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The stain looks great on the hull! Nice job!



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


Thanks!! I stained all the major subassemblies today and have arranged them in a mock up of the finished ship, except main mast.


The planking of the life boat is going well, even if I have only done one plank on each side. I first glued the planks to the frames in the middle of the boat and let them dry. Then I glued them to the bow and stern and fixed them with small clamps. It is fairly slow but worked well. I have also sanded them down quite a bit, especially where the join the bow and stern and where they "twist" in more than one dimension. That way I avoided having to soak them.


The paper in/on the ship is to protect the deck when I stain the inside of the hull. Also my workplace is not very tidy… It is small and though I try to keep it clean, building is much more fun than cleaning so it is never tidy enough ;)






This is how I blackened the anchors and will use on the photo etched parts on the rudder. I found it on a website selling gun parts!


It works very well and gives good coverage and it "sticks" very well to the metal. On my previous boat I painted the metal parts with black paint. I more or less knew that the paint would not adhere very well but did not know what else to use. But then I found this! It is necessary though to clean the parts carefully. I wash it first in hot water and soap and the put them in a small container with very pure gasoline and scrubs it a bit with a tooth brush. finally pick it up with a small pair of pliers to avoid any grease on the metal. Just drop it into a small cup with brass black and watch it turn black.


Great stuff but not very healthy from the text on the bottle. Be careful :)




I love the staining, looks great!


Be careful with the blackening stuff. Rinse the treated part with water well, or it will keep munching the part away.


...and a most awesome cannon! :pirate41:


Robin  :)

WIP: No ships atm...sorry!🙄

Completed: Greek bireme - Dusek - scale 1:72

 Louie da fly: "I think it requires a special kind of insanity to choose a galley to build a model of."


Today it all begins to come together! Glued the fore and aft castle into place. The life boat begins to take shape. That is, by the way, a fiddly little model. It is fun but annoying to glue those parts into place with too large fingers :)




It might be difficult to see but this is the beginning of an oar! Six of these will be on the lifeboat. The basic shape is done but I will do some "fine sanding". What might be a bit tricky is to get all six identical. I would like the oar to be a bit thinner but am not sure how to manage that and keep it round. I got this far by chucking the wood into the dremel and use it as a lathe combined with sand paper. But now the oar is so thin that it might break as the "end" is too "heavy" and starts to oscillate.


Well, well, it is just an oar, or six :)





I though I´d share a picture of my workstation. Not very big unfortunately but better than nothing. But now for the reason I took these pictures. I bought a slim "cupboard" lightning system and mounted it under the wall hung cabinet. It gives some extra light but what is even better it gives nice ambient light which eliminates shadows as it is another light source apart from the hobby lamp. I bought mine from IKEA but I´m sure most stores that sells walk in closets or large cupboards or cloth cabinets has them.


The only down side is that it was cheap ;)  (all good hobbies should be expensive… :D )






Nice workspace and the lamp is a great idea.


I went from a small desk to a huge desk. The only difference...I went from a small mess to a huge mess :unsure:

No matter how much...or little... space I have...it will become a mess to the point where I have 10x10cm left to work on.


Robin :)

WIP: No ships atm...sorry!🙄

Completed: Greek bireme - Dusek - scale 1:72

 Louie da fly: "I think it requires a special kind of insanity to choose a galley to build a model of."


A picture more from the side and with the color and shades cleaned up. In the foreground is the life boat. I have two planks left on the life boat before adding a few more details. Also working on the oars for that one. The hull is more or less done for now. I´m preparing the cleats, mast and yard arm. For the mast I´m going to test my Proxxon mini lathe! Looking forward to that.


I like this kit a lot, good instructions and easy to follow. Although I havn´t done the rigging yet I don´t think that will be much of a problem as there is not much of it. I think I would rate this model as a good first kit. (big words from some one with ONE model under the belt… ;) )



Work have unfortunately effectively stopped me from building for some time. Hopefully I will have more time in a week or so. Very annoying.


hello there!    I was browsing around and saw your log.........I must say.......it's a fine looking build   :)    you've done a very nice job on her so far.   I've seen a few of these kits by Dusek,  and I really like how they look   :)  hoping to try one in a future build   ;)


look forward in seeing more of your work post-612-0-80714400-1476799500.gif

I yam wot I yam!

finished builds:
Billings Nordkap 476 / Billings Cux 87 / Billings Mary Ann / Billings AmericA - reissue
Billings Regina - bashed into the Susan A / Andrea Gail 1:20 - semi scratch w/ Billing instructions
M&M Fun Ship - semi scratch build / Gundalow - scratch build / Jeanne D'Arc - Heller
Phylly C & Denny-Zen - the Lobsie twins - bashed & semi scratch dual build

Billing T78 Norden


in dry dock:
Billing's Gothenborg 1:100 / Billing's Boulogne Etaples 1:20
Billing's Half Moon 1:40 - some scratch required
Revell U.S.S. United States 1:96 - plastic/ wood modified / Academy Titanic 1:400
Trawler Syborn - semi scratch / Holiday Harbor dual build - semi scratch


Your build is looking fantastic! I love the color! Will the boat match the ship?



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


I have not had a lot of time these last weeks for proper building, instead I have only had a few minutes here and there. So I have done only a few small things, things that do not take a long time or need a long sitting to finish.


So I have done the cleats, polishing them a bit. Fixing the mast and yard arm and the lookout post and rudder. For the mast I used my hobby lathe for the first time! it worked very well. The rudder is not finished though, still needs a few of the hinges sections to be glued in place.


Hopefully I get some more free time this week for some serious building! But a few minutes here and there is a lot better than nothing.







No picture as photo bucket does not load… Anyway, I´ve build quite a bit. Mast is in place, yard arm is in place and standing rigging is done. Working on the running rigging.  Hopefully some pictures as soon as photo bucket decides to cooperate.


Some snags happened along the way. The drawings were not clear how a rope of the running rigging was supposed to "end". I looked at all the drawings and tried to look at the pictures but no luck, It kind of grew on me that I could not find how the rope was supposed to be attached. Finally I just drilled a hole in the support structure for the look out post and tied it there. It was fiddly work though and my patience started to grow thin after a while. Not only that but it seems like there is not enough .5mm thread. Very strange as it says the kit contains 3 meters (approx 3,3 yards?) and I have not used that much. Anyway I got the rope in place and started to tighten it. Wrapped it around a cleat and tightened carefully and snap, the cleat broke off. It angered me and I thought it best to stop working on that part. So I decided to glue the last plank on the life boat. Dryfitted the plank and snap it broke...


I was not a happy camper by now… One deep breath, I stood up and left the workstation so an accident involving a hammer would not occur. I´ll get back on it tomorrow with a fresh start and a full back pack of patience. :)


A new day is here. I have a suspicion that I have used the wrong thread/rope in the wrong places when rigging the ship. I ran out of rope ( of the correct size) basically after doing the standing rigging. There are several different sizes of ropes, ,25mm, .5mm, .75mm and 1.75mm. The 1,75mm is very easy to identify but harder with the .5 and .75mm kinds. 


It is a very high chance that I used the .75 when I was supposed to use the .5mm. So now I´m out of one kind but still need  a bit to line the sail. It will look very wrong to line the sail with too thin rope. I guess I will have to visit a sewing store and buy some more.


So what have I learned from this? To check carefully and mark which rope is which, not to chance and play it by the ear.


Photobucket still won´t cooperate. So no pictures :angry:  :(


I have never used P.B.   saw too many folks burned by their reliability.   I keep all mine on memory sticks.   we all have our days where nothing goes right.  chin up.......your doing a great job  ;)   there are lots of sites and places to buy thread and different size cordage......I hear Chuck has a good selection.  he has an add on the forum page.........check out the other adds *** well  ;)

I yam wot I yam!

finished builds:
Billings Nordkap 476 / Billings Cux 87 / Billings Mary Ann / Billings AmericA - reissue
Billings Regina - bashed into the Susan A / Andrea Gail 1:20 - semi scratch w/ Billing instructions
M&M Fun Ship - semi scratch build / Gundalow - scratch build / Jeanne D'Arc - Heller
Phylly C & Denny-Zen - the Lobsie twins - bashed & semi scratch dual build

Billing T78 Norden


in dry dock:
Billing's Gothenborg 1:100 / Billing's Boulogne Etaples 1:20
Billing's Half Moon 1:40 - some scratch required
Revell U.S.S. United States 1:96 - plastic/ wood modified / Academy Titanic 1:400
Trawler Syborn - semi scratch / Holiday Harbor dual build - semi scratch


Finally photo bucket is up and running again. Some pictures of progress so far with the rigging. Work will have to slow down a bit as I´ve run out of rigging thread. I have ordered quite a lot from "Chucks" or, more correct I guess, Syren Ship models. When i get it I can continue to rig. 


So far I´m very pleased with Syren and their service. I ordered on friday evening and on saturday I got a mail that the ordered had been shipped, very quick service. As all I ordered was a few packs of thread it should cross the atlantic fairly quick. 








Well, you goofed boy! A quote stolen from an old James Bond movie when a southern sheriff on vacation in Thailand tells mr Bond that he just failed...


Well, I failed a bit too. I glued the railing in place and completely forgot about the sitting boards! With the railing glued in place and very securely fit I will have to do some thinking… Sometimes it is good to follow the instructions to the letter instead of "Oh I´ll glue this, I think that is the next step". :)  :angry:




Oops! Before you start a demolition party....it looks like you can get them in place without the use of a hammer.


When you fit one side underneath the board...gently bend the seat and get it underneath the other side...it looks as if it's possible. I hope :(


When that's not possible, because the plywood is too stiff....can make them from easier to work with scrap/spare wood perhaps?


You can do it!


Robin :)

WIP: No ships atm...sorry!🙄

Completed: Greek bireme - Dusek - scale 1:72

 Louie da fly: "I think it requires a special kind of insanity to choose a galley to build a model of."


I was able to fit the boards after a bit of work in the life boat. I had to shorten them a bit and then, with a little force could "bend" them into place. So in the end everything went well :)


No picture for now but will add some tomorrow. I have also painted the boat in the same dark brown stain as the Kogge itself.  Now I´m eagerly awaiting the thread from Syren ship models so I can continue to finish the rigging.


"In the end everything will be all right, if it is not all right, it is not the end"

Posted (edited)

Just a few pictures. The cargo and life boat is not glued yet, just put there. A bit more rigging done.









Edited by Torbogdan

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