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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. Very nice model, I like the way, how you created the copper planking. Good and interesting idea. Kind regards Doris
  2. Thanks for stopping by, dear Sjors. Today I took some better pics at daylight and now I am continuing with deadeyes on starboard. Enjoy the pics, soon I will add new ones. Best regards Doris
  3. Beautiful build, I love wooden models and admire all people, who are able to create ships from this stuff. Have a great time and a lot of joy during work. Best regards Doris
  4. Hello dear friends and warmly thank you for all your comments and praise. Your words mean a lot for me and I am pleased very much. Well, the crew is interested mainly in the bottles with delicious drinks inside the cabins. I have to watch them not to be drunk. Maybe during the nights, when I sleep, they have a party on board..... because sometimes some of them fall over during the model construction. Best regards Doris The port is finished, all deadeyes are placed at the channels according to plans.
  5. Great looking model! Quality of your work makes a big impression. Such realism! I am always dreaming and enjoying the beauty while watching something like this. Best regards, Doris
  6. Hello dear Anja, I also congratulate you on new position and wish you all the best in your life. You are very kind girl, do not worry about the hobby, sometimes people need a break to achieve new power and energy. Take care and have a great time! All the best Doris
  7. Hello dear Sjors, The pics are beautiful, you make a very nice job on the model. Thank you for the inspiration, I like your work a lot. Have a great time and keep up the splendid work. Best regards, Doris
  8. Very nice ship and a superb start. I´m looking forward to the next pics. Keep up this beautiful build. Best regards Doris
  9. Finished channels on port and first deadeyes on them: Finished: Kind regards Doris
  10. Dear friends, I warmly thank you for your praise and all comments, I am honoured a lot and appreciate your kind words. Well, these cleats are my newest and I spent plenty of time searching suitable way, how to make them. I have to admit that my first cleats were not very good. That's a walnut-tree wood. I like this kind of wood, it has a nice colour and it is quite easy to machined it. And now what's new on Royal Caroline... There are finished all cleats and now I am working on channels and deadeyes - they are made on CNC lathe (not my own - I purchased them here: http://www.radekshipmodels.cz/en/list-of-kits-and-accessories/accessory---blocks ), but it is necessary to improve the deadeyes for more realistic appearance and better looking surface. Here are some pics, please enjoy them: All channels were glued onto wooden beams - one of them is highlighted with red spots on first picture below. These beams were embed into the hull and secured with glue. I tested the durability and bond strength and it proved to be a very good solution at card models.
  11. Just amazing! There are no suitable words that can describe the highest level of this masterpiece. I can say only "WOW"! Admirable realism, you are really excellent shipbuilder! Best regards, Doris
  12. Excellent model, Jan. Your builds are very impressive and that's admirable, what you are able to create with card and paper. Keep up this wonderful work. Doris
  13. That´s so beautiful, your sculptures look fantastic. You are very talented! Kind regards Doris
  14. These days I am working on wooden cleats - all is handmade and i use only basic tools. There are also finished other railings. Here are some pics:
  15. Hello dear friends, I am very honored reading your posts and feeling the support you devoted me. Thank you a lot for your kind words, I really appreciated them. Let me express my gratitude to you all. Hello Vivian, well, sometimes I get some offers, but i prefer to keep the models - i build them for a pleasure and joy. Some of my ships I dedicated to my husband. Dear Sjors, you are so kind to me, but there are a lot of things, i should improve in my work to achieve really high quality of models. I am still learning. Hello Mark, I try to make some weathering for more realistic result. I used Tamiya "powder weathering" - it is easy to apply. Thank you very much for your advice, dear Guy, I think, now it is better and easily available to search. To all: I admire your work a lot, it is a big inspiration for me and this forum - MSW has brought me a lot of priceless advice and a great support from kind and friendly people, who help me very much. Thank you for that. Best regards Doris
  16. Another excellent project from you, dear Nils. I love watching your artistry and a great craftsmanship. Just fantastic! Kind regards Doris
  17. Very nice planking and great looking model. You are very skillful and I admire your beautiful work, dear Vivian. Kind regards and be careful during the build. Doris
  18. Beautiful work, Sherry. The model with decoration looks better and better. The pics are really feast for eyes. I admire your skills, You are a MASTER! Best regards Doris
  19. Just excellent, Mark! That is a great inspiration and admirable sense for realism. I love your work on wooden frame. Kind regards Doris
  20. Outstanding project. Admirable details and professional quality of your work. I love the realism of the model. Thank you for sharing, Michael. You work is very inspirational! Best regards Doris
  21. Dear friends, I am very honoured reading your posts, thank you very much for your kind words. Your attention and support mean a lot for me. I will still try to make the model as good as possible to be worthy of your praise. Yesterday I completed another fitting for tying the ropes. Here are some pics: Kind regards Doris
  22. Finished and placed on the ship.... Kind regards Doris
  23. I also decided to change wooden colour on the front staircases and painted them into red/vermillion to achieve better and probably more realistic result. Red colour - vermillion was probably used on fitting on the real ship.
  24. Hello dear friends, Thank you for your kind words and support, that means a lot for me. Mirabell61: I suppose that royal family could take their pets also on board. I like making sculptures, sometimes it is a fun.... Oh yes, I have to keep an eye on them. During previous days I have finished other staircases and also 8 pieces of small half-pounder swivel guns made of card. Here are some pics, so you can enjoy them.
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