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Cap'n Rat Fink

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Posts posted by Cap'n Rat Fink

  1. Hey Matt,

      My log is not very great. MSW1 was upgraded to MSW2. But they had a crash that wiped everything out. But I have a some what more detailed build log here. It might help you with some questions if any. But you are really doing a great build here. Have fun.




    I had a lot of fun building this boat. Right now I'm not building. Just putting my wood shop together. Then i will get back at it.

  2. Matt,

       It really wasn't that hard building the tools for the tool chest. Once I got the first tool completed, it really got me going with each and every tool after that. If you go to my log on the Launch you can see what I built. The hardest thing for me in this  adventure in minuature was putting Bligh's inscription on his coconut. :dancetl6:



  3. Cathead,

      I had the same problems at the stem and in the middle of the hull. As for the planks pulling away, it was not great problem for me. the one thing I did different was I waited to stain the planks after I placed them. that way if I got a little sloppy with the gluing it was no big deal.

       If I remember right. I got a bit of white glue and ran it along the plank. I let it set up a little bit before placing it. once I had in place I used these little aligator clamps I got from Harbor Freight. You can see them on my build log. I also got a scrap piece of wood and made like a little pole with a damp piece of cloth attach. so I could get in between the frames and clean the excess glue.



  4. Eddie,

        There is a book on the BWL titled "THE AMERICAN FISHING SCHOONER: BENJAMIN W. LATHAM by Erik A. R. Ronberg at Amazon.


    Plus I think he is member here. His name is Jim Leferver who build this schooner. Beautiful build. you can find some of his pictures here    


    shipmodeling.net/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=942   103 total photos



    I really payed attention to Jim's photo and explaintions on his build to help me build my BWL years ago.



  5. POPS,

      It would add a nice detail to your boat here. Plus as you say gives you a chance to scratch build some items. I did not add it to my launch as i did not add the bowsprit either. The bowsprit shows in Mckay's book. The reason for my decision was I followed Bligh's log. Since there is really no information on the launch. By reading his log, I picked up some hints as to what the boat might have looked like. He was there, he should of known.



  6. Pops,

       Garboard and sheer strakes are probably the most important to place correctly during the planking process. That is why you have the system that everyone uses when you build towards the middle. Cap'n Steve is correct that the garboard must sit properly in the rabbit. if it does not you will have nothing but problems with the rest of your planking.

       your tool box is looking great.





  7. I see what your saying now Pops,

          They are glued in and is it worth the trouble taking them off and putting them on the correct side. To me as long as the sheers tabs are in line with that laser mark I don't see it bothering anything. This kit is to introduce builders to plank on frame. With the sheer tabs it lets you place the sheer strake in the correct spot. But to play it safe I would put them where they belong, but that is me. That 1/8 difference from one side to the other might cause a problem you do not need. If you used white glue, then a little water and they will just come right off with ease.





    I hope this helps you out.


    P.S. when you get to the cherry frames. There is enough material. Just soak those frames good before trying to bend them. I used heat after I soaked them. Expect a few to break, because for some reason some of the cherry strips were cross cut against the grain.



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