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Posts posted by popeye2sea

  1. Roger,

    The Burton Pendant is rigged first. (the thimble on the end will take a tackle for hoisting heavier objects from the deck).  The pendants (port and starboard are joined together with a cont splice sized to fit the masthead(forms an eye in the middle of a rope). The cont splice is dropped over the masthead so that the pendants hang down beside the mast.

    Next the shrouds go on in pairs.  A length of rope is doubled and an eye is seized in the bight (loop) to fit the masthead. The first pair is set up on the starboard side, then the forward pair on the port side.  Continue for the required number of shrouds.  The final odd number shrouds for the port and starboard side are set up like the burton pendant with a cont splice.


    The upper deadeyes get turned in on the lower end of each shroud.  When set up all the deadeyes should be in a horizontal line.  This is what the jig is for.

    First set up the lower deadeyes to the channels.  Make sure that the middle hole of the deadeye is down (lower than the other two).  Using the jig to give the proper spacing turn the upper deadeye  in on the end of the shroud.  The shroud will pass around the deadeye and get seized to itself.  Make sure that the middle hole of the upper deadeye is up.  Reeve the deadeye lanyard  through the upper and lower deadeyes.  The lanyard always starts on the upper deadeye with a stopper knot on the inboard side. It will start at the aft upper hole on the port deadeyes and the forward upper hole on the starboard. 

    The end of the lanyard will go from the lower deadeye up to the shroud where it will be hitched around the shroud with a cow hitch and the end brought back down and seized to itself.

  2. R.C. Anderson gives a rule of thumb in his Rigging of Ships in the Age of the Spritsail Topmast as follows:


    Diameter of the Main Stay = 1/6 the diameter of the mast

    Fore stay = 4/5 of the Main Stay

    Mizzen Stay = 1/2 of the Fore Stay


    Stay collars = 3/4 of the stay

    Shroud and stay laniards = 1/2 of the stay or shroud, except main stay is 1/3


    Shrouds are 1/2 of their respective stays, i.e. topmast shrouds are 1/2 of the topmast stay

    Mast tackle pendants, backstays = 1/2 of the shrouds

    Tackle runners are 2/3 of their pendant

    Tackle falls are 1/2 of their runner or pendant


    Ties = shrouds

    Halyards = 2/3 of the Tie

    Lift and Brace pendants = 1/2 of the shroud

    Lifts = 3/8 of the shroud

    Braces = 3/4 of the Brace pendant


    Tacks = 1/2 of the shrouds

    Sheets = 3/4 of the shroud

    Clews = 1/2 of the sheet

    Bowline = 1/2 of the shroud

    Leechlines and Buntlines = 1/3 of the shroud


    Blocks sheaves are 9 times the diameter of the line, blocks are 12 times the diameter of the line.


    Hope it helps :)

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