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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. Absolutely splendid model, dear Sherry. The lighting looks great. I admire your precise and beautiful work. BTW: The cannons are perfect, your craftsmanship with paper is marvelous. Kind regards Doris
  2. And here are some pics from the room, where I keep all my models:
  3. Hello dear friends, let me express my sincere gratitude to all your comments, praise and congratulation. Thank you warmly for your kind words. That is a great honour for me and I appreciate it a lot. This card model of Royal Caroline is one of my best I've ever created, but nothing is perfect and without mistakes and there are some things that could be made better or more realistic. So there are lessons for next time and next projects..... Thank you very much for your support and a great inspiration I have found here - in the family of model ship builders and very kind people. I wish you a lot of success with model building and also a great time and much fun. Kind regards Doris
  4. Thank you dear friends, your words mean a lot for me and I am really very honoured. I also thank you warmly for awesome inspiration I find here in your build logs. I admire your work on ship models a lot. Royal Caroline is my newest and concurrently best model I have built, but I must admit, there are some of details and things, that could be made better. So I will have an occasion to find new ways, how to improve the work at my future scratch builds.Royal Caroline is exposed together with Sovereign of the seas at the nicest place in the room, where we have more than 30 ship models. This is my most favorite room in our house. Kind regards Doris
  5. Thank you very much for your kind words, dear friends! Your support helped me a lot during the work. What will be the next model in my shipyard? Well, now I need to have a rest, so I am going to make some plastic kits for relax - maybe La Reale de France (Heller, scale 1:75) and also have at home small kit of Vasa/Revell - 1/150 and two battle ships from WW2 (Musashi and New Jersey, 1/350, Tamiya. In future I am going to build HMS Sussex (probably in 1:60 scale; scratch build) from card. This could be another great project.
  6. Outdoor pics .................................................................. And here is my present for you all : Please enjoy and have a great time. Kind regards and all the best Doris
  7. Royal Caroline is finished. Here you can see many pics of the model:
  8. And almost last steps at my work on Royal Caroline... A sailor (woman) with binoculars Anchor buoys Rudder´s chain
  9. Rigging finished And here are some anchors made of card
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