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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. What a nice decoration and paintings. You make a great job on the model. I really enjoyed the pics. Have a great time and keep up the work. Best regards Doris
  2. Hello dear friends, Thank you all very much for your kind words a comments, your support means a lot for me and I appreciate it. I am really pleased you like my work. Thank you for these beautiful pics, dear Dražen. I know Mile Bijelić models and admire his artistry a lot. I have already downloaded all pics of his Royal Caroline and HMS Prince into my computer for inspiration. I am looking forward to his new project of RC, so if possible, please, send me some pics here: doris.obrucova@seznam.cz ****** I am going to make other members and place them on the board, at this scale it is possible to create better details and paintings of faces and clothes. Yesterday I finished eight tiny pieces of satyr´s heads - these are scuppers for draining the main deck: Enjoy the pics and have a great time. Kind regards Doris
  3. Hello dear friends, I am very honored and pleased reading your posts. Thank you a lot for you support. Janos: Your work is admirable and very inspirational. I love your carvings, they are awesome. I am looing forward to continuing your beautiful masterpiece. Keep up the work. Mark: Well, other two seamen boarded and immediately started to fire from the guns. Vivian: I also browsed your thread (Red Dragon) and really enjoyed all the pics from process, especially the interior of cabins. I can say only WoW, you are really very skillful. ***** These days I have started the work on plastic model IJN Yamato 1:350, but also continue with Royal Caroline. There were added other small decoration on the top of front railings and I also created other crew members - they will fire salute from cannon... Enjoy the pics ( some are in better resolution) and have a great time.
  4. Dear Sherry, I must express my deep admiration to you, your carvings are so beautiful. The ship looks better and better. I love your work a lot and always look forward to your new updates. Have a great time. Kind regards , Doris
  5. Very nice planking, dear Sjors. You made a great job. Take care and a lot of fun during the work. Best regards Doris
  6. Dear friends, your words mean a lot for me and I appreciate your praise and comments very much. I warmly thank you! Well, on the model there will be about 15 crew members from the mid -18th century. The figure of Nelson could be possible only as a very young child, but I do not plan to create him for Royal Caroline. I only answered Sjors. No problem, it is possible to purchase here: LINK REMOVED BY ADMIN BECAUSE THIS SITE HAS SOME SERIOUS COPYRIGHT ISSUES>>><>THEY PIRATE EVERYTHING. Hello Robert, I have an idea - some of my crew members could visit your beautiful ship, maybe we will meet on the sea one day... Maybe in the future, but for diorama I need larger space. Now I have only one room, where I keep all models protected against dust and air humidity. 300 figures of men - but not for my model. It would be mission impossible for me. I am going to create only 15 figures for Royal Caroline. Oh yes, dear Michael, the figures bring better imagination about real size of the ship and I also try to create more authentic clothes of the crew from 18th century. ************************ Here are some larger and actual pics of Royal Caroline: Kind regards Doris
  7. Just perfect, it looks better and better. Great work on the wood frame. My admiration to your craftsmanship. Kind regards Doris
  8. OMG, the realism of your work is just outstanding. Great looking model, it is like a real ship. Most beautiful. Kind regards Doris
  9. Just awesome. Really admirable masterpiece! Take care and a have a great time Doris
  10. Dear Danny, Your work is really perfect. The highest level of the details and quality of your work make a great impression and it is very inspirational. I love the belfry! Keep up and have a great time Doris
  11. Dear Sjors, I know, you are making fun of me.... Creating crew members in this amount would take several years of difficult work. But one Nelson maybe could be possible. I usually make one figure about 1-2 days. I love watching your beautiful work on wooden models, it is a great inspiration and pleasure for me. In April I am going to start other projects - IJN Yamato 1:350 and then USS Missouri also in 1:350 scale ( Tamiya manufacturer). And there I will use some photoetched parts , crew members included. Best regards Doris
  12. Hello dear friends, thank you very much for you kind words, comments and support, that is a great honor and pleasure for me. It is also a challenge for me to keep up my work to be worthy of your praise. I believe that it is always possible to make things better. For example I have improved some details on the figures (I adapted the feet or changed the shape of officer´s hat .....). The crew is hand made from clay/sculpey by my own, all figures are made exactly and in a scale, how I need. Wow, only 300 men? Oh, I understand - the others will be hidden inside of the ship, right? *********** During the weekend I finished another seaman and also tackles at one of the cannons. I tried to capture the moment, when both seamen are waiting to the lieutenant command to manipulate the cannon. Here are some pics so please enjoy them. Kind regards Doris
  13. Dear friends, thank you very much for your support and kind comments, that´s a great pleasure for me. I will make every effort to make you liked the "crew in action". Few days ago I have started modelling first two men - a lieutenant and a young sailor, who will work with a tackle on the right side of cannon. Now they are ready on the board. Soon I will make other sailors and add tackles at cannons. Enjoy the pics:
  14. This awesome work makes me speechless. My admiration and respect! Best regards Doris
  15. Still better and better, dear Piet. Great job on the model. My respect!! Best regards, Doris
  16. Thank you, dear Sjors. I admire people, who can make ship models of wood. I have a considerable respect before this artistry. The word "craftmanship" or "craftsmanship" - well I am not good at English and my PC translator always correct it and add a letter "s". I am not sure, whether it is correct. But it is important we understand each other. Kind regards Doris
  17. Very nice model, I like the planking and color scheme, you have chosen. Have a great time Doris
  18. Very nice progress with planking and the guns look perfect as well. Great craftsmanship, dear Sjors. Keep up this beautiful work. Best regards, Doris
  19. Dear friends, I am extremely pleased and honored that you like my work. I appreciate your support a lot. Thank you all very much for your kind words. There is still much to learn and improve in my work. But mainly I build models for a joy and also education - I like to raise knowledge about history and construction of real ships. I will continue to build models so that my work was worthy of your words. To all: I often watch your beautiful work and find plenty of a great inspiration. That helps me a lot and brings pleasure and joy, when I can see, how wonderful things you are able to create. I am blessed to be here together with you. Oh yes, the beauty of real Royal Caroline was the main reason, why I chose the RC as a template for my model. Our ancestors were able to build amazing things. That´s really adorable, your beautiful verses make me happy and caress my soul. I am very grateful. Soon I will bring more pics, how the work on RC continues. Now I am modelling other crew members and there are plenty of work with them. Some details are improved or added gradually on the model, for example iron rings under the main channel or pale wooden center in all front "pins" ( i do not know accurate name in English ) for tying ropes. Kind regards Doris
  20. And here are some actual pics - today I have finished channels and deadeyes on the starboard. These two in a better resolution:
  21. Hello dear friends, I am really very honored reading your posts and your support helps me a lot. Thank you all very much and appreciate your "likes". Paper and clay (sculpey) are my favourite materials, there are not needed any special tools to work with it. In fact I have only basic tools. So I try to search suitable techniques, how to create the model using available things for me. You are right, dear Nils. Doing something without love would be only a half. I like sea and ships and building sailing ships as models is really a great pleasure for me. And I am also very pleased I can share this with other people. I took some closer pics of sculptures at the name plate for you, so you can enjoy them: Here are other pics from process, when I modelled them: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/854-royal-caroline-by-doris-card-1749-140/?p=28164 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/854-royal-caroline-by-doris-card-1749-140/?p=28161 Soon I will create other crew members near the cannons. I really like this work.... Oh yes, I am going to make masts, full rigging and sails. The model could be also used for a diorama (maybe in future, if I find suitable and large enough space at home). Sovereign of the seas is my best current model made of card, I cooperated with two captains and experts, who helped me to create more realistic model. I spent two years to build SoS. Here is my building log at Modelforum (all is in Czech language, but there are plenty of pics, so that is quite understandable): http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=43575 I suppose, that Royal Caroline will be after finishing even better. Best regards Doris
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