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About AON

  • Birthday November 15

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Spin and fly fishing;
    Violin and fiddle (you need to understand the difference to get this);
    Wood carving;
    Reading historical/fiction;
    Use to do a lot of sailing and hunting when I was much younger.
    R/C Sailing as of the summer of 2024

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  1. Good evening Bruce. I just watched the NRG video of your presentation last Saturday... Well Done! I am sorry I missed sitting in on it but I had an unexpected early morning appointment elsewhere that kept me away. Alan
  2. I hate to say it... but sometimes a "do over" is the best answer. Remove the offending part and make a new one. Seems like a kick in the sensitive parts right now, but when your done you will be much happier and will be wondering why you hesitated... but we all do so you are not alone.
  3. It takes some practice but it is somewhat like tensioning a stringed instrument... you pluck it. see here: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+tension+a+scroll+saw+blade&oq=how+to+tension+a+scroll+saw+blade&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMggIAxAAGBYYHjIICAQQABgWGB4yCAgFEAAYFhgeMggIBhAAGBYYHjIICAcQABgWGB4yCAgIEAAYFhgeMggICRAAGBYYHtIBCjIwOTU0ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:0917ef03,vid:gW-tO2Jx4Gc,st:50
  4. Looking forward to seeing her at the MSON club meeting tomorrow!
  5. If the wood tends to split try thinner pieces for a laminated assembly. make them a bit wider then you need because they might shift when glued but as they are oversized you can sand them to the proper width after the glue dries.
  6. pulled up my chair. always amazed with these tiny models in bottles!
  7. I use Fusion 360 - free hobbyist version to create my 3D models and it can generate 2D drawings from the 3D model. You need to make a few choices like sheet size, scale, views and then you can add dimensions and save the sheet as a PDF and print it out (letter size 8.5" x 11") or have large sheets printed out at a commercial print shop.
  8. I see you've soaked it... how hot was the water (boiling?) Have you tried steam... 5 to 10 minutes is normally adequate for us. I use an old rice steamer to steam my wood... limits the length. I've also place some pieces directly in the boiling water of the steamer. I've read exotic and soft woods do not bend well, and that kiln dried wood cannot be steam bent as the ligin in the wood has been permanently set. Air dried wood below 10% moisture has limited bending capabilities when steamed for the same reason. Should allow a shallow curve which is normally plenty for us!
  9. This one is a mish-mash. On both sides the breech rope is well to the outside eyebolts where as the gun tackle is in on the right side and out on the left side. Also they eyebolt location of the breech rope and guntackle are switch as other sources suggest the breech rope secures to the lower eyebolts. Two securing eyebolts above the gun port.
  10. In this image the eyebolts are both lower than the lower gun port cill
  11. Below is an image reference to various methods of securing the guns. In all images only two eye bolts are shown to either side of the gun port, not three. Interestingly, both are quite high, adjacent to the actual gun port, none lower than the lower cill which some other references would suggest. In image "c" there is a single eyebolt above the port... but in the earlier photo I can see two eyebolts. It is all very confusing.
  12. I'm not quite back yet. I had surgery; had been waiting sometime for a date and grabbed it when one was offered. Still recovering but feeling much better. Might be a few more weeks before I get in the shop. Hmmmm...might be a good time to paint my gun carriages!
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