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    ChrisLBren got a reaction from mtaylor in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Hi Group,
    I wanted to share this build log.  This model is gorgeous - built completely "Belgian Style" in all pear.  Leaning towards this approach for my next build - note no simulated caulking but joinery and fastenings are well articulated all in 1/36 scale.  
  2. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Rustyj in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Hi Group,
    I wanted to share this build log.  This model is gorgeous - built completely "Belgian Style" in all pear.  Leaning towards this approach for my next build - note no simulated caulking but joinery and fastenings are well articulated all in 1/36 scale.  
  3. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Hi Group,
    I wanted to share this build log.  This model is gorgeous - built completely "Belgian Style" in all pear.  Leaning towards this approach for my next build - note no simulated caulking but joinery and fastenings are well articulated all in 1/36 scale.  
  4. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    64 inch hull Ben @ 1/48.  Yet to be decided whether its Full Frame or POB - could easily reduce the plans to 1/64 - hull would be closer to 50 inches. 
  5. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to Garward in Bronze 24-pound gun of Le Fleuron 1729 by Garward - FINISHED - scale 1:24   
    Exposition of three models of a bronze 24-pound gun of Le Fleuron 1729, M 1:24 is ready.

  6. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to albert in HMS Naiad 1797 by albert - FINISHED - 1/48   
    Hello, I'm polishing the inside of the hull.




  7. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to Gaetan Bordeleau in Le Fleuron by Gaetan Bordeleau - FINISHED - 1:24   
    The long task is continuing. Nothing is glued yet. Only the part of the contour touching the rail is don the inner part is still to shape. It is a hard part to do because it is difficult to take efficient measures. I do not exactly what would be the best way to go. The only thing I know for sure is that for these 10 pieces, I did each one at least twice. This is 2 sets of 5 pieces. To align each set, I installed a sheet to make sure for the alignment.

  8. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi Chuck, Not gonna happen. The planking of the hull will take a loooooong long time if
    I hope to come even close to your work..
    Thanks Augie. They are so much fun aren't they!
    Thanks Mike and Ben.
    Thank you Al D. The practicum and plans are outstanding. You will love it.
    Hi Bob, The pleasure is all mine.
    Ok I've squirreled myself away most of the last few days and have made a good deal of progress.  
    Here is a picture of the plans depicting the stern framing.

    There are eight stern frame sections  that fit into the slotted bulkhead section.



    The next step was to add the sills for the stern lights and the lintel filler pieces above
    them. I used both the plans and the transom cut out to alien everything.


    In case you can't tell I'm having a ball here!
    Once it all dried the stern was sanded smooth. I then added framing the quarter
    gallery entrance and the aft-most gun port.

  9. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    Christmas in April!!!     Wood has arrived from Jeff at Hobbymill.  Wonderful wood and it's perfectly dimensioned.  I'm plotting out the frame blanks and hope to start making sawdust later this evening.
    Time to start getting this build back on the road.... err... building slip.  The wood isn't warped, the camera is having issues. I think it was the setting I choose.

  10. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - 1/64 - POB - 32-Gun Frigate   
    Hi Ben, Unfortunately it's a long haul for me and I won't be able to attend.
    Sorry it should be a great time. I hope you get to go.
    Ok I've been moving along just haven't been able to find time to post.
    The hull is faired fairly close to its final shape. I still have a little work to do on
    the tops of the bulkheads but I'll wait until I frame the gun ports to finish it up.
    I didn't need to use any cross bracing either. The plywood was good and solid
    and I was careful too.
    I next  planked the two platforms of the lower deck with pau marfim.

    After that it was time to add the bow fillers and bollard timbers. Two of the fillers
    needed to be a total of 7/32" thick. While the third timber needed to be 3/16" thick.
    Chuck used two pieces to obtain the 7/32" thickness, (1 x 3/16" & 1 x 1/32"), I used
    my thickness sander to thin down a piece of 1/4" wood I had to the 7/16". Same result
    I just used one piece.

    After that it was time to make the bollard timbers. these are not the traditional way to
    make them but seeing there are bulkheads and not frames only the tops will be seen.
    As you can see from the plans there are different angles, thicknesses and a hole it was
    a bit of a challenge. At least every piece was made twice and some three time before
    an acceptable one was obtained.



    The bollard timbers are just set in place for now. Next up it is time to start framing in the gun ports.
  11. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to Trussben in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Trussben - 1:48 - Swan-class sloop based on TFFM   
    Thanks for the Likes everybody.
    Druxey - already been done, after that picture I marked the bolts and trimmed them down to a perfect size, see first pic.
    I have predrilled all of the transoms before fitting for pinning with bamboo treenails, I used a #65 drill bit and drew bamboo down to #35 hole in the Byrnes plate, this is not to scale but just for reinforcement purposes.
    Then the 4th transom was installed and pinned, making sure that it lined up with the buildboard markings as well as the heights above the keel bottom as measured from the mylar plan. I am deviating from the TFFM description of installing the transoms which would have the wing transom installed first, I am going to install the 4th first, then the fashion pieces below it, this should give me a solid bottom reference point, then I will install the wing transom which will give me the top point, and then install the transoms in between. Hopefully this works out like I envision.
    Now on to the fashion pieces, they were cut out of 9" stock oversized slightly by 1/32" outside the lines, then I setup the Byrnes sander to excatly 29.5 degrees using an app on my Iphone, the angles were sanded and then the pieces refined until a perfect fit was achieved under transom 4. I drilled them ready for pinning and then glued in place using a square to make sure it was perpendicular ( the picture doesnt look like its correct but it is! ) you can see how the square matches the correct line on the buildboard.

  12. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Trussben in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    64 inch hull Ben @ 1/48.  Yet to be decided whether its Full Frame or POB - could easily reduce the plans to 1/64 - hull would be closer to 50 inches. 
  13. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to chris watton in Newsworthy updates from Chris Watton   
    Right, these have just taken ages to type in, as I can't cut and paste.... Latest pics of progress, all the deck stuff is dry fitted and needs more work before gluing in place....




  14. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to Mau in Le Fleuron by Gaetan Bordeleau - FINISHED - 1:24   
    Hi Gaetan,
    Fantastic!! A masterpiece. I think this is one of the most complicated part of the model. I hope I can inspire in your work when the time comes in my model.
  15. Like
    ChrisLBren reacted to Landlubber Mike in HMS Lyme (1748-1760) by Landlubber Mike - bash of Corel Unicorn - Scale 1:75 (CLOSED TO START SCRATCH BUILD)   
    My approach to the build
    I decided I'm going to try and step up my game and attempt to enhance the kit to the best of my abilities.  So, I have a number of enhancements that I'm thinking of doing.  I placed an order with Jim Byrnes for his table saw and disc sander, so I'll have some toys to play with.  I also went with Jeff at Hobbymill for the upgraded wood.
    1.  Paint with wood.  I'm not a big fan of paint on wooden models, particularly white which I think comes off as too garish, so I'm going to try and avoid paint as much as possible.  I'm also planning on sticking with three primary colors for the build - pear for the hull, boxwood for the hull accents and deck, and black in the form of dyed pear.  ChrisLBren's Confederacy was a big inspiration for taking this approach - I hope I can pull it off half as well as he does
    2.  Different color scheme.  I'm planning on modifying the color scheme a bit, using black for the mast tops and spars and for a thicker wale per the Chapman plans).  I havent decided whether to use red for the bulwark planking and cannon carriages - if I do, I have a couple of stains from General Finishes that might work nicely.
    3.  Scratch the stern.  I think I'm going to scrap the cast metal pieces and build the stern from scratch.  This would include scratching the stern galleries, windows and the stern decorations.  That will probably be the most difficult part of the build I would guess.  
    4.  Open up the waist.  I will open up the waist as in the Guadeloupe plans.  
    5.  Change to quarterdeck.  Depending on how the build is going, I might reorient the quarterdeck to have a gradual opening up of the portholes per the Chapman plans.  Not sure if I'll be able to pull that off, but I think it will be a nice touch if it ends up working out.
    6.  Sails.  I think the furled sails came out ok on my Badger, so I'll probably try adding a mix of full and furled sails to this build.
    7.  Other details.  I might try adding a few other details to the build, including ship's boats, additional anchors, etc.  
    Well that's that.  My goal is to really challenge myself and my abilities, especially after learning all I did on the Badger.  In particular, I hope to get a lot more detailed and precise with the rigging - I think the rigging is what can really set apart great builds.  So, hopefully I can try worming and parceling and not take as many shortcuts as I did on the Badger.  First order of business is to replace the keel - the one in the kit is warped with a twist -- so rather than fighting with it, I'm just going to cut out a new one in plywood on my scroll saw   I have to figure out how to cut it so that I can add the stern post, bow, and false keel in pear.  
    Thanks to everyone that follows my (mis)adventures on this log.  Looking forward to joining my Unicorn brothers soon
  16. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Wishmaster in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    I'm still working and not just daydreaming about my next project.  Chesstree installed - bit of glare as the tung oil dries - hoping to tackle the fenders and ladders next

  17. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from fatih79 in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    I'm still working and not just daydreaming about my next project.  Chesstree installed - bit of glare as the tung oil dries - hoping to tackle the fenders and ladders next

  18. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Mirabell61 in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    Thanks Mark - actually putting away the plans isn't too hard - I can't begin construction until we move to a new house for my next project.  Ben -  hate to say it - your progress is looking great on Pegasus - you may not ever get back to Confederacy now that you are working with better wood and have been bitten by the scratch building bug.  I've got a Wappen Von Hamburg hull along with a Bob Hunt Fair American hull unfinished sitting in my workshop - I doubt ill ever get back to them - its all a learning process. Nils - appreciate you checking in on my log !
  19. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from butch in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    I'm still working and not just daydreaming about my next project.  Chesstree installed - bit of glare as the tung oil dries - hoping to tackle the fenders and ladders next

  20. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Kevin in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    I'm still working and not just daydreaming about my next project.  Chesstree installed - bit of glare as the tung oil dries - hoping to tackle the fenders and ladders next

  21. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from hexnut in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    I'm still working and not just daydreaming about my next project.  Chesstree installed - bit of glare as the tung oil dries - hoping to tackle the fenders and ladders next

  22. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Elmer Cornish in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    I'm still working and not just daydreaming about my next project.  Chesstree installed - bit of glare as the tung oil dries - hoping to tackle the fenders and ladders next

  23. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from tarbrush in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    I'm still working and not just daydreaming about my next project.  Chesstree installed - bit of glare as the tung oil dries - hoping to tackle the fenders and ladders next

  24. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from jaerschen in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    I'm still working and not just daydreaming about my next project.  Chesstree installed - bit of glare as the tung oil dries - hoping to tackle the fenders and ladders next

  25. Like
    ChrisLBren got a reaction from Aussie048 in USF Confederacy by ChrisLBren - FINISHED - 3/16 Scale   
    I'm still working and not just daydreaming about my next project.  Chesstree installed - bit of glare as the tung oil dries - hoping to tackle the fenders and ladders next

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