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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. just found it ....impressive, for sure..............thanks...........
  2. is that ambitious ship a scratch build too?
  3. yea neko........you could learn what not to do 😁....but obviously, you've been through all that lifetimes ago.....but yea.....how to take shortcuts, and build something fast...that i admit i'm good at....i do the innovation dance, the offspring of laziness and impatience....one two three ...one two three....at 180 on the metronome...but somehow, i end up getting something reasonable looking..... am so glad you gave me the opportunity to resolve something that has irked me deep deep in the back of my mind, for so many years.....a super laxative...oh what a relief it is 😄 oh....i call you neko, and hubac...marc...so i don't get confused, another thing which i'm good at..... also as people have noticed... i'm in an xxx category regarding exposing my faults....hmmm...maybe that's called pride of humility or something🙂....but if it helps anyone, that's fine.....cheers forever.......vc
  4. yea....have been waiting for some action...good shew.....i'll have to think about incorporating some of your ideas on my effort....really original......vc
  5. yea..built in my little bedroom...with only a cordless skill saw and a jigsaw attachment for my dremel.....gee..i put myself to shame 😄 .......luckily nobody outside my apt. hears anything when i close my bedroom door....
  6. took a break to make a case.....will be black, with cherry red velvet background and floor....side glass panels will be black siliconed in, and the front glass panel will slide in from the left side and will be removeable...waiting for lush curtains to confirm they have the sample i sent them......i have some strip led lites on order which will be installed on top and down the sides.....i found that it's important to get the 2700k color...not the 3000k......both are considered warm light, but the latter is awful...there's no warmth and the wood looks grey....everything looks greyish.... trivia, but thought i'd share.....
  7. gee, i don't know...i, kind of, sort of, in a way, live in this world like i'm ready to leave at any time😄...i retain so little upstairs....i don't even remember what i did yesterday....over 50 years, i must have built maybe 30 models and hardly even remember building them.....once i even traded 4 or 5 models for a grand piano, which i took with me when i moved from vancouver to pentiction bc, where the thing fell apart within one year 🙂...gotta have a sense of humor about things.... yep, i'm a strange fellow...guess there must be quite a few lucky people, as i usually ended up giving most of them away.....the only ones i remember selling were the 13' r/c victory, royal william, and wappen von hamburg...the royal william was even on tv and the newspapers.. and ''shipright'' had it in it's last issue......gads...sorry for the long speach...i get carried away...... oh bill...yes i used to have that book, but i'm just not that serious about research and tech issues....if it looks close, i'm ok.............oh blasphamy!!.. i guess it's just not who i am...and i'm in an old folks apt. now, and am building in my little bedroom, and i'm just using mainly the plastic stuff in the kit.....the hull was-is my sole reason for building it....the rest, not as important.....but i thank you.......
  8. ahh....very nice!....it looks very fine...what do you mean redo??....what would you do different?...
  9. really, thanks ian......it took a lot of brain wacking to get things to match.....i didn't think that building a, what i feel, proper hull, would matter to most, but to me, it was life or death 😄....just found an old photo....40ish years ago?? i don't know when the ship came out, but this is as far as i got, and i actually felt ill looking at it, so i gave it away or threw it out 🤢😄...neko's hull was a lifesaver...i now look at the ship on the shelf, and feel actual joy🙂.... gee...i hope i don't make some of those who built it, self conscious about their models.....but it's probably not a priority for most...i think i'm only an emotional builder, attracted to balance of lines and form etc, aside from respect for the humongous brilliance of those who created, built, and sailed in them.....😲 and i totally respect those here who do so much painstaking research, with the talent and experience to try to do something ''correctly'', expressing a wide variety of priorities.... so now, maybe i've created more anxiety regarding the decision you must make 😵, but i'm sure happy with mine 🙃...sorry about all the smileys....respect for those who created them 🙂...cheers...vc
  10. i cut out the lowest extension of the stern gallery and raised it so it would be mostly above the waterline.......and added a tiny extension on the hand rails and moldings where they attach to the hull, so the front of the side galleries don't look so rigid and straight... and cut the masts down a bit, although i did so much removing and adding, i don't really know if i made any improvement, as i don't have the original to compare with...tried to copy the proportions from a different model plan.......so that's it for now until i get into some more nitty gritty......cheers,..........vic
  11. gads....if i only had your patience.....so cool....such clean work...i should be embarrassed about how quick i'm putting mine together and taking shortcuts...but you are an inspiration
  12. oooeee....i'm a dunce regarding terminology, and i had to think about it 😁 the decks are from the czech republic..i couldn't have done them that well......they are very nice...got them for the constitution too, which i'm also working on...just the rigging left.....but i took a break from it to do the royal.... ha, regarding the railing...i made two molds of it, then trimmed them down and placed them between two boards, and squished them in a vice so they would be narrower......then i cast in five minute epoxy....i tried the resin, but it took 24 hours to cure, and it was full of bubbles...i forgot to put a torch on them to remove the bubbles...i may experiment more.....always innovating.... the front bulkhead of the forecastle, whatever it's called, i widened 1/8th inch on either side....covered up the two indentations for the heads, and recut them on the outside...and moved the turrets out-board.... also reinforced the hawse holes... by the way...heller gun carriages wouldn't fit ..too high...i had to cut them down...a lot, even without the wheels...there was always a trade off, but it still looks plausible.... thanks for your support marc, and thanks ian.......cheers.....
  13. ahhhhhh...you remember ed sulivan too! 😄 ha...in the sunlight i noticed a few bumps on the hull too, which i may smooth out...and plastic boat in the sunlight is a no no!!😄 bulwark started warping....
  14. ok....it's probably my last posting until finished, god willing........just wish to show the shape of the hull compared to the heller hull.....the decoration on the stem is temporary, until i figure out something better....and of course, still much finicky finishing to do...and compared to the mess on the inside, it looks ok on the outside 😁..thanks for looking....cheers,........................... vic
  15. thanks mucho for the likes, and i'm glad you approve of the lowered figures........haha...and now i know what they're called🙂....and aside from the gun ports being a bit too low, i'm happy with the results, and can enjoy looking at a ship with a feasible hull....thanks to neko, wherever he is 🙄 lots of touching up and finishing to do now...i just needed to get everything in place........no need to post progress, until the hull is finished, after that...... the rigging..... which, for me, is not the fun part 🙂 cheers....
  16. ok...still lots of touching up to do, but i lowered the two sculptures, and to me it balances much better.......i may re-open the cannon port on the side gallery...haven't decided...all's recessed..... lazy bones method of installing cannon port lids....drilled 4 holes....inserted 2 wires on the bottom, which i'll blacken somehow....inserted braided beading wire on top, which will hold paint better...now i can move the lids without breaking anything...the top lines just slide in and out and stay straight.... working on support for the rails now.....cheers.......
  17. oh...thanks for that......i was starting to get discouraged....and yes, i plan to make a mold of the frieze which i cut out on the side of the stern galleries...ordering material from amazon.ca now....
  18. ha...i'm afraid i just can't do these little things well....i guess that's why i always built big 🙂 as much as i tried, i couldn't get it close to neko's drawing, and fit the parts in the kit..i should have made the lower gun decks higher.......but anyways.....hands getting shaky now and i again consider this a ''close enough for jazz'' build, as i can never compete with the meticulous fellas here....and painting those little reliefs??...yuk....i could never do them justice....but i just do what i can....and i think it gives one a good idea of what a full hull would look like....opposed to the shallow pregnant one in the kit..... waiting for more paint to arrive...and cannons are all ready to attach....with squished down carriages 🙃....couldn't get the right spacing between the decks and the gunports.....but again..i think it will look ok in the end........i will attach the cut out reliefs to the inner wall of the stern galleries......cheers...........
  19. yea i'm quite happy with it.....the gold i always use is sheffield metalic deep 2fl. oz. bottle...it's darker, which i really like.. i just ordered some, but i haven't heard anything yet....it's very hard to find although amazon.ca as it for $43.80 a bottle, amazing.....but as a last resort, if these other fellas don't come through........ ..and i mixed some tamiya flat paints for the blue..a couple of dark blues plus a little grey....hey you guys are up late...12:15 am here....
  20. well...i'm quite sure it's gonna work now thank god.....quite a relief.......pic showing the color combination.....hull is going to be finely sanded and re-painted, but i want to let it completely dry before i try.......will now work on cannons and simple ''secure'' mounts for the lower decks and finger out frames for the gunports.....cheers........
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