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Well work continues on the fore mast and yard, shrouds are completed along with the parrels, the tackle for the parrels are hooked to the 1st shroud chain and led through a tackle block and single and tied at the chain. The bow line is finished as well as the braces. Up next are the fore stays and vangs.


Michael D.




Posted (edited)

I'm just about finished with the fore sail rigging, I added more detail by rigging the marnets, not looking too bad.


Michael D.




Edited by safemaster

lovely tidy work

Its all part of Kev's journey, bit like going to the dark side, but with the lights on

All the best

Kevin :omg:



On the build table

HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023


On hold

MHS Britannic by Kevin 

SD 14  - Marcle Models - 1/70 - March 2022 -  Bluebell - Flower Class - Revel - 1/72   

U552 German U Boat - Trumpeter -

1/48  Amerigo Vespucci     1/84 - Panart-   

HMS Enterprise  -CAF -  1/48     


Belle Poule 1834 by Kevin - OcCre - 1/90 - French frigate - started June 2024 - - 

Hercules by Kevin - OcCre - 1/50 - Tugboat - Finished - May 2024

Nectan-Mountfleet-models-steam-trawler-1/32 - Completed June 2020

HMS Victory - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1/72 - Finished 

 Dorade renamed Dora by Kevin - Amati - 1/20 - Completed March 2021 

Stage Coach 1848 - Artesania Latina - 1/10 -Finished 

Lady Eleanor by Kevin - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Fifie fishing boat


Good day Michael!

Nice Job!!! :)

I like it very much!

Some remarks,

*Martnets*, most probably You need to fitt then  on  both sides of the sail - to make them workable

- Than You need to add one more and double lead block on the mast top...  I like very much how You  represented natural slack in rigging!  
*sheets *
For me it is not clear position of the second sheet block on the main masttop...

as I knew, sheets there passing from the sail corner to the ...lets say , somewhere to the deck and belying-secured there, but not to the next mast masttop as You did ...?

Posted (edited)

Thank you for the compliments gentlemen, Kirill I represented the martnets as seen on this model which is only rigged on one side, as for the block at the main mast top that is also visible in the picture, that would be one of the brails for the fore lateen sail, not the sheets as  I indicated...my mistake and may have to redo. In post #135 I did show a mock up of the sheet line.


Michael D.


Edited by safemaster

Good day Michael,

Yes, I see on this model ( as well as we could see on the other foto/another side of the model ) it was rigged on one side only...

but here I still doubt it was made right way

... at least martnets in this old fashion form, should be rigged on both sides of the sails, how it should work if rigged on one side only? ..and I think buntlines here could be rigged from both sides as well 


that block you rigged on the fore mast and leading to the main mast... still don't understand for what it is? :)


by the way? I learnt recently (Mondfeld book) that yards on the big galley usualy positioned on different sides of the masts... lets say - fore mast -on port side and main mast - on sbs... how did You do on your model?


martnets 194744683_2379224fb1_o.jpg

nock gordings.jpg


La Dracene 4.JPG


Yes Kirill I did position the yards on different sides, as for the line you're asking what it's for, obviously when the sail is set it would be vertical, the block tied to the clew and I can only assume to help assist the only foot brail when furling which doesn't make sense for a sail that big, one would think there be more and what about the main sail?, I need to think this one out and maybe use my own artistic license on this. I might rig it like the last picture and add either a peak brail or martnet to the back of the sail, thank you for the picture Kirill they help out a lot my friend!.


Michael D.


I added an additional martnet to the fore sail and swapped the single for a double block at the mast head, looks much better and started rigging the vangs. I also mocked up a martnet on the leech of the main sail and while it looks like it belongs I'm not so sure It's correct though since martnets on square sail ships were superseded by leech lines around 1650, but unsure about Galley's?, I'll ponder this for awhile as I focus on other areas of the build.


Michael D.






I spent some today and made up the rope ladder for the fore mast, using 0.30mm line for the rope and .30" rod for the rungs, without spending an eternity knotting the rope around each rung I simply CA glued them and I think the overall effect is not too bad.


Michael D.




Thank you Marc, sometimes we have to to let the build win a few. Here's an overall shot of it's current state, total block/dead eye count thus far is an even 100 and rigging is about 95% complete.

Michael D.



Posted (edited)

As you should be - the canopy looks really good!  Is this the temporary dust shelter that you built to house the model during the masting/rigging stage.


I have to say, this is a very good solution to the problem.  At some point my built will grow beyond the plywood build box that I made to house it during construction.  Until my son turned out to be extremely allergic, we briefly had a cat, whom I imagined would eventually take up residence on top of the build box, as it is at a nice perching height.


The cat now lives with my sister, but dust is always a problem.  I like that the corrugated plastic panels are rigid enough to drape a sheet over the whole thing when you aren’t working on the model.


Every time I see this model, I am tempted to add it to my stash.  It is such an elegant and beautiful vessel.

Edited by Hubac's Historian

We are all works in progress, all of the time.


Yes it is Marc it served me well keeping the dust at bay for a good 6 years during my Victory build. I painted all the decorations in gold and added the fringe and I'm not looking forward to the flags as they have even more detail, but for the most part this canopy is done and while not entirely happy, then again I'm my own worst critic, it looks fine.

Michael D.






Good day Michel!

It looks very nice!

And fringe is good as well!

What about flags? Are You planning them or don't ?

All the best!



Hi Kirill,

Yes I do plan on doing the flags, here's how they look on paper, that's a lot of Fleur De lis to paint and those are the smaller flags.


Michael D.



Thank you Maurice. At this point the rigging phase for the most part is completed with the addition of the sheets lines, these were a bit of a challenge to create a natural sag  due to their length and after much manipulating they came out ok. Now I can focus my attention on the Pendants, flags, oars etc.

Michael D.




Nice job Michael !!! 

She looks very nice!!!

What are those rigging lines passing along middle bridge?


Thank you Kirill, those lines are for the fore lateen yard lifts. My progress on the Caiq thus far with a few modifications to the rudder and adding the ribs inside the hull, I still need to fine tune things up a bit. This will be the only boat displayed on the ship while the Dinghy will be displayed at the model's base.

Michael D.





Good day Michel,

Thanks for explanation.

Boat looks nice! The color of planking inside looks a bit unusual... not red not brown or wood... what is this color name? :) 


Hi Kirill,

The color is Tuscan red, I was after a shade that wasn't so bright and this is just subtle enough. I added a little more detail to the Caiq, oar rubbing pads and anchor, up next will be the oars, paint touch up and lashing it to the Davit.

Michael D.





I see now what are this lines designed for!

I don't remember...did I ask You why do not  use ownmade " ropes"  instead of unprocessed threads... maybe allready  we told abt this issue...?

This threads ,which You use now looks very loose and as consiquences  unnatural in structure ,

and it gives some visual dissonance with highest standarts of all other components and paintings of your model


Hi Kirill,

I know you're a stickler when comes to ropes and so am I to a point, I did forget to add additional twist on that one..oops!, but now that the Caiq is completed it gets kind of lost in the added detail. I had planned on using the line from Syrene, but unfortunately they no longer manufacture it anymore so I settled on Amati, maybe in the future I'll try making my own. Your input is always welcome and appreciated👍.

Michael D.





Good day Michael,

Ancher rope - I see ! :)

Have some remark regarding boat lashing...

if I'm not wrong, these lines shouldn't be crossed above boat( which couldn't be made tight in reality), but there should be  separate lashings passing from side to side and some gears arranged for tightening them...

something as shown on this picture ...

Screenshot_20210509-072905_Perfect Viewer.jpg


Kirill you may be right, but then again the picture you show is a different configuration as it's not on an elevated platform structure and I just followed what I have seen on others builds an are they correct?, who knows.. The starboard Anchor is complete, I followed the illustration from the book The Ship by Landstrom.

Michael D.20210509_124527.thumb.jpg.db246894366585554b47e6b784f469e1.jpg


The anchors are completed and I started focusing my attention on the railing flags, arguably one of the most tedious phases of the build, here's a sample WIP flag.

Michael D.




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