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Ahoy all!

As was mentioned to me and most new builders, I'm here starting a log of my build. I've already had a few "bloopers" and had to do a hard reset as I wasn't happy with the results. I had the decks on and planked so I hit it with good off (perfect name for a product) to unglue things. It did the trick... didn't work on the nails tho.







Posted (edited)

So now I'm going to "true up?" The top of the bulkheads so I can get my decks back on. I might need to soak the decks to curve them a little to get them to sit right without any dents/divots. Need to order more wood as well now, kit seems to be missing the 3x3 and 5x5 sapelly.... not to mention new decking wood.

Edited by Capt Nemo
Posted (edited)

Got my decks back on after I "trued" the bulkheads with some sanding. The shims i glued as well as the center line string from foredeck to aftdeck insured things would be somewhat straight and true. When I measured, everything looked good.... so round 2 after restarting is underway. I fixed the deck I snapped in 1/2  with some spare wood I had gluing it under the decking inbetween the 2 pieces and will fill/sand the crack from the top once the glue has cured. Nothing exciting to see sofar but a dragon has been slain today and I'm back on the trail.

Next step is getting the deck planking back on. Got some contact cement, I believe they call this shoe makers glue at one point in time; that I'll be using this time around to plank the decks. Never used this stuff, so andy info or tips would be helpful to me. As I understand it, I'll have time to plank the whole deck in one go, brushing on a little as I go. It has a 15 min set time, so im think brushing a cm or so from top to bottom at a time and move from centerline to the outside. Enough glue for 2-3 strips at a time. 









Edited by Capt Nemo
Posted (edited)

Planning out my deck planking. The wood I got for my deck was 5mm and is a little too wide for what I want so I ripped the strips down to 4mm wide. Hoping the time invested was worth the trouble, should look better in 4mm. My full plank lenght will be 120mm and going with a 3 butt pattern with pencile to mimic caulking and treenails. Also going to "jog" the planks... should be fun.






Edited by Capt Nemo
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Posted (edited)

Having second thoughts on contact cement for the deck planks, might stick to type 2 wood glue... nudge nudge wink wink.

Can anyone tell me the proper use when gluing your deck planking to the false deck plywood? Last time around the wood glue would harden and make it so I couldn't butt the planks together anymore... main reason I got the contact cement out. Do you guys do it all in one go? I never used the cement so I'm a little apprehensive about using it seeing as this is the second take on the decking.


Edited by Capt Nemo
Added pictures

So far so good,


I would use regular wood glue. Planking a deck needs its time. 
Best to glue a few planks
let it dry
and only proceed planking if you are satisfied


Be careful with this. Very unhealthy (Xylene, methanol....)



I agree with Backer. Contact cement is very unforgiving, not to mention having really nasty fumes. Once you put your plank down you're committed, with no chance of fixing mistakes. White (poly vinyl acetate) glue allows you time to adjust things a bit, and believe me, you'll need it every now and then. 


As this is your first build, give yourself as much leeway as possible. You'll still make mistakes - we all do. But they needn't be disasters.


Use the smallest amount of glue you can get away with but still be able to do the job. And wipe off excess immediately (a wet rag or wet paintbrush is good). A lot of people use a half and half white (PVA) glue/water mix - the thinner glue still works but doesn't make as much mess.


And planking should be taken bit by bit - hurry is your enemy. Take the time to get it right and it won't sneer at you (as some of my own mistakes do to me) down the track.


Good luck with the planking. I think the 4mm will look better, and 'jogging' will add to the "realness" of your model.


And always ask questions if there's anything you're not sure about. There are plenty of people on this forum who'll be very happy to give you the benefit of their experience.



Posted (edited)

Thanks for the replies gentlemen, I almost lost faith in my build log, I had lots of reservations starting this up and almost stop after seeing my first post... felt rather silly/embarrassed. The wife has taken it upon herself to push me to keep posting believing it therapeutic I think hehe.

I find comfort in your posts, I was thinking of using watered down wood glue as Louie mentionedand now that's what I'll go ahead with knowing I'm not messing up a second time. That goof off is nasty, your right Backer, I only had to use the stuff once to remove the decks and the contact cement will be collecting dust for the time being.

As I was contemplating on the deck and the best course of action, I started with some deck fittings. The stern cabin will be perfect to try and see how the decking will work out using Louie's words of wisdom.


Q: Do you use pencil to simulate caulking on the deck fittings as well? Cabins walls and such.


Slow and steady.



Edited by Capt Nemo

Thanks for the replies gentlemen, I almost lost faith in my build log, I had lots of reservations starting this up and almost stop after seeing my first post... felt rather silly/embarrassed. The wife has taken it upon herself to push me to keep posting believing it therapeutic I think hehe.


you're welcome. And, a fantastic wife you have ;)


Got the foredeck's plank pattern penciled on.    Good idea 


12 hours ago, Capt Nemo said:

Q: Do you use pencil to simulate caulking on the deck fittings as well? Cabins walls and such.


Only to simulate nails.


Posted (edited)

Started the planking with watered down wood glue and it's working beautifully, especially with the pencil simulating the caulking. Only got a few planks on and cured but I can already see a huge difference from my first attempt. Hard to tell in the picture with all the measurements, but once done and varnished it'll be awsome.



Edited by Capt Nemo
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  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hi Capt Nemo,


I was reading up on Bluenose builds in general and found yours...it's very good. 


I'm pretty much new to this hobby myself and you are asking/thinking all the questions I ask.


Yes, 'contact adhesive'...  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Evo-Stik-Impact-Adhesive-347908/dp/B0001P03S8    ....good for kinda fixing many things but leaves an ugly edge/watermark. Normally you spead the adhesive on both surfaces and then let it dry for a few minutes before bringing (contacting) the two surfaces together. Once together, that's it....no real scope for 'adjustment'.


Wood glue is much better... you get minutes to adjust the surfaces when joined .... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Titebond-5004-Premium-Wood-Glue/dp/B0000223UR/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=titebond+wood+glue&qid=1606307056&s=diy&sr=1-4


There are also SuperGlue gels ... https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01KVQKG9C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1   ....   for those parts that need a bit of extra gluing strength and a quick'ish bond. But are a pain if you get your fingers glued!


I do like the shape of Bluenose...it's very elegant, and probably very functional.


All the best,




Edited by Rik Thistle

Hi Captain, Your Bluenose is coming along nicely.  I also use diluted wood glue and it has always worked for me.  The simulated caulking will have the right effect once you sand down the deck and apply a finish over it.  I like Wipe On Poly clear satin as it puts a thin protective coat over the planks.  It is also good to use to finish unpainted deck fixtures.  It really brings out the wood and does not give it the heavy look.  I look forward to seeing your progress on this build.



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Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am building the same kit and yours seems to be coming along fine. I also found doing the deck planking challenging and time consuming. The coments about taking your time are excellent. I worked from the center outwards doing some planks on each side and checking the remaining distance to the waterway to ensure I did not end with large gap on one side. I opted for using thinner strips of basswood to do the deck and found there were slight variances in width of the strips. I tried to use the same strip on both sides so the distance remaining to the edge stayed even.

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