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How can I fix/address this planking issue at the stern?

Go to solution Solved by Jim Lad,

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This is my first ever wood model ship.


I did the first layer of planking and then set the project aside for a few years.


I just got back into it and the second layer of planking is my next step.


Obviously, I'll need to address the huge hole in the back, and the only thing I can think of is to run the second layer planks to butt up against each other from each side to cover the hole. Obviously that will require some precision cutting, placement and gluing. My other thought was to extend the keel out a bit more to give the second layer planks something to attach to other than each other - as I should have done with the first layer - but as I said, this i my first wood model, so I don't have any extra wood for that option.


I thought I'd check here to see if anyone has any suggestions.




First build: US Ranger - Corel


Second build: HMS Beagle - OcCre

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I would back fill the holes with some kind of scrap.  Just something to provide a base to lay in some filler.

Scrap paper should even work..

“Indecision may or may not be my problem.”
― Jimmy Buffett

Current builds:    Rattlesnake (Scratch From MS Plans 

On Hold:  HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett )

In the Gallery: Yacht Mary,  Gretel, French Cannon

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  • Solution

The stern can be a very tricky area to plank as many of the planks have a lot of twist as well as complex curves and shapes.  The advice above to construct a solid base for your second planking is very sound.  It will also help if you carefully test fit the planks before fixing to ensure the shapes are correct.  Don't try to force planks into shape or rely on fixings to make them keep their shape - make sure that they are the correct shape and have the correct curve and twist (if any) before finally fixing them.



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