mustered enough courage, I went back to my workshop and assesed the damage. To be honest, considering the height and the sound of the crash I heard, the damage was actually minimal. A few hull cannons (5) broke. There was a crack in one of the bulwarks and a hand rail was loose. I think the worst part, was the rigging in a couple of deck cannons... worst because they are going to be the hardest to fix. Yes, I decided I am going to fix it. I think if this had happened with masts and rigging in place, the damage would had been disastrous! Trying to take a positive thing out of a disaster, considering the height of the table and the hardeness of the floor, this tells me that my ship is actually very well built. So... here's my today story. I started fixing already. Will keep you posted. Cheers.
  6. Hallo mates. Well I can say that today, thursday 26 of July 2018 I officially re-started the building of my neglected Royal Louis. No photos yet as there is not much to show , but soon they will come. What I left in process was placing the gunport covers. About 2/3 of the starboard side were done, so I am finished those pending to do in this side, and will continuie with the port side. It is hard to re-take something that was left incomplete after so many months. Have to use the same thread, paint, materials etc. You loose the inertia. Once the gunports are done, I can start right off with the rigging... my favorite part of the build. Looking forward to it!!! Cheers all.
  7. Ronald. My native languaje is Spanish, and I have not had any problems with my Royal Louis instructions. Cheers
  8. Thank you Karl. Let me know when you are coming to Mty. You will have to plan to spend a whole evening to come to visit. My house is exactly 50 kms from the Rotonda in La Colonia del Valle. Saludos.
  9. FINALLY!!! I finished with the cleaning and fixing of my previously built ships, some of which I had neglected and now I'm paying the consequences. They are now placed in my living room on their respective tables and covers which I had made for that purpose. So my workshop is now free of pending maintenance work and I can now proceed to continue my Royal Louis build. Here is a photo-mini-tour of my new living room and how it looks with all the ships in their place. First here is my RL ready for action in the workshop. First in the row: Golden Hinde (plastic) and Artesania Latina Endeavour My fireplace with Excalibur on the wall My Chess table My guitar collection The San Juan Bautista Artesania Latina Bounty Corel Vasa Wide views. I have to say I am very happy with everything that has been happening to me in these last year. No doubt someone is watching over me from above. (love you and miss you Mom!!!)
  10. Thank you Pat. Fortunately those issues were of the positive nature: buying a new house, moving, all things involving furnishing a new home, new workshop, finding a place for already built ships, and a long etc. Took me almost a year, but I am on track again. Best regards.
  11. The boat kits I got from ME were very close to scale, but they were really cumbersome to make. I finished one and was so unhappy with the result that I ended up using the ones in the kit. I took the challenge to make them look like wood. I'll post some photos when starting my build again.
  12. I feel very honored that you consider my work as some sort of guide for yours. Of course you can use all my material as you see fit. If anything I'd only ask that if you post that material in other sites, give credit where credit is due. 😉
  13. I wish I knew. Due to several personal matters I had to put on hold building in general. But I am very excited because this morning I saw the end of those troubling issues and I will re-start my build as soon as this very week. Thanks for you interest Ronald. Best regards
  14. Hello Ronald. I don't have any book about the Royal Louis specifically, and believe me I have looked for it. You may be referrieng to a photo in one in my previous posts. Sorry to dissapoint you but that is a notebook I had made with the photo of the kit's photo on the cover to use as a log book.
  15. Long time ago I used mesquite thorns, which I got from a friend who had a ranch with thousands of those trees. The beauty of them is that they would fit the thinniest hole. I can't get them anymore, though.
  16. Nice to see you, my friend. I have been away also due to personal matters but of the positive kind. It's good to see you are well and kicking I hope to be back to building in no more than a month from now Best wishes to you, mate!
  17. Well this certainly looks like a dream come true for me. Will be following with much interest.
  18. Hello and welcome Andrew. Where in Texas do you live? I live in Monterrey MX which is just a couple hours below Laredo and about 5 from San Antonio. I attend every year the IPMS model show in S.A. and when possible, I take a wooden ship to contest there. Welcome to MSW Ulises
  19. OH......MY......GOD! Outstanding job is such an understatement!!! This is one of the most beautiful builds I have ever seen, and I've seen quite a few!!!! My great congratulations!!!
  20. I would love to see a build log with photos of the building journey. As many as possible
  21. Wow!!! 1/38? What is the size of this monster??? Outstanding job, I must add!!!
  22. Even the photo of the model is the same that the one in Mamoli's Box (just look my avatar) I wonder how legit is what they are doing. (edit) I just went over the whole text and looks like they are doing it right. Apologize for my rushed judgement
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