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Greetings all,


I was at the local Bi-Mart today following my wife around when I spotted these,and decided to give it a try for the princely sum of $4 








It works really well,allows great control,and is like a having a razor sharp forefinger.





Watch out for the Finns, :P:D

You are going to get hooked on their products. I have the same knife and enjoy it very much.

Besides a very good way to keep your finger away from the blade.


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Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry


I like it so much. Just got it for US $3.77 total at Amazon.

There aren't but two options: do it FAST, or do it RIGHT.


Current Project Build Log: Soleil Royal in 1/72. Kit by Artesania Latina.

Last finished projectsRoyal Ship Vasa 1628; French Vessel Royal Louis 1780. 1/90 Scale by Mamoli. 120 Cannons


Future projects already in my stash: Panart: San Felipe 1/75; OcCre: Santísima Trinidad 1/90;

Wish List: 1/64 Amati Victory, HMS Enterprise in 1/48 by CAF models.


So much to build, so little time!




They also make a swivel knife that looks much like this one. Smaller blade and swivels, looks good to me but I use swivel knives with my leather tooling. The Fiscar swivel knife probably won't work well with tooling leather but it should make some nice sprial cuts in wood. Can see a place in carving and detailing with that knife.  Google  'Fiscar Swivel Knife' and take a look. Price is low enough to justify occaisional use.



Hey John....those are great. Get a few more and give this guy a run for the money!!!!!



Connecticut Marine Model Society

Nautical Research Guild

Model Ship World

"So we beat on, boats against the current, bourne back ceaselessly into the past" F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby

"If at first you don’t succeed.......skydiving is probably not for you”


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