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yankee clipper

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About yankee clipper

  • Birthday 12/20/1944

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  1. Have gone through the same process you described in finding quality scissors. A pair I have been using now for over year is the Pro'sKit SR-333 cuticle scissors. They have satisfied my need for a sharp close to the knot clean cutting tool. Highly recommend them. Would inclose a picture but I us an Apple smart phone.
  2. A personal story about Donald McKay. Several years ago I spent hours walking up and down the hills of the old cemetery in Newburyport MA. looking for Mr. Mckay's grave. I was about to give up when one of the grounds keeper came by and asked if he could help. I said I was looking for the grave of the famous Clipper Ship builder Donald McKay. "Oh he's buried in the real old cemetery over across the street." Thanked him and hiked another quarter mile but found what I was looking for. Glad I didn't give up the personal quest. Felt it was an honor to stand by his grave and thank him for his genius and gifts to mankind. Yankee Clipper
  3. Argument in the crews quarters Mike. In your picture of the first deck laying, are those stones or potatoes you are using for weights?
  4. One could not watch this series without being captivated by the Richard Rodgers and Robert Bennett musical score. Absolutely wonderful.
  5. Just finished reading 'The Philosophy Of Shipbuilding" by Hocker and Ward. Some one should contact J. Richard Steffy, he would have the mystery solved in a week. Yankee Clipper
  6. On page 148 Anatomy of The Ship The Battleship USS IOWA they are listed as "Twin 5in. practice loading machine"
  7. Very nice Mike. Really like the integration of the different woods left natural. YC
  8. I as well cut my teeth on the Yellow Box kits and one of my favorites was the Forrester lumber schooner. I have learn to respect the kits so much that about ten years ago I started to collect as many as I could find in "mint' condition. Have even bought duplicates to insure they contained only the best parts. I think we owe John Shed and the boys a debt of gratitude. Quite obvious from this thread that a number of outstanding builders and contributors to the forum have a soft spot for the Good Old Days. Yankee Clipper
  9. I as well just finished the article in NRJ and think it one of the best ever. You guys have done a superb job of research, documenting and building models of one of man's work of art. Next time I am visiting the "OLD" cemetery in Newburyport I will stop by Donald's grave and tell him how well you guys honor him and his magnificent creation. YC
  10. Wow, Elmina this is going to get a lot of responses from the MSW gang. First I think it is beautiful just the way she sits, and the stand box is a work of art in itself. A model of this caliber requires restoration and I know you will enjoy each and every hour. Best wishes to you, and I'll be watching so please keep us posted as to your progress. Yankee Clipper
  11. Found my missing plans on the CD right where the esteemed contributors said they should be. Thanks all.
  12. I was very fortunate to recently purchase the three volumes with CDs of the Young America build from a gentleman who had to move to assisted living and therefore would be unable to do his build. Upon reviewing all the material, I discovered that two plans from the plan packet were missing. They are Plan #2 YA 1:72 and Plan #8 YA 1:96. I am hopeful that you might be able to assist me in obtaining the missing plans. A recommendation of going to Sea Watchbooks or contacting Mr. Tosti would be appreciated. Thank you, Yankee Clipper
  13. Cabbie, I am going to take a different tack in answering your quest. For one of the best reading on English sailing ships, for the points you might find interesting of the period you mention, I would highly recommend reading Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey -Maturin series of sea novels. I think there are about 26 to 28 in the series. The movie Master and Commander was based on the first book. I have not met any one interested in ships, the seas, or history that did not enjoyed them.
  14. I had the pleasure of riding up to Austin several times over the past year with Mitch to meet with with other NRG guys. The conversations covered the waterfront and Mitch had a story for every occasion. He was exceptionaly knowledgable in so many topics. I will miss those rides. We have lost an ambassador to our cause and love of ship modeling.
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