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Name the Ship Game

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Wow, I got intrigued by this, but I don't think that I'm smart enough to play this game.  I'm assuming post- seige of Saigon and post-Crimea?

Down to just guessing now.  Arbalete class?



It's not currently a car ferry like the Rendel-pattern Tyr, is it? :)

Edited by hexnut
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Well, I believe it's time for another clue.


Yes Hexnut, it's post siege of Saigon and post Crimea and Jan guessed the period pretty well, althoug he must have looked a few years earlier than 1880. And she's not a car ferry but a gunboat. Moreover, she's not one in a series but just an one-shot boat with an un-eventful career. She had only one brief episode of war in the summer of 1881.


Yet, there is a twist of the tale. As previously said, she still exists...  in a certain way, and is well known to those who research her.


I had just four pictures of this rather bizzare craft. The first was that one on the building yard. Here you can see the second picture of her, this time floating -later in her career, with her masting and rigging stripped off and only with the funnel remaining. I believe this picture is taken during a refit because the next one shows her with just one mast before the funnel, without bowsprit and extensively modified in the fore part, which incidentally makes her ressemble well with Rendel's flatirons ;)


And, by the way: as the rake of the funnel says, the stem is to the left and the stern is to the right of the picture!


Edited by Doreltomin
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Yes Jan, actually I love this period very much because of these bizarre shaped ships. I remember first seeing as a school boy a picture of the old Redoutable in the Brest dry dock. It was in my first maritime book, which I kept reading and re-reading all the time. It looked like an old marine beast taken out of the sea. Now here is the first photograph of our "beast", taken late in her career, with the raised part of bulwark stripped down and extensively modified from her previous look. And it is not incidentally that I spoke of the old Redoutable, which was actually one year younger than our subject!


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I agree, you google each and end up with the same photos. Both side wheel passenger steamers, converted about the same time. Only way to tell them apart is by the funnels. Both had four, but Wolverine's were evenly spaced in a row, whereas Sable had hers in pairs.



Quando Omni Flunkus, Moritati

Current Build:

USF Confederacy



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Yep, I found this picture, reversed, on this site http://www.vintagewings.ca/VintageNews/Stories/tabid/116/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/421/language/en-US/The-Great-Lakes-Paddlewheeler-Aircraft-Carriers.aspx., but can't really make out the funnels. In any case, pending a word from Amateur, I will concede this one to you Andy. 

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Andy, why do you think so? I wouldn't dare to do so :rolleyes:


Actually the picture I found was labelled  "USS Sable (sistership of USS Wolverine)"

As the pic is rather widespread on the internet, I did a left-right flip to make google-picture-search slightly more difficult.



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Well, since the photo is a little less than determinate, and Werik guessed the ship you where after, by all rights it should be Werik's turn. (Also since I don't have time to find another ship at the moment, I could, but it would pause the game too much)



Quando Omni Flunkus, Moritati

Current Build:

USF Confederacy



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All right then, I'm new to playing this game, though I've been following along for some time. I will post something a little later today. Hope I find something challenging, but you all seem to know everything that has or is currently floating. We'll see... :)

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Seems to be a common beginners mistake. I need to learn some 'puter and photo skilz. I'm not going to have time to hunt for photos and learn the requisite skills before Monday. Don't wanna hold up the game. Andy was runner up in the last ship, and Eamonn, you pointed out my error. One of you guys can have at it. I'll be back when I can post without "giving up" the ship. By the way,the photo of Clas Fleming was taken during her trials after a 1940 refit, a third dummy stack was later added ( I dunno why). I have a commemorative plaque that my father received when he left the ship, and this shows her with three stacks.

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Hi again Werik, alas I'm like Andy and a bit tied up at the moment..  and shan't have time to pop a photo in I'm afraid, any chance you can do a quick one Werik ?



Current Build   :  HM Schooner Ballahoo

In the Pipeline :  HM Cutter Sherbourne, HM Mortar Convulsion, Emma C Berry & C18th English Longboat.. Eventually That Is..🙄

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