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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Very impressive model, Dan. Nice job!
  2. My favorite was attending the Formula 1 Grand Prix at Watkins Glen every fall for a number of years. We did not sit in the stands. We started at the Start/Finish line, walked the outfield side of the track stopping here and there to photograph the cars at speed, crossed into infield thru pedestrian tunnels under the course for more photos, stopping at the chicane for more photos, passing again under the track back to the outfield, finally getting back to the Start/Finish line as the race ended. Great time until Uncle Sam said he wanted me. Left the area after that and didn't get back.
  3. Kinda like the Admiral saying "I was thinking" and getting the response "did it hurt?" 😁😁😁😁
  4. Forgot you were using oils not acrylics. I switched to acrylics after the demise of Floquil.
  5. My method is to use Tamiya tape wide enough to do the whole hull in a single run of tape. Then trace the came pattern onto the tape, using a sharp blade cut out the area to be painted blue. Burnish the tape edge a bit. Then pour a small amount of paint into one of those small egg carton style plastic palettes from Michaels or wherever, dip the brush in water first, pick up some paint from pallette brushing from tape onto hull so paint doesn't creep under tape edge, I fill in the camo area. Dipping the brush in water first then paints, thins it enough for my work. But your camo looks good to me.
  6. Yea, my son is a house painter, can't work outside in rain or when temperature gets to 40 F/4C
  7. Come join the hammock crowd! We are high enough we can shuck peanuts and toss the shells down below. 😁
  8. Hmm ! Florida = hurricanes, sink holes, alligators California = wild fires, earthquakes, landslides 😉😉😉😉
  9. Wow! Classy looking car. Very nicely done Craig.
  10. Yea, it is a very good miniature plane. I have their entire collection. I just saw in their Christmas catalog that they introduced a Miniature bench vise to their collection. Very very tempted to add on to mine, should be pretty easy to adapt to miniature boat building.
  11. Hi Spinach Man, welcome to the party. Don't sound crazy to me. I don't get out much either these days, been bouncing off walls. Can't wait for snow and ice to arrive, if it arrives at all this year. I figure a outdoor space with a volume of 40-60 cubic miles and a constant wind of 5 -20 mph should be sufficient to dilute the plague. 😉
  12. The red on ours is a skin that peels off but is eatable... the nut is round but looks just like peanuts in color I just restocked at grocery store tonight $2.99 USD for 354 gram, 12.5 oz, can. Yours seem very pricey. Wonder if they are same nut. Anyway you could substitute regular peanuts for your sundae 😉
  13. @Edwardkenway just curious, but is this brand of peanuts available in UK ?
  14. Me too on the honey roasted peanuts, also salted cashews. Try a Mexican Sundae, 2 or more scoops of vanilla ice cream, pour either Hersey's chocolate syrup or Hot Fudge syrup over ice cream, sprinkle generous amount of Planters Redskin Spanish peanuts over the combination, and enjoy. In some areas it is called a Tin Roof Sundae, origin of name(s) and dish is steeped in mystery. Where I grew up in Western New York, it was always called a Mexican Sundae and was always made with Redskin Spanish peanuts. Other variations exist. Yes. The kit supplies a generous amount of 0.5 mm x 5 mm strips of walnut and a cream colored wood veneer for a "white/cream" band at the wales.
  15. Me too ! Ditto the salted peanuts, especially the Redskin Spanish peanuts ( great over chocolate syrup or hot fudge over vanilla ice cream). The 2nd planking is a 0.5 mm thick walnut veneer, typical of AL kits. No hear bending needed.
  16. Well I finished planking the other side of the hull. Now the first planking is done. I guess it came out okay. Not too many errors visible. Planking is not my strong suit.
  17. Yes, Lou does like to lay in his hammock with his munchies. Must have spilled a few kernals. 😀
  18. Finished planking the one side and started planking the other side now. Looks like someone has been making late night raids on Mark's Popcorn Machine ! Lou, are you raiding the popcorn stash again ?
  19. No, more like they wanted y'all "stone cold sober" and not hung over around all that heavy artillary you were packing! 😃😃😃😃
  20. Me too, Roger. Still have in the original red metal box. Pretty beat up but still there
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