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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Have not driven US 1 in California but I have taken a few white knuckle drives over the Colorado Rockies, e.g., Loveland Pass, "million dollar highway" from Ouray to Durango, and Rocky Mountain National Park. No guard rails on those roads.
  2. Gee ! I heard it took out a whole section of US 1 in Central California before departing 😟 I mean Grand Canyon style cleavage of the highway. of saying "are we there yet? " 🤭
  3. Oh yea ! It's 2.54 cm per inch not 25.4 (mm) . Metric was never my strong suit. Surprised nobody in Metric- land caught it. Thanks, Tom ! 😉
  4. Yea, but you guys get those 150 mph winds, forest fires, torrential rains, all coming in off the Pacific. And we won't even mention those mountain passes, will we!!! 😄😄😄 Our east coast nightly news always has some piece about PNW weather / storms. In fact this nor'easter we are about to get is a " gift" from out west.
  5. Good use for an old glove, Patrick. Tank looks fabulous. Great job on it. I like your idea of storing decals in old match boxes, unfortunately I don't have a need for matches, but I think I can find a suitable small substitute for my extra decals.
  6. If memory serves the Gulf Stream terminates near England keeping your weather milder but maybe a tad wetter and foggier. 😃 We have a contest here in NY called the Golden Snowball Award between 5 NY cities with populations over 100,000, namely, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton and Albany to see who gets the most snow between November 1st and May 1st. Syracuse usually wins, but Buffalo and Rochester dominate also. This season, thanks to a previous nor'easter dumping 4 ft of snow on them, Binghamton is leading with Buffalo right behind them. Of course, the Grand Daddy of all NY is the Tug Hill Plateau area at the eastern end of Lake Ontario, record snowfall for one season was 499 inches (126 meters??). Lowest temperature −52 °F (−46.7 °C) February 18, 1979 Old Forge Herkimer County NY Lowest temperature −52 °F (−46.7 °C) February 9, 1934 Stillwater Reservoir Herkimer County
  7. Well, definitely cold here 5 F (-15 C) this morning at 0630, up north in Adirondack Mtns -17 F (-27 C). "Monster" snow storm (nor'easter) heading up coast, snow arrives tonight continues thru Wednesday morning, 12+ inches of snow forecast for my area. Snowblower gassed up and ready to rock n roll, larder well stocked, kegs tapped. Plenty of hot cocoa mix. 🙂🙃😉😁🥶⛷
  8. Moving along with the bending of the fore and aft bulwark. I immersed the wood in water for about 15 minutes, then using a heat gun I borrowed from my son, using the lowest heat setting I slowly bent the piece around a form, clamped in place overnight, then temporarily clamped to model applying a bit more heat to get it to fit better. I will let it sit for a day or two to let the wood dry then will glue to model. Don't have enough clamps or fingers !
  9. Patrick, to protect my thumb while wood carving, I wear this leather thumb protector Great job on the tank. Impressive model .
  10. No, hubby and she both got job transfers which gave her the opportunity to get her Doctorate degree.
  11. Yea, Lou, I've been seeing the weather news about the "atmospheric river" pummeling you guys. They say it is moving cross country toward us east coasters. Tonight's News is forecasting a potential northeastern hitting us Monday / Tuesday. Too much snow on ice will wreck our sailing.
  12. We're in for several days of sub-zero or near zero Fahrenheit temperatures at night, saying we might reach a daytime temperature of 20 F on Monday. So conditions are good for thickening any ice already on the lakes, river could take a little longer, but historically we've had good ice on river around Valentines Day (Feb 14th here) or 1st week in March. 🤞
  13. Update : Late breaking News ! Reports are coming in of suitable ice forming on several of our local lakes. Some hard water sailing is definitely looking promising. Some club members took their smaller Arrow class ice boats up to Saratoga Lake for some sailing (missed the memo on that one 😪) The river still has a lot of open water. In the meantime, the bending of the newly purchased basswood is proceeding well.
  14. Instead of snow we got frigid weather. At 0600 today temperature at my house was 10 F (-12 C) with windchills ranging from -3 F to -26 F. Supposed to stay with us thru Sunday or Monday.
  15. That's the 44 ft motor lifeboat, self righting, which I believe replaced their 36 ft MLB (36500) featured in the movie The Finest Hours based on the true story of what is still considered the US Coast Guard's greatest small boat rescue, Bernie Webber Station Chatam Mass Feb 1952. The current boat is the 48 (49??) 47 ft MLB. [Correction] A good friend of ours was one of the CGC Tamaroa crew featured in the movie Perfect Storm, later commanded an East Coast station with 2 of the 47 ft MLBs. Admiral and I watched that movie with him and his wife when it first came out. After we left the movie theater, his wife commented to him "you never told me it was that dangerous!" After the movie came out the Coast Guard decided to award him the Coast Guard Medal.
  16. Growing up in the Lake Effect Snow region south of Lake Ontario (actually due south 60 miles from Toronto, Canada aka Rochester NY) averaging 100 plus inches per year (record was 161.9 inches in 1959-1960, all time record was Buffalo at 199.4 inches in 1976 - 1977) I kind of miss the snow. Even the western NY regions are experiencing a much reduced snowfall rate the past couple of decades. In the 25+ years my daughter has lived in Buffalo, she has gotten two epic Lake Effect snow storms, the first occurred when our granddaughter was about 3, got 7 Feet, yes Feet, in 24 hours; the 2nd occurred when our granddaughter was in her last year of High School, that dumped 8 feet over a 48 hour period and gave her the first and only snow day school closure over her 12 years in school. re: AYC - yes I picked up a couple of 2" x 2" x 3" blocks from Chuck some years back at one of the Northeast Shipmodelers Conferences to try out for woodcarving. It is as good or better than the Wisconsin Basswood we normally use for carving.
  17. @CDW @mtaylor Success! I picked up some 2" and 3" wide x 24" long pieces of basswood that are close enough in thickness to work, and they can be planed or sanded to match the other pieces. Also picked some sheets of thin plywood. Basswood is similar to Limewood so it should bend easily. It is also the same wood I use for woodcarving. @Edwardkenway I'm still thinking about getting some AYC from Chuck. Just have to figure out what sizes to get. Oh! BTW the snow storm was a disappointment, less than 3 inches accumulation 🤨
  18. True! And I can also sand down any difference in thickness where it meets the planking Had not thought of his wood, since I don't do any scratch building, but that is an excellent alternative. I usually replace all the kit supplied rope and blocks with his as his is far superior in looks and quality. Thanks for reminding me.
  19. The strip is about 2.5 in by 13 in. The actual thickness is 1.75 mm or 9/128 inches. 5/64 is closest approximation. Hold off on doing anything, I should be able to get to local hobby store in Poughkeepsie by end of week. I will get back to you on your offer. Since this is a Spanish made kit everything is metric, fortunately my Venier caliper converts to either
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