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Mike Dowling

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Everything posted by Mike Dowling

  1. I know it is a while ago but please can you tell me how you started with the planking from the first strake to go on ?
  2. Frames on, decks on and frames faired. Now, can someone please tell me how to put on the first strake. I always have a problem with this. The instructions say it should go on level with the deck (presumably the main deck ?) and follow the curve of it. This makes for a huge lateral bend apart from the lengthwise bend on that strake so please, someone guide me. I always have a problem with planking.
  3. Thanks Chuck, it probably means I do too much. I will try not too be so bold with my new build !
  4. What's happened to your build Eddie ? Did you see the Sopwith ?
  5. It doesn't look as though you have done much fairing at all. Is that the norm and if so I do far too much ?
  6. Hi all ! I am back with a new boat having had a break from them for a while. I picked this kit up on ebay for a fairly reasonable price. I had been looking for one for a while but only found Chinese copies so I was pleased when this came up. It is the first Mamoli kit I have tried. First impressions - nicely packed but looks a bit minimal on wood. I am ok with that as I have some spares and I am always careful with usage. There are 7 sheets of plans which look ok but the instructions for the build, such as they are are on the plans. The plans are two sided but the instructions only on one side so a lot of turning required. Otherwise castings and wood quality look good.
  7. Thanks John for you comment and also for your invaluable help without which I don't think I could have done it.
  8. Thank you John, I also have the Albatross in my stash waiting and am thinking of getting the triplane. Did you do the model expo or the Artesania Fokker ?
  9. Well folks, the beast is finished ! The ailerons have proved to be a disaster as somewhere my tensioning went wrong despite triple checking it. Never mind, who is going to fly it anyway and as long as it stays still it will be fine. I have put my excuse for a propeller on for the time being in the absence of a better one. Whilst the cabling hasn't worked out at all well it is all there and I must admit I have enjoyed making this a lot more than some models. So, view for yourselves. Next build for me is another tram. Much easier !!
  10. John, how did you tie off your aileron cables after tensioning ?
  11. The half of the wings that I was going to cover are now covered, painted and varnished. Tricky enough dodging the aileron cables so I am really glad I did it before the strut bracing which is the next thing to do.
  12. The cabane struts are on and I have made and fixed the inter-wing struts as well. I did use epoxy in the end as the CA was just not strong enough. The rigging for the ailerons is also done though it hardly shows. I have not tied it off yet as, like John, the thread needs time to settle and stretch. Having said that there is no way that anyone could get to the control stick now unless they happen to be a micropilot !!! Therefore, whether the ailerons actually work or not with their very complicated and fiddly rigging is fairly pointless. Why do we do this stuff to ourselves ?! Because I am covering half the plane I figure that will be my next job as it will be easier to do before I put on the strut bracing so I am getting there and it does now look like a proper bi-plane. Nice to have you along Popeye. Some pics for all.
  13. Smashing little model. I hope mine looks a bit like that in the end !
  14. Hooray, my bits have arrived from Model Airways so on we go I have done the undercarriage framework although I have to admit to doing the rigging three times because I was being a numpty ! I have also drilled the holes and fitted the eye bolts to the cabane struts. I am very glad I am lucky enough to have a proxxon drill press as drilling those holes would have been a real headache by hand. Now of course I have to try and fit them on !! John - did you use epoxy for the struts ?
  15. I am still waiting for the parts I need from model airways but, in the meantime I have made a start on my 'half' covering of the plane. I can only do so much because otherwise I will not be able to do the cabling that runs though the wings for the ailerons. Anyway I thought you might like to see how far I have got. he final colour scheme is going to that of 209 squadron RAF from WW1 as flown by Arthur Roy Brown who was credited to an extent with shooting down the Red Baron !
  16. Sorry for the late reply, I have only just found your question. I did only soak the wood but it was a difficult job. If it helps I find sometimes if you soak the wood, then let it dry and then soak it again it bends better and more easily.
  17. Thanks John. Not heard from Model Expo yet. I thought soldering would be a problem. I also thought I could at least get on with the wing struts but from what you say, since I don't have the right cabane struts I can't do that either so I really am stuck!
  18. John, when you made your wooden wing struts, did you take your measurements from the plans or the instructions ? There is quite a big discrepancy between the two.
  19. Well now I have a problem !! The undercarriage struts require left and right parts and I have two the same !! The cabane struts have 4 struts and I only have 3. So, I am stuck. I have emailed modelexpo but as yet no reply. What to do? I wonder with the undercarriage struts whether I can cut the tops off, turn them round and stick them back on. Does anyone know if you can solder brittania metal or does it just melt? I might be able to use epoxy but it won't make a very strong joint. Ideas people, ideas ?
  20. I have been a busy boy ! I did try gluing just one place on the cables but alas it didn't work. I think I know what the problem is - where the cables wrap round the rudder bar they just get stuck so there is nowhere for the rest of the cable to go. Never mind, I tried. Anyway I tried to take some pics of the cables but the poor camera didn't know what it was supposed to focus on but at least it shows that I did put them on. I have also cut my lower wing in half (nervous or what?) then rejoined it with the necessary angle and finally glued it on. The beasty is really beginning to look like an aeroplane at last.
  21. Thanks for that, seems I need the gap so I will stick to the instructions.
  22. John - another question! The instructions say that the gap between the lower wings should be 1&13/16th inch. This will leave a small gap each side of the fuselage. It looks on your log as though you had the lower wing spars really close together in the metal joiners which would make the wings quite snug. Which should I do ? Go with the measurement or the snug fit?
  23. Thanks again Slainte, maybe I will try that tomorrow but to be honest I am not expecting much. I must keep telling myself that this is a non-flying model !! I can't try it tonight because I managed to knock one of the machine guns off during my labour and that is now drying !! It does surprise me, not being a 'flyer' that the cables actually leave the fuselage at the rear. I thought they would all be enclosed but I suppose - thinking ahead - that they will also be exposed between the upper and lower wings so maybe not so strange. It will make my idea of covering the plane on one side much more difficult.
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