Hello Force9 .. we meet and discussed on a British forum months ago .. but I lost contact a bit!
Wow you began with your Constitution - and its amazing!!!
You are doing all those things (and far more) I was dreaming about.
THATs what I wanna do too ..
.. bad thing about it: now I have to change my plans ... (but I do have some ideas)
.. good thing about it: Constitution gives a wide field of different layouts to avoid "a copy" of your beautiful work .. maybe I will try a Bainbridge oder a Steward-configuration? .. Or even better - a 1803-version with the beautiful stern decoration ...We´ll see
For now I am really happy to follow your impressive work and to be inspired and warned for my future steps (which will still need much more time and practice on my whaler and maybe another sailer before I try such a beautiful kit)
You did chose the Arnold-plans for the rigging? .. a good source! But there is a even better one (as I think).
Did you hear about "All sails up and flying" by Olof Eriksen?
Look at it - its a great work which only has three cons:
1. the author is VERY sure about his work .. no room for doubts and professional distance ..
2. it represents Stewards rigging in 1815 - so not exactly what you are looking for.
3. the publisher did not want to spend too much money - while on other side he wanted earn as much as possible. So the book is very expensive - and offers not enough room for the hundreds of drawings which Olof Eriksen did create to build is model
But there are many plus:
1. Olof Ericsen compared the british and american way of rigging (Steel and ..?? What was the other ones name?) ..
2. and he consulted the Isaac Hull Modell as reference - and was allowed to do some investigations on the model - which is very interesting.
3. he got a copy of the logbook of a midshipman by T. Martin. This describes the rerigging in the 1830s. ordered by the navyboard to be done "according to the usage in the War 1812-1815" .. so there will - of course - be some differences ... but at least they tried to do it in the "old" way.
4. Erksen did investigations how the rigging would have worked - he tried each "method" (British, American, Hull-Modell, Midshipmans describtion) and tried to "work" with the results ..choosing the most likely version.
I think this work would deserve a much better (more valuable) book and of course much more and much wider drawings than the publisher wanted to risk.
But nevertheless: the book is a great inspiration!!!
I am really happy I stepped over your building log! Thank you for showing this!!