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Mike Dowling

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Everything posted by Mike Dowling

  1. Greetings all! I know I have been quiet for a while but I have not been idle. The second planking is now done to the best of my limited ability. In fact the pale wood section I had to second plank twice because the first attempt was dreadful and I couldn't get it all off so I went over the top. Cunning eh?! It may be of interest to some that the planking was all done with PVA glue, no CA at all. Also no pins were used because I want to keep the boat in natural wood and not paint it so I held each plank with sticky tape to measure tapering and for gluing I have to trim, sand and varnish next. I am hoping that I can use the sanding process to fill some of the little gaps with sawdust and then varnish to keep the dust in situ. I realise this is not museum quality planking but, it has covered the whole hull and, to be quite honest I am pretty pleased with myself seeing as how this is my first real go at it.
  2. Hi Capt!! I haven't done a lot either. I did start my second planking which was awful so I covered it with a third go!! I have been trying to bend rubbing strakes before proceeding with the second planking below them. Been away a couple of times but the garden grows fast this time of year and loads of other jobs to do so the boat takes a back seat for the time being.
  3. You are doing brilliantly Dom!! Don't worry to much about the critics, I am sure they get it wrong too sometimes. Yours looks great and you should be very pleased with you efforts!
  4. That looks really smart CF! You have done some really careful work there, I am impressed.
  5. I think the point has been made quite enough. The comments have obviously been taken on board. Further comments along the same lines are neither helpful or constructive. Give the guy a break and get on with some modelling.
  6. Actually Dom that is really helpful. It shows me the measurements for the large rubbing strakes and the position of the smaller top one which is above the 19mm. That is a crucial measurement so thank you very much. Doesn't immediately help with the bulwark issue but I think it will help.
  7. I know Dom and I have tried but the pictures are just too small. Don't forget we are taking about 10mm on the whole huge model which doesn't sound much but makes a huge difference.
  8. Nice try matey but I don't know if I am any the wiser really. Maybe you will understand now why I want to know exactly where these rubbing strakes go. I have put out a couple of feelers to other MSW members who have done the Bounty and I await their advice. I did bung my transom on today!!
  9. Dom, I want to know EXACTLY how you decided on the position of your marker planks. Are they lying as they lay or have you bent them at all? Why did you put them so low? etc etc. I need this help!!!
  10. It looks good to me Dom but it also occurs that this 'no lateral bending' lark doesn't matter as long as you have the thickness of wood to allow for the removal of clinkering afterwards. If you don't do it the way you have you would have to shape each individual plank as I see it. I feel, whilst it may not be 'correct' that the way you have done yours is the same as I did for my stern section which once sanded looks good. So are we right?
  11. Thanks Dom, I did look at those but on such a small scale it doesn't really help. I can get a good idea from the model itself but it seems that around the bow particularly these measurements need to be fairly precise. The difference between parallel with the bulwarks and parallel with the deck is 10ml which you will appreciate is a lot. Maybe you could measure yours (I appreciate it is much smaller scale) and see which your strakes run parallel to?
  12. I quite forgot about the plans I have for the masts etc. However would you believe they don't show the rubbing strakes at all!!! Back to you matey or anyone who has done a Bounty and can help.
  13. Oh Dom, that's a good one!!! What plan sheets would those be? Presumably the ones you don't get with this kit!! Could you give me any idea from your Bounty?
  14. Hey all, I need some help/advice about rubbing strakes. I have to put on 4. Three of them are 2x5ml and one on top of those is 2x3ml. My wonderful instructions give me measurements from the rear bulwarks and the middle from the deck but no instructions as to the bow. So my first question is should rubbing strakes run parallel to the top deck or the bulwarks? My second question relates to the fact that above the rubbing strakes I have to plank in ramin wood and below in sapele. The instructions say plank first and then put the rubbing strakes on. Apart from the fact that that is a waste of wood it seems to make sense to me to put the rubbing strakes on first and then plank up to and down to them afterwards. Doing it that way would also give me the line for the second planking. What do you think?
  15. It's a really good fix Al, I admire your tenacity and ingenuity. You are going to be so pleased when you get your planks on and find it all hidden from view!
  16. It's something I will think about Dom but the damn stuff goes off so fast if you don't use all of it quickly and I could finish up buying shed loads. I can't get it as cheaply as you can!!
  17. Oh thanks all, what really nice comments. At least I have managed to get a bit of a result after potential disaster. Many thanks to CF for all his help and to Dom and Captain Al for their continued interest and encouragement. Dom, I can't stain or varnish it now, I have just painted the whole thing in PVA!! I would like to think that in the end I will make a decent enough job to varnish this beast hence my questions about gluing. I know that CA makes a right mess but PVA can as well if one is not very careful can be very difficult to varnish over. The second planking on this is rawmin 0.6mm veneer for the level above the whales and sapele 0.6mm below so I don't have a lot to play with in terms of sanding afterwards. I really don't want to have to 'nail' the planks to hold them down while they set. I guess I could use a load of elastic bands but you will all appreciate that this is one BIG model !! I might have to use bungee straps instead!!! Your ideas interest me Shihawk, it sounds like you are using PVA like a contact adhesive. Is that right? I do have contact adhesive but I don't like using it because it is so messy and tends to live a life of it's own once you take the top off the tube. Anyway and further ideas would be gratefully viewed. Thanks again for all the encouragement.
  18. Well fans!! I have for a change had quite a good day. It has been glorious Scottish Spring sunshine all day so I managed to get outside to do the sanding. Captain Al had recommended a good tool for me which must have saved me a very long time. It still took a long time. So, the beast had been sanded mechanically and then once by hand. A tiny amount of filler was required I am proud to say before a fine hand sanding again. The whole hull has now also been painted with watered down PVA to seal it and make it even stronger than it already was. It must have been pretty strong to deal with the machine sanding!! Next stage whenever is to mark out where the first second plank has to go. The lovely, wonderful, oh so helpful instructions are quite specific but be assured ship mates it will be in line with the top deck in a nice gentle curve!!! Just a thought when you have finished admiring my pictures (!!!) would anyone like to suggest the best method for sticking on the second planking? I still think it looks like a zeppelin!!
  19. Dan, if you don't mind my asking, were did you get the figures for your model?
  20. You are quite right Dom. The one thing they have in common is the name!!!
  21. Thanks very much Antony, at least I covered the hull. I will try very hard to make it look more pleasing and accurate when I do the second layer. I think it will be a nice model when finished if ever I get that far. I am surprised that the interior is completely different from the AL version but I seem to be the only person trying the OcCre version. It looks as though you like these big beasties as well, the only trouble is that mistakes are bigger as well! Anyway, many thanks for your interest and comments.
  22. Brilliant model, well done Sir.
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