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Everything posted by Paul0367

  1. Well its the show the canon ritual time, a few more fitting to add and I will actual start fitting them
  2. First of all thank you for nice comment. Much appreciated. Well this is my first attempt at a ship and wood one too, I have made kits in the past but non are of ships. Normally vehicles and planes and 22 to 26 years later those kits survive to this day due to glass cases I made for them, older than my children, they have also survived two house moves.
  3. I am lucky I have a designated room where I can leave her and go back when the mood takes me. Other hobby gets in the way at the moment. Well I had a go at the hammock milarky to see what lies ahead. The diaganol ropes are a bit of a strange one, some books show them others don't but I opted for the show them as its my artistic licence as MIke once said
  4. Oh yes I'm still here, I was looking at your model in the final resting place and all the trouble you went too getting her there. She looks stunning Mike. Mine will be completed one day but I'm in no rush and lifes complexities get in the way sometimes and other hobbies of course. She sits in her own room out of the way waiting to grow. The structures are complete now its just the canons (ahh) / nettings / ratlines / rigging / sails, if I make my mind up to have her dressed in sails, to do. Hope your well
  5. Well, I can not believe two months has passed since I last posted. If i'm honest the Victory has been waiting for me to get my act together and tackle the spars (tedious) as they are. Well the day has come when all are completed. Canons are still waiting for there strappings too.
  6. MMM I don't understand where $175 came from, full list price on the book in the uk is £40 which is $56,81. Spars factory still churning out parts Hey I was looking at reviews for this kit on Amazon and someone has left one stating 4 months solid build, What? Still don't think I could manage double that time. Mike, I mooched on your build and wow she looks stunning in her (library) resting place.
  7. Wow mate she looks beautiful, I have not been on this site for a while and clearly missed the posting of her in her final resting place, that is stunning and what a gesture..
  8. The book. HMS victory, her construction, career and restoration by Alan McGowan from amazon, the detail is second to non.
  9. Well I'm making quite good progress with the spars but anyone who reads my build knows I tend to get fed up and then leap ahead and return later to job in hand. This time I jumped to the rigging of the mast and part of the supports for the spars. Oh, this is the point where our friends at constructo decided to bail out and leave us to fend for ourselves, stopping with info and pictures, word, thanks. Well I have a book / bible and I am trying to duplicate what was once the way to go about rigging. At this stage I have just fitted clamps to add weight to the ropes to produce the shape before the spars arrive.
  10. Cheers for the comments guys, ive just passed my 2nd year, yes already, I have not done much really since the new year, My drone building hobby has taken over a bit. I have just resumed my spars, three now completed
  11. Finished my first spar, very little information how to actually attach them but I have not got the mast fitted yet so That's a future issue. I am going to have all parts (Spars) made ready and just grab them when needed. Canon bolts also added, I have been flicking across jobs, canons & spars to prevent the jobs being monotonous.
  12. Hi. Happy New Year to you and yours, regards the windows, look back at my build pages 5/6/7 the info you seek is on there my friend. My build is going very slow / stopped for a while, the rigging and and added details are very taxing and I am trying to get into doing them. Life and other things get in the way.
  13. Still working on the spars, been adding a touch of detail before the blocks and ropes are required
  14. Still going, when the time fits, most contruction is now complete, many loose ends and avoided parts, yes canon rigging being one.
  15. Still going, when the time fits, most contruction is now complete, many loose ends and avoided parts, yes canon rigging being one.
  16. Spars ready for blocks, pondered on the black paint for dark wood colour but its a must here I felt.
  17. Stunning Mike. Really stunning. Hope your name resides on the case somewhere. Oh did you once say this was a fairwell build. Hope not.
  18. Mike I look at yours and i'm standing still, too many distractions and lifes other jobs and holidays of course. Only just back so I will mooch about other builds progress
  19. Don't wish your life away, Christmas will be here too soon. I have tried to put as many pictures on as possible, even making the smallest parts to help anyone who builds the same kit, indicating my trials and tribulations along the way. The kit manufactures assume that because we buy there premium kits we have built kits before and that we know what to do between there sketchy instructions. Hopefully I help here.You will be fine though. Just the old saying measure twice cut once and stop when tired, my rear quarters being recut was a nightmare caused by carrying on when I should have stopped but keep an eye on the rear and side windows, ensuring they line up. Lastly, any question or further pictures you need you only have to ask. really I don't mind at all.
  20. She looks stunning, shame there is a lot missing at the moment, trouble is there not sure it the vessel will ever get the upper mast due to the extra weight imposed on the already weak hull.
  21. Going slow ( no rush) but started my spars, now the lathe can really be used, saving me a lot of time and effort. Still have the canons to rig, surprise, surprise. One day I may shock myself and probably anyone whom reads my posts and actually rig them.
  22. I have been adding a few details prior to the upper sections being added
  23. Yes, I know what you mean, there is 700 little men below deck but the planking hide them too. Funny though, make an error and everyone sees it. Which to be honest for me is very helpful, somethings you don't notice when your working on it, until a third party points it out. Then its oh yes, of course Just a pic or two to help anyone out.
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