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HMS Victory by Glenn-UK - Caldercraft - 1/72

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Hello Glenn...


I just returned from a 24 day cruise in Europe and am very happy to be home.  Your progress is wonderful and I just wanted to let you know that your work is moving along nicely.  It all looks good and I'm sure you're happy to be finished with the plating.  Take care and enjoy London...I always do.  Regards,



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I like this :-)



To victory and beyond! http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/76-hms-victory-by-dafi-to-victory-and-beyond/

See also our german forum for Sailing Ship Modeling and History: http://www.segelschiffsmodellbau.com/

Finest etch parts for HMS Victory 1:100 (Heller Kit), USS Constitution 1:96 (Revell) and other useful bits.


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Hi Jerry

Welcome back trust you had an enjoyable holiday. Got tickets to see Monty Python for Tuesday night who are doing 10 shows in London. I then go on holiday next weekend which includes a trip to HMS Victory on the way home.

Glenn i hope you enjoy your Victory Visit, i take it you are aware she is de masted at present as part of a major overhaul

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HMS Victory is currently undergoing a period of restoration and visitors have the unique opportunity to witness the process taking place on the oldest commissioned warship in the world and a proud memorial to Vice Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson, Britain's greatest Naval hero and his stunning victory at the Battle of Trafalgar.

Her topmasts and rigging have been struck, or taken down, and her planking is under investigation. This is nothing unusual as wooden ships like Victory needed constant care and attention from the day they were launched. These repairs are simply the latest in a long tradition of regular upkeep.

The last time HMS Victory was seen without her top masts was back in 1944, so this really is a once in a life time opportunity to see HMS Victory under-going such extreme maintenance. Interestingly, with her topmasts down, Victory will look much as she did after the Battle of Trafalgar when she had to be towed to Gibraltar for repairs.

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I'm aware about the restoration work, but since we've have planned our holiday I just happy I get a visit as it will be very educational.


I staying very near to Curry Sark on Tuesday / Wednesday but with travel arrangements a visit is not possible.

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)

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Final post before I take a weeks leave of absence for a holiday to Jersey and then Portsmouth for my HMS Victory visit.


Companionways installed and I will complete the ropeways after the cannons have been built and installed.


Shot has been glued to the garlands

First cannon has been assembled, this is going to be one of the unrigged cannons hence no eyelets fitted.









Glenn (UK)

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enjoy your holiday

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  • 2 weeks later...

By the addition of magic dust the build is starting to look at bit more like the HMS Victory!


It was a great visit, didn't really have long enough to take it all in (wanted to visit the submarine but ran out of time); tickets are valid for 12 months so another visit later in the year may be necessary, when it's not quite so hot (27'C on day of visit).


We may think our build time is long, the current restoration work will take 20 years to complete.


The tour of The Mary Rose was also very interesting.

















Glenn (UK)

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nice photo's thank you for sharing

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a 2 week break I'm back in the shipyard and have started the mass production of 30 x 12 pounder cannons, 10 more basic cannon frames to assemble, then comes the painting and further assembly and rigging (for a select few cannons).


The time consuming aspect is the removal and filing of each part from the 2mm walnut strip




Glenn (UK)

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Welcome back to the old grind.  Hope you 've had a wonderful holiday and learned a lot from your visit to BIG Victory.  Good luck with your cannon carraiges and remember it's like counting sheep.  So far your work looks authentic.  Take care..


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I'm still working on the 30 x 12 pound cannon carriages assemblies.


I have completed all 30 frames carriages ready for the cannons include the stool bar and wedges, but I have only fitted the eyelets to 4 of the carriage assemblies so far.


I have also fitted breach rope rings to 10 cannons which will be visible through the quarter deck.


All cannons have been painted black.


I will hopefully complete this phase, including the rigging, by the end of the week.






Glenn (UK)

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Hi Glenn,


Your gun carriage assemblies are coming along well, they look very good. Could you tell me what you used for Breech rope rings? I intend to add them to my build as well.


I am currently working on the upper gun deck so will be posting more photos in my log soon.




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Nothing much to report, as I'm still working on the 30 x 12 pound carriage assemblies.


I have fully assembled the first 10 carriages complete with cannons fitted with a breach ring.


On the remaining 20 carriage assemblies I only have to:

1. Fit the cannon and trunnion brackets to the carriage assembly

2. Remove the wheels from the strip and fit.


I have found the most time consuming and fiddly task is fitting of the trunnion brackets, but I have refined the assembly method so I expect to complete this task over the next few days.


It will not be long before I start with the rigging, like most builders I'm only planning on rigging the 10 visible through the quarterdeck. There is very scant information in the manual on this task so will use the picture in Longridge's book as my guide for the rigging from carriage to deck and Gil's very clear picture in his log for the Breach rope rigging.

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)

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Finally completed the assembly of the 30 x 12 pound cannons tonight. Just got to finish the painting of the trunnion brackets and red rim on the cannons before I start the rigging phase of the 10 visible carriage assemblies


I have provided some pictures of the gun carriage assembly line and then some pictures of the completed assemblies.


I also bought a helping hand tool today as I think this will help when I start to rig the cannon rigging blocks. This new tool can be seen in some of the photos below.










Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)

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Lookin' good, Glenn,  When you mounted the trunion did you drill a hole for the nail that was shortened?  I drilled slightly undersized holes and then, using a small hammer hammered the nail in place These darn cannons require a lot of time but when they're in place they really look good.  best to you,


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Hi Jerry.

By trial and error I found the best method was to drill an undersized hole and then to part drill the top of the hole with a larger drill that was same diameter as the shorten nail. This meant I could locate the pins and brackets in place and then using my small pliers I could simply push the pins home at the same time bending the trunnion bracket around the copper bar.

Glenn (UK)

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Can't wait to see your method for installing breech ropes. When you fitted the breech rings to the guns did you glue them or drill holes  and insert eyelets into the gun? I am just about to line the gun ports so am following your methods very closely.




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My method for installing the breaching thread is as follows:


1) Drill the bulwarks and fit the upper eyelets

2) Cut a 150mm length of 0.5mm thread and feed through all the eyelets

3) Size the thread at each end to the bulwark eyelets.

4) Apply some glue to the carriage wheels and locate on upper gun deck

5) Insert the eyelets in to the bulwarks


It may not be neat and tidy but given the location of the carriages under the quarterdeck I'm happy.


I'm starting to think about the next rigging task which is from the rear of carriage to deck. Longbridge's book shows a double and single block arrangement but kit seems to be based on 2 x single blocks so I will draw out the arrangement before I start.








Glenn (UK)

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Started work on the cannon carriage to deck rigging tonight.


With the first block I attached an eyelet to the block; this will be used to secure the rigging to the deck.

I also ran a long thread from block ready for rigging to second block.

With the second block I attached a small hook to the block when sizing; this will be used to attach the rigging to the cannon carriage.

After installing the rigging on the gun deck I tied the running end thread in a manner similar to that shown in the manual.


Here are some pictures of my process; the helping hand tool was of great benefit when sizing the blocks.












Glenn (UK)

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