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ocean clipper

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Everything posted by ocean clipper

  1. Hi Mort yes i agree works really well have made a small jig for other end of dowell DEREK
  2. Hi yon i reduced the dowel down to 12.7which is the correct diameter for one end then it fitted into my chuck,it is a fairly large chuck i have DEREK
  3. Hi all AM now proceeding with the bowsprit,i do not possess a lathe so am making do with a large chuck on my drill,the first thing i do is make sure the dowel runs true and not all over the place,i then use a davids plane turning the chuck by hand,then i start the drill up and lay a smooth file onto the dowel,when the dowel is down to the correct thickness,i then hold some smooth sand paper over the towel while it is rotating,ok its primative but it works well..
  4. Hi Canoe i have sent you a private message regarding where you can buy this item DEREK
  5. Hi Frank just saw you vid i used firefox no probs picture sound all ok,oh yeh the oscar is in the post.You just might have started some thing her my friend ihave not used my canon dvd camera in ages,might do one for meself now,lol i wont be going on here though. DEREK
  6. Hi Sjors First of i thought why on earth is Sjors dancing a jig with his build thought maybe it was a quaint dutch custom i missed seeing on my numerous travels there lol ok joking tell you what you making a nice job of that its coming along in leaps and bounds,for some reason on my last build i found the masts riggin etc the bit i most liked. DEREK
  7. Hi Jerry i see the tiling is of to flying start,for what its worth i never primed before tiling either no reason just never did.As for the tiling well its a either love it or hate it thing,personally i dont want to tile another hull lol.Yeh ok famous last words DEREK
  8. Hello yon i am about to attempt those buckets myself now,i am going to cut down on them,there is 21 in total,going to put 15 up only.Re poop deck yep was wondering about life boats up there myself it just seems a shame to cover up the last bit on where you can see the deck below,will they fit on poop deck ? to be honest it might not be historically correct,depends on how worried you are over that,to me if it fits on there,the whole build will look better for it,just my personal opinion. DEREK
  9. I will have you know that is the main mast for HMS Doomed at the start, took me ages to do that. Cheers DEREK
  10. Hello Well i took the bull by the horns,or rather brass by the pliers as Kevin said,i used a thinner piece of brass then the manual instructed,sat back had a few beers glared at bows had a few more beers then did a bit of grievious bodily harm to the brass strip,the results are in the photo well one side anyway,got to replicate this on the other side,i just for some reason had multi dramas with this bit.Oh yes i realise the brass profile is going to the lower grating and not the upper,but it will do for me,actually i dont think it looks to bad(am now going to break me arm patting myself on the back) what you mean good DEREK
  11. Hi Yon a neat touch the cover on the flag locker,stern gallery looks nice to,you are doing well very neat job well done DEREK
  12. Hi Yon yep i had same prob with windows in the end i took them out not only did they mist over they gathered so much dust to be useless as for cleaning them i found it was more trouble then they where worth,hoping to resume some work on my Vic now DEREK
  13. Hi Jerry pleased to see you got a log going hoping to return to my build soon,so far you are doing a fine job DEREK
  14. Sjors nice going lids are not so bad more tedious then anything,how many you got to do,(72 on me Vic) i think..Well a photo lol could do with a few more,no thats not a complaint,keep up the good friend .I just had a thought your photos are like your buses you never get any then 3 turn up together. DEREK
  15. Hiya Frank welcome back pleased your surgery went well now you take it easy friend take your time. DEREK
  16. David those last photos are real good you mentioned something about a light problem got to say they look ok to me (they not upside down) ha ha saying that makes me wonder how your photos on here come out ok,but your email ones emerge anyside up.That aside your Vic is looking smart and tidy good job. DEREK
  17. Kevin your paint work looks so smooth and dust free please tell me its a trick of the light. DEREK
  18. Hi Kevin that rail that comes under the cat head i have not done that as of yet still deciding how to do it ,the manual says bend one of those brass strips i tried gave up its not as easy as it sounds you have to bend it sideways i tried it heated and all sorts the angle on the bend is more acute then it looks,i might try styrene,but doing the rigoles and lids first,cat heads i have knocked of so many times leaving putting those back untill later.Bye the way those channels do have and i not done several rings and cleats on them.Yep another master piece of the manual DEREK
  19. Hi Patrick you are getting there i to threw the stanchions away and did the same as David,also i did the combings first then built ladder after,oh yes the instruction manual can prob have a thread for that alone DEREK
  20. Hello all a quick update all cannons installed on middle and upper deck,and now the job off doing all those lids,they are a bit fiddly but a few at a time to me is the best way DEREK
  21. Hello David nice job a few lids and cannons and the victory takes on a whole new look,has that ship of the line look about it now.DEREK
  22. hmm link does not show maybe MSW got something stopping them afraid its a manual thing Kevin page 1 general discussions
  23. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/920-what-materials-would-you-like-changed-in-kits-and-why/ There you go Kevin it on page one of general discussions DEREK
  24. Hi Kevin i started a topic which is going strong in discussions called what would you like changed in your kit and why use that.But yes a rolls royce build with lada instructions For £700 plus it leaves a lot to be desired. DEREK
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