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Hi Patrick,


Glad to see you back at the workshop.

I know what you feel about the deck planking.

But at the end you'll be satisfied with the result.

Don't forget that is a long way of planking….

It looks good from here.



  • 2 weeks later...

Time for another update.  In between going away for Easter, doing yard work getting ready for spring and summer, changing oil, filters and blades on the lawn tractor, I've been making progress planking the upper gun deck and got it completed today.  It seems to have taken forever but I sanded the deck and put on a coat of matte polyurethane and I'm pleased with the result.  If you'll recall, my Victory was shipped without the Tanganyika wood strips for deck planking and I've been using some left over Tanganyika from another build, but am almost out of it.  Jotika clamins they shipped the missing wood on Jan 29th, but when it hadn't arrived by 1st week of March I got hold of them and they said it must have gone missing and they'd send more right away.  It's now been a month and I still haven't received it.  I'm getting a bit frustrated.  Well, I don't have anymore planking to do for a while, but stronger worded e-mail on the way to Jotika today.


Here's my progress







Hi Patrick,


Your deck planking looks great.

Sorry to read that Jotika keep you on the line.

I think when they do that a lot, they are loosing a lot of customers…..

Maybe you can write in your mail that you are on MSW and that is not a good commercial for them?

Maybe it helps.




Help!  I need help from you other Caldercraft Victory builders!  I finished planking the upper gun deck and just for something different to do started making the gratings and ladders going down to the middle gun deck.  I made a ladder that fit perfectly inside the opening in the deck but when I started to build the coaming around the companionwayI noticed that it came out much narrower than the gratings (which I made to the exact size as shown on  Plan sheet 3.  When I put the ladder up against the plan sheet it's obvious the ladder is much narrower than on the plan...but it fits exactly in the opening that Caldercraft cut in the deck.  I just checked the opening in the deck and it's a tad over 4mm narrower than the opening on the plan sheet. What am I missing here?  Did anyone else run into this? Are we supposed to widen the deck opening ourselves?  That's the obvious answer, but why did Caldercraft even bother putting the opening in the deck if it's the wrong size?




i reduced the thickness of the side rails of my ladder to fit within the coaming, as i remember i had a similar problem

Its all part of Kev's journey, bit like going to the dark side, but with the lights on

All the best

Kevin :omg:



On the build table

HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023


On hold

MHS Britannic by Kevin 

SD 14  - Marcle Models - 1/70 - March 2022 -  Bluebell - Flower Class - Revel - 1/72   

U552 German U Boat - Trumpeter -

1/48  Amerigo Vespucci     1/84 - Panart-   

HMS Enterprise  -CAF -  1/48     


Belle Poule 1834 by Kevin - OcCre - 1/90 - French frigate - started June 2024 - - 

Hercules by Kevin - OcCre - 1/50 - Tugboat - Finished - May 2024

Nectan-Mountfleet-models-steam-trawler-1/32 - Completed June 2020

HMS Victory - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1/72 - Finished 

 Dorade renamed Dora by Kevin - Amati - 1/20 - Completed March 2021 

Stage Coach 1848 - Artesania Latina - 1/10 -Finished 

Lady Eleanor by Kevin - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Fifie fishing boat


Hello Patrick

I built the combings around first then made the ladders to fit the gap. I dumped the handrail part 502 and bought some decent ones.

Caldercraft part No83506 regards DAVID


Thanks Kevin and David. I can see the sense of building the coamings first,according to plan sheet 3,  and then I'll have to widen the deck opening to meet the inner edges of the coaming and then make the ladder to fit the newly widened opening. Just don't get why Caldercraft didn't make the companionway opening wide enough in the first place! At least it's the same length as on the plans!




Solved my own problem...and it was my mistake, not Caldercraft's, so I take back any bad mutterings about them.  What happened was that when I put down the upper gun deck template there was no way it was going to fit without breaking, so I did what I've seen a lot of people do and cut the deck down the centerline to make it fit easier.  I doing so, I shaved off a couple of millimeters along the centerline, filled any gaps and got on with planking, not realising that I'd actually narrowed the deck openings by a couple of millimeters.  Everything - mast openings and grate and companionway openings - are exactly on the centerline still so it's a simple matter of widening the deck openings by a millimeter or two on each side.  I thought it went too easily when I put down the deck! But, no harm, no foul and everything will be ok.  Thanks for everyone's help.




Hi Patrick...... just went thru your build log, you'er doing an outstanding job on a very intimidating kit. I don't think I could handle a project like the one you'er doing, so I'll just sit back and watch all you Victory builders and learn something!! :P Ck on you later....... thanks for your nice comments on my Supply.......


completed build: Delta River Co. Riverboat     HMAT SUPPLY


                         USRC "ALERT"


in progress: Red Dragon  (Chinese junk)


  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't posted for 3 weeks, but things have been progressing slowly but surely.  Between getting the pool open, cleaning the deck and getting patio furniture and everything sorted and doing various outside tasks I have not had a lot of time for Victory but have got some things done and foresee being able to spend more time on her now.


Having sorted out my own problem of the deck openings by simply widening them, I got the upper gun deck gratings and companionways in place and am quite pleased with them. (Toothpicks are temporary and just stopping the companionway hand rails from disappearing down onto the middle gun deck). My long wait for replacement 16mm x 1 mm walnut for the gun ports is over and I got the lidless gun ports lined and have started to work on the second planking where I left off.  I decided to put the quarter galleries on at this point too.  I must have done something wrong fitting the gallery templates and wound up with fairly large depressions in the skins between the window sections.  But my friend Mr. Woodfiller came to the rescue and I think they're ok.  Will need to fill any gaps once I get the second planking complete.  So things are moving, although not quite a fast as I'd have liked.  But still having fun.












Look at the last pages of the report on which I gave the reference.

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)


This photo - an example of application of a bituminous varnish of Maimeri 710 divorced with white spirit. All model, including a rigging becomes covered by it. Wait a little, I will look, somewhere I had links to Victory constructions on other sites.

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)


Greetings Patrick

Well things are still looking good. And your timber has arrived at last. Are you going to use the staunchings supplied for the handrail around the stairway, or use the alternative which I used. You say you have slowed up a bit??? Patrick those copper plates will still be waiting!!! DAVID


A question for my fellow Calderfraft Victory builders.  I've lined upper deck gunports 3- 10 and have completed the outer second planking to above the quarter deck gun ports and begun planking the upper gun deck inner bulwarks.  According to the instruction manual, which we all trust implicitly, on page 10 it staes that you should completely plank the inner bulwarks, cutting out the gunports as you go.  Fine, no problem.  Then on page 16 - Lining the Gunports - it says to line the remainder of the upper deck gunports.  My concern is that for gunports 3-10 the inner bulwark planking covers the edges of the gun port linings but, if you follow the instructions, putting in the remaining linings after planking the bulwarks will leave the inner edges of the gun ports exposed and sitting flush with the bulwark planking.  Wouldn't it make more sense to line the remaining upper gun deck ports after the outer second planking and before planking the inner bulwarks so that the view of all the gunports from inside the ship is consistent?  I realize of course that the outer edge of the remaining gun ports will have to be recessed 1mm back form the outer planking for lids.  Probably a minor point, but someone has to worry about these things!




post-68-0-51006600-1361651919_thumb.jpgare these the ones you are refering to

Its all part of Kev's journey, bit like going to the dark side, but with the lights on

All the best

Kevin :omg:



On the build table

HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023


On hold

MHS Britannic by Kevin 

SD 14  - Marcle Models - 1/70 - March 2022 -  Bluebell - Flower Class - Revel - 1/72   

U552 German U Boat - Trumpeter -

1/48  Amerigo Vespucci     1/84 - Panart-   

HMS Enterprise  -CAF -  1/48     


Belle Poule 1834 by Kevin - OcCre - 1/90 - French frigate - started June 2024 - - 

Hercules by Kevin - OcCre - 1/50 - Tugboat - Finished - May 2024

Nectan-Mountfleet-models-steam-trawler-1/32 - Completed June 2020

HMS Victory - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1/72 - Finished 

 Dorade renamed Dora by Kevin - Amati - 1/20 - Completed March 2021 

Stage Coach 1848 - Artesania Latina - 1/10 -Finished 

Lady Eleanor by Kevin - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Fifie fishing boat

Posted (edited)

Hello Patrick

You mean page 20 lining the gunports not 16. So this is how i see it. Firstly the inner bulwarks pattern is fitted, then 3 - 10 are lined flush with pattern on the inside and flush with the hull outside. Then the inner bulwark pattern is planked and the lining edges are planked over hiding the lining edges. On the outside the second planking continues and the gunport number 1 and 2 plus 11 - 15 are cut out as normal ready to be lined later, but on numbers 3 - 10 the gun port lining edges are flushed over with the second planking, that's how I see it. Are you seeing it different to me? DAVID

Edited by Shipyard sid



Thanks for the reply.  In my manual, page 20 refers to lining the quarter deck gun ports.  I'm not there yet.  Page 16 talks about loning the lower, middle, and remaining upper gun deck ports (not including ports 3 -10).  What I'm referring to is the inner edges of the uppr gun deck ports only.  We're in complete agreement on the outer edges of the ports linings.  Just seems to me that when you plank the inner bulwarks you cover the inner edges of ports 3-10, but by lining the remaining gun ports after planking the bulwarks you leave the innder edges exposed.  Wouldn't all the ports be consistent?



  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing posted lately, but I have been plugging away as time allows.  Inner bulwarks are planked and painted, lidless gun ports lined and painted.  Won't be any activity for the next 3 weeks as I'm off to Italy for a vacation tomorrow.  We'll be in Rome, Venice, and a week on the Amalfi Coast.  Once my liver recovers from all the good wine, I'll post some pics.




have a good time


all the best 

Its all part of Kev's journey, bit like going to the dark side, but with the lights on

All the best

Kevin :omg:



On the build table

HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023


On hold

MHS Britannic by Kevin 

SD 14  - Marcle Models - 1/70 - March 2022 -  Bluebell - Flower Class - Revel - 1/72   

U552 German U Boat - Trumpeter -

1/48  Amerigo Vespucci     1/84 - Panart-   

HMS Enterprise  -CAF -  1/48     


Belle Poule 1834 by Kevin - OcCre - 1/90 - French frigate - started June 2024 - - 

Hercules by Kevin - OcCre - 1/50 - Tugboat - Finished - May 2024

Nectan-Mountfleet-models-steam-trawler-1/32 - Completed June 2020

HMS Victory - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1/72 - Finished 

 Dorade renamed Dora by Kevin - Amati - 1/20 - Completed March 2021 

Stage Coach 1848 - Artesania Latina - 1/10 -Finished 

Lady Eleanor by Kevin - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Fifie fishing boat


Have a nice vacation Patrick in the country where my grandmother was born  :D

Not to much pizza and wine and we see you and the pictures when you've got back!



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