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ocean clipper

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Everything posted by ocean clipper

  1. Hi nick not seen your build before and feel i should have you are ahead of me just fininshing the masts of and correcting some errors week a lot actually. yes the camera does make the build look dirty and shabby i agree i often look ay my photos and think hey its not really that bad.Must say yours look cleaner then mine i need a aerosole air can on mine i think. DEREK
  2. Hi Kevin we all been there at times you just have to keep on going mate.Out of curiosity this is you buld to do as you wish,but in hindsight do you ever think oh i wish i had left those gun ports open,you done the hardest part the cannons,gunports are a breeze,for what it worth it would not take long to take em off and redo them open,just a thought is all DEREK
  3. Hello David you have overtook me now,i have done practically nothing of late,weather been to nice to sit indoors,amongs other things,i have been looking at the other victory builds ,once all the Vic builds where as one as to put it every one past comment on them all,appears to have split up into clicks for some reason such is life i quess.Keep up the good work DEREK
  4. Hello David your figurhead looks good i still have mine to do,plus mizzen mast got to be assembled yet,slow part of build now,we will get there DEREK
  5. Hello all well i have been lazy with my build not done much at all,weather has been to good to stay indoors so i been doing what i an really good at and that putting some shorts on grabbing some cold beer and a book and sitting in garden.The few pathetic photos i am putting up is my months work on the VIctory,well the builds not going anywhere but the weather might.Did i mention i floated some cement over me small garden wall ready for painting,well i delicated that job to my son and gave me orders out,been old and retired has it uses. DEREK
  6. Hello Patrick nothing wrong with that coppering i like you had a resperator on that contact glue sure gives of some fumes.DEREK
  7. Hi David yes you are right really hot nice though,just took all the masonary paint of a dividing wall in the garden gave it a once over with me angle grinder and sanding pad on it,lots of dust so i was not very popular with the admiral,knocked some mortar up and went over it all with a float trowell repainting it tomorrow,meanwhile butt on comfy seat feet on wall and hello cold beers. Not sure what temp is round about 30 (80) to 32 (90) DEREK
  8. Hmm going to get some humbrol poly cement try that PVA has not worked
  9. Hi Yon will PVA stick styrene ? i have never really thought about that DEREK
  10. Hello Not much to show for my efforts of late,i have turned my hand to making the main mast yard and to imitate the metal band round the yard i have decided to use styrene which looks ok but i have a adhesion problem,Ca and styrene do seem to mix to well ok it sticks but after a while it unravels,i have tried holding the styrene down with clip but the chances of ant clip getting stuck to the styrene are big,so take clip of styrene comes of,i think you can quess where this is going so any ideas on clamping a round piece of styrene safely. DEREK
  11. Hi Yon my opinion for what its worth with lots of builds you might get away with the gun ports closed but this is the Victory famous for it being a 100 gun ship of the line to me no cannons its not the victory,so i say keep them open just take your time no rush. DEREK
  12. Only place i can put mine is where i am building it just change work top for a decent top,but i need somewhere to build whatever comes next,i do not think asking the admiral for suggestions on where to stick is going to be very productive
  13. Hi sjors no i just kept it tight but i am going to brush some diluted PVA over it
  14. Hello all just a few progress photos of the masts,have also completed the gammoning on the bowsprit,going to continue with all the blocks on the foremast,then it is onto the main mast top mast etc DEREK
  15. All is well Andy 15 mins in warm water and it fell apart pleased you noticed that
  16. Hi Andy yes you are correct going to soak the top part and see if it comes apart ok. DEREK
  17. Hi Frank actually i do find this stage of the build fun i enjoyed the riggin and masts on my supply to.Thanks for looking in .DEREK Hello Sjors yes the bowsprit is a bit on the long side got to be carefull with it,have still got lots to do untill i get to the riggin,also i have some unfinished jobs to go back to the buckets for one,plus a couple of others,i left some things of because i though there was good chance of catching them with my sleeve at that stage. DEREK
  18. Hi very nice clean job on those copper tiles there are2600 on my Victory so was a bit surprised to see you had 2500 to put on your build must be larger then i thought,i had same prob when i cut those tiles around the rivets,but now my tiles have tarnished a bit it does not show. DEREK
  19. wow Kevin just a idea but pull that decking up mate can make a nice scratch build out of that. DEREK PS what part of zumerzet you in ?
  20. Hello all the last thing i wrote was about part no 69 had no holes pre drilled transpires you do them your self,then it was on to the last part of the bowsprit which has 2 rings attached to them part numbers given where for the carronades,on phoning jotika they had no clue and promised to return my call which they did eventually,only to tell me the numbers where wrong i allready found that out for myself,then the ring sizes supplied where wrong to,jotika who are normally helpfull where a waste of time ,there ring size solution was file other ring to correct size still trying to figure out how you file 5mm hole down to 4mm,no offer of we will send part out,beginning to think jotika losing the plot,going to source those rings elswhere now. Ok so far 2 pieces of Bowsprit attached,moving on to the masts foreward main is built not fixed as of yet,i was going to complete all the foreward first then the main and so on,but for no particular reason have now decided to do all the mast bottoms first.Have got to say i do enjoy this part of the build ok its slow going (is there a rush ? )for some reason i find building the masts and yards more interesting then the rest of what i have done dont know why i just do,quess we all got our favorite part of build. DEREK :pirate41:
  21. Hi kevin like the stern idea for the boat methinks i will put one there to,just dont go hanging any of the crews laundry on it DEREK
  22. Hi Yon i am going to wait for tuesday and phone them if its there fault which is what it looks like they can send another part out DEREK
  23. Can someone who is building Jotikas victory got to plan 11 top right corner part 69 bow sprit cap tell me if they think it should be pre drilled one square hole one round offset and angled as per bowsprit,then go to the parts manaul where it shows to me a blank piece.mine is blank all other caps 66 67 68 are pre drilled,wondering if its a manafacture error.Thanks in advance DEREK
  24. This is just something i put together using scrap wood,going to put a few more holes in it so it takes more dowel sizes,as well as ensuring the dowel has a better chance of running true,it will or should stop any of the thinner dowels snapping as i down size them.(that's the theory anyway) Derek
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