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Ulises Victoria

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Everything posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Hey Viv!!! So nice to see you here again! You've been missed, dear. Welcome back! Abrazos Ulises
  2. Hey Arthur. I said that 30 cannons on deck "had to be rigged" . There are actually 34 cannons on deck that "have to be rigged", but 4 cannons under the stairs were rigged only on one side... And then there is one more hidden under the last deck. If you look closely in the 3rd photo at the right, you will see only a part of the rigging rope. Oh well... never mind Thanks for your comment. It means you are paying attention and that is priceless.
  3. Looking good, Anton. Love the treenailing in your hull. ill keep watching. I'm trying to make this ship my next project!
  4. Hmmm I just went over your build again, and I'm thinking to buy me a box of those Lego thingies you used to square your frames. Cheaper than the engineer's metal rulers.
  5. Have to agree with the part of Alexey's customer service. I just got his ropewalk machine. He answered my many mails I sent him with questions the same day, I stupidly broke a couple of pieces when assembling it. He immediately sent replacements at no cost other than shipping. Thank you, Alexey. Good to have you with us!
  6. Update May 2 2017 Finished placing, rigging and adding cannonball racks to all cannons over the decks of the starboard side. Work has been slow but steady. Hope to find more time soon
  7. This looks like a beautiful ship. Acetone dissolves CA, but you must be very careful not to unglue what needs to remain glued I would not put any finish until all the CA spots have been removed. Test with a little thinner applied with a rag. Thinner gives you a very approximate way of how your planking will look after applying the finish, and it evaporates very quickly without damage. If you see spots after applying the thinner, very likely you will see spots after applying your finish, but then, it will be too late. Hope this helps. Ulises PS Edit: Do not apply thinner over painted areas!
  8. Yes you can pin the wet board, holding it in shape with pins and then run the hot thing (whatever you use, hair curler, modified soldering iron, cloth iron, etc.) over it until the wood is dry. It most likely will retain some of the bend, but also will spring back some. At this point just use a good wood glue and glue it to where it belongs and pin it again just like before. Wait till the glue is dry and you shouldn't have any issues. Regards. Ulises
  9. Agreed. Looks more like copper. I used copper paint and then a heavy wash of green and then white on the hull of one of my Revell's 1/96 Constitution with excellent results. Sorry no photos. Very long time ago.
  10. Here: I bought these in 2014 and couldn't be any happier. Unfortunately they are not available anymore https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000NDLOHM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 But these are a nice alternative https://www.amazon.com/WORKPRO-W001402A-20-Piece-Plastic-Spring/dp/B019MDJURE/ref=sr_1_3?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1492973358&sr=1-3-spons&keywords=clamps&psc=1 Oops, sorry. There are no like the ones in your photos in these sets. Still... it may be good to consider. Best
  11. No... I wouldn't recommend it either. Easier to put the bulwark and then, if needed, bend the individual planks as stated above. You may not even need to pre-bend the planks, just press them hard against the bulwark while the glue dries.
  12. Tempting indeed! But I would have to finish Royal Louis first. I barely have room to build one ship... two, is out of the question!!!
  13. Hey there, Sjors. Another build of a ship that is already in my stash. I've had this kit for about 5 years now. I feel more inclined towards ships of the 17th century, but I have to admit this is one magnificent ship! Congratulations. I'm pulling a chair just next that popcorn machine Anja just brought!!!
  14. Looking good Karl!!! Only 400 knots? Child's play What will be next? Un abrazo Ulises
  15. I am a bit discouraged with the Sergal kit I went to a page where you can see/download the instructions of the kit and saw that the decks come "pre-planked" or at least scribed. C´mon! a $1,200-$1,500 kit following this path? They may think that by doing so they will attract more sales from less experienced builders, but for starters, this is NOT a beginners kit. I don't get it.
  16. I posted this question in some other thread, but never got a satisfactory answer. DeAgostini says their SotS is 1/84 and measures 1100mm, and Sergal says theirs is 1/78 and measures 1100mm... Which is wrong? TIA Ulises
  17. Hello Anton. Looking great. This ship is one of my dream ships. More and more I feel inclined towards older ships. Those floating palaces with lots and lots of ornaments like SotS, Soleil Royal, San Felipe lure my attention! In your early photos... what are you using as keel clamp? Best regards. Ulises
  18. Wow Sjors! I definitely want to build this ship, thanks to you!!!. Still undecided if the DeAgostini or the Sergal version. Did you compare both? Why did you decided on the DeAgostini?
  19. Heller's 1/100 Soleil Royal (plastic) has no entryways either. Not sure how accurate this kit may be.
  20. I have used balsa with no problems. True it doesn't hold a nail, but you seldom need it.
  21. Hey Eddie: Yes... I am aware that Caldercraft's is of the highest quality, but I still want to build the 1/64. I already have a 1/100 Heller (plastic) Victory which I improved with parts from a 1/98 Corel that I never finished ( long story here about undertaking an advanced model as first project) so I don't want that many Victorys, even considering that to me, Victory is THE ship. Guess I will continue buiding ships in my wish list hoping that sometime the 1/64 kit will be released.
  22. No Eddie... it is a big challenge and I have never done any SB. I would have to start with something simpler to learn to Scratchbuild, but I am 68 Y/O and still have the Sovereign of the Seas and Soleil Royal to build. I may not have enough life, steady hand or sharp eyes to do all that.
  23. Well that is sad bad news indeed. I was hoping it would be released this year. Guess will have to think in some other project!
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