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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Actually, it is a ceramic "stone", can use with water or dry, works great. I also have a longer version, as well as 2 Japanese mini water stones and the traditional oil stones. I prefer the ceramic tho. In the Spyderco leather pouch is another even smaller dual grit ceramic stone. The grey leather thingies are thumb guards so you don't slice your thumb with the knife, even the mere pressure of the blade against bare skin can produce a serious cut. I know, been there done that 😂
  2. A small diversion from ship building and planking. Watched a video on YouTube of a guy building mini Japapese tool boxes. After getting a few screenshots of his process I decided to wing it and build one for myself. Took an educated guess at his dimensions and started winging it. Not too shabby for a first attempt. Photos follow: Box is some poplar I had in the stash. I sealed it with Danish oil. The box ix 9" L x 4-3/8" W x 3-1/2" D
  3. Just type the screen name preceeded by the "at" sign ,"@", with no intervening blanks, example @BCN-Modeller
  4. Yes, especially rigging those electric flood lights under the crosstrees. 🙂🙃😉
  5. I thought I would uploaded some photos of the real USS Constellation as she sat in Baltimore's Inner Harbor in July 2011 Captain's Quarters
  6. Thanks ! Not sure I fully understand tuck style since I haven't had much practice with them. Because of the thinness of this veneer it bends around the curve pretty easily. The only difficulty I have is spilling the planks, they tend to splinter easily so I have to pay close attention when cutting then. Biggest problem I am having is keeping the edges of the plank down while the glue sets. I use regular carpenters yellow wood glue, PVA.
  7. Well, small update. Putting the 2nd planking of walnut veneer planking on. Slow going. Have all the gun ports cut out now.
  8. That Mahonia wood looks nice. I like the grain pattern and coloring. Should make some nice planking.
  9. My Dad, being a Chemical Engineer, wouldn't let us kids have them 🙂 He knew too much ! Yes we did! But mine does show a lot of wear and tear.
  10. Does an A C Gilbert Erector set (motorized ferris wheel) count ? I still have mine. 😁
  11. Do you mean this one ? I got it from Lee Valley . It is their pocket layout square, about 1.5 inches
  12. Roger, according to Dockyard Tools USA website, he took over the business from the original founder. The Carving Glove Guy is one of their distributors. Check the link I posted above for more info.
  13. Ad in current issue of Woodcarving magazine lists Dockyard Tools USA , handcrafted in Yuba Michigan . Set of 10 on sale for $150
  14. I use the Microscale products for my decals. The FLAT solution hides it for me. Use the SET first, let it dry overnight, then apply the FLAT. The other solution is Testor's Dullcote spray. Nice job on the paint scheme and tracks. Looks good.
  15. Wow ! And they can fly too ! 😁😁😁😁😁 Mark, it's a wing 😉😉 Beautiful model, Mike ! Well done !
  16. Yes I agree. I do drink that one but I prefer these two (brewery is here in NYS, but they are Belgian style)
  17. But Bridge City is offering it right now for $98 versus Lee Valley at $130.
  18. Lee Valley Tools is also offering it through their website
  19. Welcome Robert. nice job on your Constellation Well, I finally got all the lower gun ports cut out and lined. Don't think I messed it up too badly. Did have to do some sanding of the upper sills in order to get the cannons to protrude through the gun ports. Now I have to layout and cut out the upper gun ports. And the instructions call for the installation of the "clear" (manila colored) and dark (walnut colored) 0.5 mm thick second planking - more like a veneer than planks but it does improve the overall appearance.
  20. You guys are all lucky. Admiral and I are both eligible but still can't find an appointment even at the Walgreens 1/4 mile from us. 😟
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