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Got the repainting done today. First masked off the area




Then used the air brush to spray a few coats of flat black paint and 2 coats of matt acrylic finish




Removed the masking material and was pretty satisfied with the result. No perfect by any means but acceptable




Since I’m waiting for the new rigging lines I ordered from Ropes of Scale, I decided to start on the main mast. I first cut the doll rod to length and cut the tendon at the base.




Next will be the cheeks, but these need to be on the port and starboard sides of the mast. In order to install these correctly on the round mast I decided to build 2 jigs to help hold things in place. The first was a block that would hold the tendon securely.








Then a second jig is a block that I can slide along the mast. This will assist in supporting the mast, cutting in the cheeks as well as tapering the tip of the mast. Once the block on the right is where I need it, I can clamp both blocks to my work table.




That’s about it for today. Tomorrow I hope to get the mast notched for the cheeks and get those glued in place.



Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 

  • 1 month later...

I have decided not to finish the masts and rigging on my Bluenose. Instead I will cut the masts off someplace above the booms. This change in my build build plans didnt come lightly and only after viewing several models finished this way and realizing that my space in which to display the finished piece is very limited. Keeping the height of the model to a minimum will allow me enough space to complete and display a second model of similar size on the same, and only, wall space I have available.


It will take some time to reorganize my thought and come up with a list of steps needed to finish the piece.








Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it’s been quite some time since my last update, but I’m fully recovered from surgery now, Christmas décor is up, lawn is put away for the winter and snow blower is ready to go.


As mentioned in my previous post, I've decided not to do the entire masts so I can save some money on the display case. The main and foremast will be cut short allowing me to purchase a much shorter case for the model. I’m really limited for display space.

I now have a good start of both the main mast and foremast.


Poplar isn’t the best wood to work with as it fuzzes up a lot like basswood. But at this stage of my experience I wanted to use what I have on hand. I will be moving on to better woods on future models.


I started with a ½ inch poplar dowel rod for each, about 5 inches long.



I turned these on the lathe.




I used a shaping tool to get the slight taper on the lower band which will sit on the desk.



Then used a cut off tool to make the grove in the upper band



Then mounted the piece in the mill to form the tendon which will fit into the block below deck that was installed when building the hull.



Here is the main mast (on the left) and the foremast (on the right)



For the supports blocks I cut a piece of cherry into a 2 mm X 2 mm square and then used a scraper to make the shape I wanted. The cherry is much easier to work with and will add some detail highlights to the model. My bluenose is quite a mixture of woods, shiny brass and blackened brass, but I've already succumbed to the fact that this build is more of a learning process than anything else. My next build will be more uniform. 



Cutting the length of cherry into individual pieces was accomplished by using an X-ACTO blade to mark the cut and then using my jewelers saw to complete the cut. After trying a razor saw and an X-ACTO saw blade, I found the jewelers saw made the cleanest cut.



Using Titebond Quick and Thick, I glued the support blocks (corbels?) into place on both the main mast and foremast.





Still have to do the metal bands as well as the “galvanized metal” on the main mast. But first will finish both masts with amber shellac first.

Moving along…….

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 


Hi Dave, good to hear you are doing well health wise. And also glad to see you back at it with your Bluenose. I like the jigs you made to cut the mast tenons and cheeks.  Wish I'd thought of that when I was doing mine.  Keep up the good work!



Thanks & Best regards,

Ed Kutay


Current build: Model Shipways "Rattlesnake"

Completed build: Model Shipways "Bluenose I"



  • 4 weeks later...

Next on my list was to make and install the brass inserts and the chafing plate for the boom jaws on the main and foremast. While I have decided to cut the mast short and skip the rigging (in order to save costs on the size of a display case) I did leave the masts long enough to mount the booms.


After some careful measurements I cut a piece of .005 aluminum sheet to the proper size (.45 inches high and .87 inches wide). While not photographed, this width left the proper gap on the aft side of the mast.


I picked up the aluminum sheets from UMM when I visited the model expo at the Dupage County Fairgrounds.  In an attempt to make the aluminum look a bit more like galvanized metal, I scuffed it up with some 400 grit paper and sprayed it with Easy Off Oven Cleaner. Not quite the look I wanted but not too bad either. I toyed with the idea of using a rivet wheel to simulate the nails that would hold the chafing plate to the mast, but at this scale I decided against it.


For the brass band inserts I used an automotive feeler gauge to measure the gap. Then cut a .032 wide strip from a .005 brass shim stock I had on hand. This, and the aluminum, cut very easily with a utility knife.




I used fast epoxy to attach the plate and band inserts.


Now it’s on to building the gooseneck for the foremast, which looks a bit challenging.



Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 


Made the first part of the assembly that will attach the fore boom to the foremast, a small link with opposing holes. After doing measurements I drew out my plan on graph paper at a much larger scale, something I didn’t do at the start of my build but have learned the hard way it’s very necessary for me.

I started with a piece of 1/8 inch square brass stock in the mill and drilled opposing holes with a #66 bit. This hole size will accommodate the 1/32 brass round stock which the link slides onto. I then used a small end mill to shape the opposing side to the proper thickness.





Then used small escapement files to finish shaping the piece. A handheld vice really helped to hold the small part while filing.







Tomorrow is News Years Day, and a football day as well, so probably wont do any further work till Monday at the earliest.

Happy New Year to all!!

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 

  • 3 months later...

Finally got around to making the other half of the gooseneck for the foremast. Its been a while coming, LOL


I began with a .125 square brass bar and milled it down to .085


Then used a #66 bit to drill a hole for the through bolt that would hold the two halves together


Then drilled another hole into the face of the bar and two more holes into the side of the bar



Then, using a file, joined the two holes to form a slot


Checked the fit of the two halves


Then drilled a hole straight down into the bar to accommodate a piece of brass rod that will be used to attach the gooseneck to the boom


I attached the two halves with a .8 mm bolt and nut and trimmed off the excess



Then used a jeweler’s saw to cut the gooseneck from the bar


Used CA to glue the brass rod into the back side of the gooseneck


This is a picture of the finished gooseneck mounted (simulated) on a brass rod with a piece of dowel for the boom. The boom can swivel port to starboard, slide up and down the brass rod and the gooseneck will allow the boom to lift after the downhaul is set


Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 


Brilliant works on those chucks!  Love your detail, Dave. 👍🏽


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

  • 3 weeks later...

The next step was to make the vertical rod on which the gooseneck rides.

I began by taking a piece of 1/32 inch brass round stock and flattening one end with a pin driver and hammer. Then slid the gooseneck on the round end before flattening that end with the pin driver.

In order to drill the holes in the flat ends without the drill bit wandering, I glued (CA) a .05mm washer on each end to act as a guide for the drill bit. Then hand drilled the holes with a pin vice. After words I used acetone to remove the washers.




Now to build the bands that attaches the gooseneck assembly to the foremast.

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 


I don’t know, Dave…I think you need to go smaller. 🤣


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

  • 2 weeks later...

Since the plans called for these straps to be galvanized steel, I decided to make them out of aluminum instead of brass.

Started with 2 pieces of 1/8 inch thick plywood


Glued (CA) a piece .016 thick aluminum between the pieces of plywood and clamped until set up



Then cut .05 wide strips on the Burns saw, needed 4 but cut a few extras


After soaking the cut pieces in acetone to release them I marked where I needed to drill holes for the bolts. The far left mark is the cut off. Then drilled holes with a #77 bit



After shaping the 4 halves I mounted the gooseneck to the bands and the bands to the foremast with .05mm bolts and nuts. Touched the bolts with CA to hold them in place then added a coat of amber shellac. Dropped both the foremast and mainmast into the model, but did not glue in place yet.




Now it’s onto the foremast boom….

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 

  • 1 month later...

Building the main boom.

Started off by using the cordless drill and sandpaper method to taper the main boom.


First step in making the yoke was to cut out the printed plan and glue it to a piece of 1/8th inch stock. I used white glue for this.



Then drilled out the slot that will fit around the mast.


After cutting the piece in half with a fine cut pull saw, I used the disk sander to remove the excess material.


Then used files and sand paper to finish off the pieces, gave them 2 coats of amber shellac and, using white glue again, stuck the bolt pattern onto the 2 pieces


Used the mill to drill the bolt holes on each piece. These didn’t come out as well as I wanted as they aren’t in an exact line, but they are acceptable. I shouldn’t have trusted the pattern on the plans.


Cut some small brass nails down to the proper length and inserted them into the drilled holes.


Had to use the pin vice and a slightly larger bit to make the holes larger to accept the rope. But the smaller holes acted as a guide to keep things straight. Used CA on the tip of the rope and white glue on the rest to stiffen it and threaded it into holes. Tied off one side.


Made the clapper and glued it to the end of the boom.


Then glued the 2 yoke halves onto the boom. I used Titebond Quick and Thick for this so it was necessary to sand a flat onto each side of the boom and to prep the side of the yoke halves that would come into contact with the boom. Since the clapper was already in place it was easy to flatten the sides of the boom 180 degrees apart, using the clapper as a guide. Will do some clean up and touch up the amber shellac when the glue completely dries.



While I have cut the masts short and won’t be doing the rigging, I will add 5 metal bands to the main boom per the plans. But these will be for decorative purpose only. Now to move on to the bowsprit rigging, which is a far as I will be taking this model.

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 

Posted (edited)

So this will be my final post on this build as this is as far as I'm taking this model. If I had to start this hobby again I wouldn't have chosen this particular kit. This build was far more complex than I anticipated. Because of its complexity, it was truly a baptism by fire. I always viewed this one as a "learning build" so many of the finishes aren't uniform. Some bright brass and some blackened, some painted parts and some stained with different finishes, and some left natural. But I did learn a lot about many different facets of this hobby; woodworking, metal working, painting, staining and so on. It also forced me to invest in the various "tools of the trade".


All and all I'm fairly satisfied considering this is my first build. I expect to improve on my skills and believe that what I learned during this adventure will only make future builds that much more enjoyable.


My next endeavor will be to complete the NRG Half Hull Planking kit. Ill leave this current build with some picture............














Edited by CPDDET

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 


You sure did a great job of diving into the details and have produced a fine end result.  Looking forward to where you go from here!



Current build -- MS Bluenose

Future build - MS Flying Fish


"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for." - William G. T. Shedd


Thanks! Will be following Toni Levines build log, among others, for the NRG Half Hull model.

I've seen Toni's finished piece as she attends our model shipwrights club meetings and was very impressed. Hope mine comes out as well.

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 


Nice work my friend,  if I ever get to mine this log will help immensely, your details are amazing. Thanks for your log , well done.  :cheers:

"Start so you can Finish!" 

In progress:

Astrolabe 1812 - Mantua 1:50; 

In queue:

Pegasus - Amati 1:64 


The Dutchess of Kingston - 1:64 Vanguard Models 🙂 
Santa Maria - 1:64, La Pinta - 1:64, La Nina - 1:64, Hannah Ship in a Bottle - 1:300, The Mayflower - 1:64, Viking Ship Drakkar -1:50 all by Amati. King of the Mississippi - Artesania Latina - 1:80  Queen Anne's Revenge - Piece Cool - 1:300  The Sea of Galilee Boat - Scott Miller - 1:20


Very fine job Dave!  Congratulations on completing your Bluenose.  Good Luck on your next project!


Best regards,



Thanks & Best regards,

Ed Kutay


Current build: Model Shipways "Rattlesnake"

Completed build: Model Shipways "Bluenose I"



2 hours ago, Ed Ku20 said:

Very fine job Dave!  Congratulations on completing your Bluenose.  Good Luck on your next project!


Best regards,



Thanks Ed, just have to clean up the shipyard and wait for the boxwood I ordered before my next project.

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 

  • 7 months later...
On 3/29/2022 at 8:16 AM, CPDDET said:

If you go the route of the cradles as I did, let me know. Using the contour gauge for this purpose is a bit tricky. I'll pass along some tips.

I’m just starting on my stand and had planned on using my contour gauge. Any tips/tricks would be great. 

3 hours ago, hlong222 said:

I’m just starting on my stand and had planned on using my contour gauge. Any tips/tricks would be great. 

Check out page 11 of this build log

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 

On 2/24/2024 at 4:24 PM, hlong222 said:

I’m just starting on my stand and had planned on using my contour gauge. Any tips/tricks would be great. 

I'm sorry that I'm not being very helpful. I reviewed my post on this process and have been banging my 73 year old head against the wall trying to recall the process I used and exactly why I posted what I did back on 3/29/22. But that's almost 2 years ago and I just cant seem to come up with anything.


I hope the process goes well for you and please know I'm always available for questions.



Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 

Posted (edited)
On 2/26/2024 at 4:20 PM, CPDDET said:

I'm sorry that I'm not being very helpful. I reviewed my post on this process and have been banging my 73 year old head against the wall trying to recall the process I used and exactly why I posted what I did back on 3/29/22. But that's almost 2 years ago and I just cant seem to come up with anything.


I hope the process goes well for you and please know I'm always available for questions.



No worries. It gave me enough info/courage to just go for it. I’ve had a profile gauge sitting around here for a few years just waiting to be used. I had told my mother about it  a few years ago when she asked me what I’d like for Christmas or my birthday. Overall I think my stand turned out pretty good, especially since it was my first scratch built… well anything. I included it in my build log on SOS…https://shipsofscale.com/sosforums/threads/bluenose-1-64-by-model-shipways-build-log.11734/post-362686

Hope it’s ok to link to another site

Edited by hlong222
12 hours ago, hlong222 said:

No worries. It gave me enough info/courage to just go for it. I’ve had a profile gauge sitting around here for a few years just waiting to be used. I had told my mother about it  a few years ago when she asked me what I’d like for Christmas or my birthday. Overall I think my stand turned out pretty good, especially since it was my first scratch built… well anything. I included it in my build log on SOS…https://shipsofscale.com/sosforums/threads/bluenose-1-64-by-model-shipways-build-log.11734/post-362686

Hope it’s ok to link to another site

Looks really good!

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 

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