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About latestarter

  • Birthday 05/26/1937

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  • Interests
    Reading history eseially naval 1500 to present date.
    Model making and Photography

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  1. I live out in the sticks in the middle of nowhere. I can get 99.9% alcohol in abundance, would that break down PVA glue?
  2. I have just started a new build and I have discovered one of the early bulkheads has been knocked slightly to one side ( an over enthusuastic grandson) I was using PVA glue, how can it be removed to re-position it correctly?
  3. I struggle with the deadeyes of all things. What diameter are the deadeyes on Snake please?
  4. Some great models there so I am really looking forward to your latest project, I can see how it will work!
  5. Has anybody bult these kits by Caldercraft? HMn Jalouse or HM Brig Supply, if you have could you give an opinion please? Things like ease of building, kit quality etc.
  6. Ballahoo was my first and only wooden build to date and I was quite pleased withit, but when I see some of the quality on here I feel like throwing it on the fire and taking up stamp collecting!
  7. Great start and looking good already. A good model to introduce you to this fascinating hobby. Keep up the great work I will follow with interest.
  8. I am about halfway through 'Pickle' and strangely enough I have considered a cut away section of Victory, anybody can reccomend a particular one? Incidentally I am addicted to this forum, and I am amazed that there is so much talent out there.
  9. I have always been fascinated by the ships of this period and especially the Victory, I have made the journey several times to tour her. It would be my greatest joy to attempt the build, but alas I came to this hobby far too late in my life and I am not sure if I have enough years remaining to complete this great venture. Now I will restrict my pleasure to dreaming of what might have been and reading the great logs of the fantastic builds of this ultimate model.
  10. Thank you very much, now I do feel stupid, the answer was there all along, sorry! I can only plead the over eagerness of a complete novice combined with advancing years
  11. I'm thinking of this as my next build, the more I see of this one the more I like it, I will use this build as my goal.
  12. I am interested in buiding a section model of HMS Victory. I would welcome any information dealing with best kit, degree of difficulty, accuracy of model etc. etc.
  13. Am I missing something here? Was my question really so stupid that it does not deserve an answer?
  14. Where is the best place to start coppering? Obviously on the hull but where stern, stem or centre. I started coppering Pickle in the centre and ran out with some very awkward cuts at stem and stern.
  15. I take the point, but to get all the top deadeyes in a level row is no easy job either. And a man like myself with large hands finds it very 'fiddling' to reeve them in position
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