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I know that there are many posts on this subject, but i begin to rig the ratlines on my schooner and I discover that the Clove knot  is not at all self-tightening : to pull on each side of the knot has no effect on its tightening.

How do you do ???

Do you use glue on each knot ?

Thanks for advices



I never had that problem. The only problem I had, was that using a clove-hitch as firdt/last knot was a bit asking for trouble (it loosens when the loose end is cut clise to the knot.




Hi Michelnou,

What scale are you working in?  My first suggestion would be to use a thinner thread for the ratlines. On my 1:72 Victory I actually used a single thread off the spool (diameter about .009")  for rattling down.  before starting, I coated the thread with some diluted (50/50) PA glue and let it dry.  This makes the thread stiffer and easier to handle. Dampening the thread again before starting will make it easier to tie the knots, and when it dries the ratline will maintain its "swag", or caternary, to make it look more realistic. Another suggestion is to tighten the clove hitches vertically; use some small tweezers to bring the top and bottom of the knot closer to the center. Note that, if scale allows, the attachment at the first and last shrouds was done by an eye spliced in each end of the ratline, and then lashed to the shroud rather than having a clove hitch at each end.

Keep up the good work,


Posted (edited)

Tie the first and last knot with the bitter end tucked under the outside turn making the clove hitch into a constrictor knot. don't pull

tight or trim until the shrouds are adjusted.


th?id=OIP.3aHa1N6-_b_D1QGmHaOkRAHaIA&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300  th?id=OIP.3aHa1N6-_b_D1QGmHaOkRAHaIA&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300

Edited by jud

That is toothick, but I think the stiffness ofyour thread is what is causing you trouble. Waxing will increase that stiffness, so was will not solve your trouble. 

I did my ratlines with simple gutermannthread. Problem with that material is that it cant be glued with PVA. 


An other thing I discovered: the clove hitch can be made in two (symetical) ways. Strictly adhering to oneversion does increase the homogeneity of the final result.



22 hours ago, Michelnou said:

Do you use glue on each knot ?

CA gel (i used Pattex CA gel)

Received this advice and I am very satisfied with it (starts at post 556 and further)
The polyester Gutermann wire can be glued reasonably well with thick plastic glue, but CA gel is better.


Posted (edited)

I prefer to simply apply a drop of clear shellac to knots with a paintbrush. The shellac dries very quickly. (Blowing on it causes the alcohol to evaporate faster.) This cements the knot nicely. The advantages of this over CA or even PVA adhesives is not only the quick drying time (almost as fast as CA and much faster than PVA,) but also, should the knot have to be untied for any reason, the shellac can be undone immediately by applying alcohol to it. The shellac is absorbed by the thread and, when dry, is invisible. It's also a lot less expensive than CA adhesive.

Edited by Bob Cleek

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