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Where are you located? If you are within easy reach of Paris, La Musee de la marine would be  the first possible place to enquire. Otherwise, Google 'Brittany fishing schooner plan' to see some images.

Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv

Posted (edited)

A place to start is with the 'Bergère de Domrémy, hull #  B 5929', a scallop dredging sloop / coquillier built in 1936.  It was rebuilt and now a French National Treasure.  The French An Test website contains some details and history.  There's lots of info on this website. 



Info on Auguste Tertu, who built the Bergère de Domrémy and many other boats



Page through Sophie's link for numerous photos and good info on the Bergère de Domrémy and other sloops: 



A blog with lots of photos of Bergère de Domrémy



The Brittany sloop is similar to the Irish Galway and Kinsale Hooker and many other Channel / Atlantic fishing boats.  More info on these Irish boats here: http://www.tradboats.ie/index.php


The "Douarnenez Festival" held every other year features numerous variations on the Brittany sloop / coquillier.  Here are links to photos from the 2006 and 2012 festivals.  Google 'Douarnenez Festival' for more photos.

2006:  http://www.pbase.com/image/65376766

2012:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/valendrevarzecois/7623197092/

Videos from 2012 Douarnenez Festival




This Pinterest page did a good job of assembling various fishing vessels from the Channel and Atlantic coast and includes some basic drawings. 



I built the Corel sloup kit using photos from all of the above links; I bashed the heck out of it from the very beginning.  When building this kit, it became apparent that EVERY Brittany sloop is different; a lot of it depended on what is the primary fishing, oysters, lobsters, sardines, location and more.

Edited by Dee_Dee
spelling errors

Current Build

 - Glad Tidings -MS  

Completed Builds

 - Dragon - Corel - One design International Class Yacht

 - Sloup Coquillier / Shell Fish Sloop - Corel - Based on 'Bergere de Domremy / Shepherdess from Domremy

 - Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack - Scratch build based on drawings from Chapelle's book "American Small Sailing Craft" 

On the Shelf

 - Gretel-Mamoli     - Emma C. Berry-MS    - Chesapeake Bay Pilot Boat, Semi-scratch 



Find yourself hoping you never reach your destination


Posted (edited)

Many thanks. That's great info. As you say, it's pretty evident that every sloop is different. I'm now very interested in building one from scratch, as well as understanding their evolution, so am looking for detailed set of drawings, if they are available.


Edited by Williamo

Working craft of Brittany are covered in the book Les bateaux des cortes de la Bretagne Nord by Jean Le Bot. The book includes a chapter on the St. Malo Pilot Boats that appear to be the boat that you are researching.  The book is in French, but plans are plans.  Used copies are available on Amazon, but make sure if you buy a copy it includes the large scale drawings included in a pocket.




I could add to the list of references:


BEAUDOUIN, F. (1975): Bateaux des côtes de France.- 394 p., Grenoble (Editions des 4 Seigneurs).


Unfortunately, I don't have access to my copy at the moment and cannot check, how useful it would be for the region/boats in question.


BTW, the Musée de la Marine in Paris is closed for refurbishment. Not sure what is in their archives, but certainly they had no models etc. on show of relevant boats. If they have something, it may come from the collection Admiral Pâris started.



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



M-et-M-72.jpg  Banner-AKHS-72.jpg  Banner-AAMM-72.jpg  ImagoOrbis-72.jpg

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