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About FrankWouts

  • Birthday 10/08/1968

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  • Location
    Breda, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Trumpet playing, modeling aircraft and ships, Heller and wood.

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  1. Welcome, enjoy and have fun with this lovely project, woodartist! I'll be following with great interest! Frank.
  2. Hi TJ, Why not first finish what you've started? Is the SR from Artesania Latina any good?? I think there are lots of SR's on the market that are a laugh in my opinion.... Is this one spot on? I don't know it (yet)... Frank.
  3. Great and beautifuel looking work Ben, You inspire me to get back at her again fast after my holidays.... Frank.
  4. Good morning all, Not a build update yet in the holiday period unfortunately. Family obligations… But I think quite as nice an update though from a trip to the south of England of me and my wife. We visited Rye, Falmouth, Bath, Canterbury, among others these holidays… And ofcourse, on our way from Rye to Falmouth, we hád to stop in the very nice quiet village: Winchelsea! Do you recognize the Viking / Norseman Ship in the municipal sign from our HMS Winchelsea stern ornament? Cheers, Frank.
  5. Great progress Matt, I'd better get back to her again too, too much work and family lately... Cheers, Frank.
  6. Hi all, I’m on my way in chapter 4, and I have a question. I have a rather larger opening in front of the false deck. Should that be filled to be even with the false deck to support the rounded margin deck plank that will be glued over it? Or is that plank wide enough and doesn’t it matter? Also I doubt painting the grating supports black. They look beautiful the way they are with a little WOP…? Thanks! Frank.
  7. Now we have two master painters in our mids: Dusan and you Fred! Simply wonderful paintwork! I wish I had the courage... Frank.
  8. Beautiful and inspiring work almost comes to an end JJ…. I wonder if you could explain and visualize two things: 1. The connection of your 9-12 Volt connector to your model stand and how you wired the male/ female plug inside the winnie (did you drill the wiring all the way vertical through the keel AND the multiply?) 2. A small tutorial on how to produce those lovely lanterns hanging all over? The rest of the wiring is clear in your pictures I think. Thanks, Frank.
  9. Thanks Glenn and Matt and the likes, Yes, I think too it’s easier doing that now, but actually the idea is from Westwood (Dusan), all credits to him and his more than beautiful benchmark build! Yes, glad I’m fully recovered now, lots of sweating again. That’s different from the good old flu I must say… I hope I also have time again to browse through both your excellent builds as well again! I have time enough and am not in any hurry, I’m behind almost everybody, whether they started before or after me, LOL! 😂😉 Cheers, Frank.
  10. Time for an update after weeks of inactivity because of work and flu/corona after completing chapter 3. I made a start with chapter 4 and am also preparing for masts, just to keep my options open, when I might feel I have place to showcase a fully rigged Winnie in my house 😉👍🏻.
  11. Thanks for your elaborate answer Fred! I will check where I can get those Shipyard Enterprise plans here in Europe! As for the backward angles of the masts, I found on Chuck’s plans that the formast is a straight 90 degrees angle to the keel, the main mast leaning only 1 or 2 degrees backwards and the mizzen mast like 3 or 4 degrees… I aligned my wooden ruler to the keel, is that wrong? Is the waterline that you used perhaps not parallel to the keel line? Thanks, Frank.
  12. Yes, I just read you will be cutting more in the future, so no worries. I totally understand and agree to let the guys ready to start Speedwell now buy the first batches. I was just flabbergasted I saw the first two chapters being listed and sold out at the same time when I woke up Monday morning...hahaha...but, good for you, you fully deserve it Chuck! Frank.
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