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ocean clipper

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Everything posted by ocean clipper

  1. Hi Yon that curtain does the job very well i have been wondering what to use for that,what did you blacken it with as i assume it started of white,it has certainly made the bow end look nice. DEREK
  2. Hi Yon a tip assemble what you can on the fascia before you attach it,it is far easier that way. DEREK
  3. They are nothing special just the finest point i could find cheap to £3 for a set of 5 will put a photo up DEREK
  4. David all looks well,actually your stern looks good,those brass rails are driving me nuts,crazy because it should be a simple job,you got all those nice gun port cover to do yet.going to fun that bit. DEREK
  5. Hello Sjors you did a nice job on that planking,every time i look at you ship i keep thinking it is a mini victory its the yellow paintwork with the black bands that does it DEREK
  6. hello Kevin i also did not rig the hidden canons,i just do not see the point no one will see them only you know they are there.DEREK
  7. Hello Yon That netting looks nice was thinking do i do that or not,to be honest i had a job even finding some even our local model railway shop did not stock it,just be carefull you do not catch it with your arm,one of the resons i am putting that bit up as late as poss,but great looks neat really DEREK :pirate41:
  8. Welcome back Gill your log is going to be the icing on the victory cake.DEREK S
  9. Hello Rosmarie pleased you found your way back,as you can see MSW has achieved a lot in a short space of time can only get better DEREK S
  10. Hi Kevin Well i like most others put all out pics back up,pleased your found your way back DEREK S
  11. Hi Patrick its looking good ,regards the stern fascia you where not the only person to snap those bits of i did as well easily done,will never notice later on it is well hidden.nice size workshop you got there. DEREK S
  12. Hello David Nice and neat and tidy is that stern i started on mine now,it is amazing you get to that stage and the build takes on a whole new look well done DEREK S
  13. Hi Patrick nice to see you here looking forward to your log DEREK S
  14. Hello Yon was wondering if you new what was going on i basically found out through Facebook,when i logged on this morning i saw that Gill had been in here but no log up as of yet,hope he does put it back was easier to understand then the manual DEREK S
  15. Hello Sjors nice to see you back,nice move that keeping your entire build log. DEREK S
  16. Hi David welcome back i see you still got lots to put up yet,no doubt like me you are hoping Gill puts his Victory log back up,was a better reference then jotikas manual was Gill DEREK S
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