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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Me too ! I built a Tamiya version some 20 years ago, mine doesn't look as detailed as this one. Edward, do you have a nice bottle of 12 year old Redbreast in that bar ? Pour us a wee dram if you please ! 😜
  2. Lou, Edward, Mike, OC, thanks for the compliments. You're too kind.
  3. Yea, I heard they even fly in formation and attack like a squadron of dive bombers 😉
  4. Well, I guess it didn't come out too bad after that in flight collision with that flock of attack eagles over the Canadian arctic ! 🤪 Man they do grow them big up there. Final photos follow:
  5. Small update: Installed wheels and snow skis plus some minor parts. After the catastrophe with the nose cone and repairs and readied weights, it is a tad bit tail heavy, more so if the skis were not installed. Applied a Liquitex Gloss Acrylic medium to the black and red surfaces to seal them before a coat of Pledge to the whole model prior to applying the decals.
  6. Aka CBI => China Burma India ??? Denis, I think this was more prevalent . Maybe another "sneaky" build ! 😉🤫🤔🤪
  7. At my rapidly advancing age, I am looking more at downsizing as opposed to upsizing 😉
  8. What ? A bigger diorama? Another diorama ? I ran out of shelf space after the last 3 dioramas.
  9. Moving along with the disaster recovery, added the black and red accents to the wings Yes, I copied Javlin's jig, doesn't look as nice as his but it works.
  10. Almost ! But a tad bit more difficulty 😉 I also have the Italeri ambulance jeep kit, same style as this one. Have another one to sneak in 🤫
  11. And finished and for now added to my earlier diorama, until I find another display option
  12. While I've been struggling with the Twin Otter kit, I decided to build this kit in parallel. Box says it is for 14 year old and up. The instruction are simple enough but don't show sequence within the individual steps which lead to some contortions when I went to install the driver. I literally had to install him one leg at a time, glue them together in situ, then glue the upper torso to the legs. But otherwise a fun and easy kit, altho there are no decals. Pictures follow:
  13. This is the Tamiya primer I use, light gray. Guess maybe I should try their white primer instead.
  14. Well, this isn't coming out the way I first envisioned but moving on. Trying to fix/hide the botched panel lines, getting the paint to cover etc. The paint I am using is Liquitex Cadmium Yellow acrylic
  15. That's why I stuck to American, British and German when I airbrushed my collection of WWII armor. 😉🤫 Your painting is progressing nicely Edward.
  16. replacing the windscreen would be near disastrous. Already had to use G-S Hypo Cement to replace side window that went bling into never-ending land of missing parts. Actually it was the GS glue that messed up the windscreen in the first place.
  17. Yep ! Agree. The color temp of the light effects how it looks in photo, tho I thought digital would auto correct. Very much a problem in film photography, daylight versus tungsten
  18. Nice job on the airbrushing. But on my tablet the color appears more rust color than green or desert sand? Unless Tamiya desert sand is more reddish than I would expect. The green camo appears more like a shadow, needs a tad more paint. But overall an xcellent first go at it.
  19. Well with help from my son I think it will pass FAA certification 😉 Now to finish !
  20. Denis, @popeye the sailor, check out this Lee Valley video . Nice demo on using their miniature tools.. I really like their miniature work bench in the video. The end project is a bit of a surprise 😀😉
  21. Or you can do as I am doing and ignore the historical inaccuracies and everyone's opinion on it and build it as shown on the box art and have a nice looking model, because 99.99999 % of the people who come to your house and see the model can't tell you what a frigate, corvette or dingy is and will just comment "Oh that's a beautiful model ! How long did it take you to build it ?" My kit was a birthday gift from a friend about a decade ago. It's a hobby, so enjoy the kit ! You're not building it for a museum or hysterical (sic) society; you're building it for yourself. It is still a nice looking (fictional maybe) model of an old warship under sail.
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